Tag: Misbehavin’ Maidens

Nerdy Musical Advent 2022 – 6th December – Twiddles – Misbehavin’ Maidens

We all love the Misbehavin’ Maidens and their NSFW sea shanties, and this is a great one that flips the idea of a girl in every port on its head!

Its a great song, but I strongly recommended not listening to this round the bairns!

Nerdy Musical Advent 2021 – 24th December – Don’t Sail There No More – Misbehavin’ Maidens

We started the year with a NSFW song, so lets end it on another one!

Last year, the post which had a song by the Misbehavin’s Maidens was the most read post of the year, so I figured why not repeat that, but more to the point its a good nerdy, filhy ditty!

Musical Advent 2020 – December 13th – I Wanna Make Out with You at Cons – Misbehavin’ Maidens

OK, this one is quite a but not safe for work, its a lovely little filk shanty by the Misbehavin’ Maidens, and I warn you not to listen to their stuff with kids around!

They are a very very sex positive band who sing about femenism, drinking, sex and geek culture, I am a big fan because they are funny as hell. And sometimes you need some filthy filk in your life!

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