- Prime Black
- Heavy Drybrush with Leadbelcher
- Paint Trim and Gold with Nazdreg Yellow Contrast
- Paint Areas for Hazard Stripes and any Leather with Wraithbone
- Paint Hazard Stripes with Iyanden Yellow Contrast
- Add Abaddon Black Stripes to Hazard Stripes
- Paint Gun Casings with Corvus Black
- Use a 50/50 mix of Wyldwood Contrast and Contrast Medium to wash the entire model
- Paint any Leather with Wyldwood Contrast
- Paint leg joints Black Templar Contrast
- Layer on Stirland Mud or Stirland Battlemire
- Drybrush with Balor Brown
- Drybrush with Screaming Skull
- Paint rims with Steel Legion Drab