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WorldCon 2024 – Day 5

This was supposed to have been posted ages ago, but alas the day we got home from WorldCon we all came down with Covid and still suffering!

Well the day started with a trip to the Glasgow Dental Hospital for an emergency appointment, and I have walked away with an anti-biotics, which can’t be filled in England, so a trip to a pharmacist before we cross the border.

Me and Lindsay then got into the SEC where we had a snack and chilled out for a bit, and I headed off to the panel on Baldurs Gate 3.

That was a naming panel with its senior writer and games director, and a few of the voice actors in the audience too.

Great panel and a lot of fun

After that, it was next door to a panel on Safety Tools for Tabletop Roleplaying Games which was a very helpful panel and a lot of useful tips were obtained.

My final panel was the 25th Anniversary of Star Wars: Epsiode 1 – The Phantom Menace.

I really like the movie, it the panel pretty much all agreed they weren’t fans of it!

Then I moved into the Armadillo for the closing ceremony and the handover of the gavel to Seattle 2025.

And that’s me done for a WorldCon for the next 5 years, as a disabled man pretty much completely dependent on benefits a WorldCon not in the British isles is just out of reach.

Myself, Lindsay and Megan are all however planning on attending EasterCon next year, I have just spent a bit of time on AirBnB pricing somewhere up, sadly the Hilton is way out of our budget!

WorldCon 2024 – Day 4

I missed the early morning of the con due to toothache, I just needed a bit more sleep, and I am at the point where I am having to use water to try and numb the tooth and reduce the pain

Heading for the 1pm panel I wanted to attend which was panel on What are Reviews For? Balancing Critique, Recommendation, Promotion and the Art of Criticism in the written review, mostly cause I really want to get back into reviewing books

O had to leave at the 40 minute mark as my toothache briefly became overwhelming and I could no longer concentrate at all

So I took a break went and got an energy drink and a Mars bar, then made my way back to the Crowne Plaza for 3D Printing: What’s Available, Getting Started, and Current Trends, and having recently bought myself a new printer, and Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra, I really wanted to attend this panel, like very much so!

It was a great panel and had people ranging from a basic hobbiests to a DARPA engineer and they discussed tech from the basic £75 addictive printer, right up to multi-million printers that can create objects out of titanium and beryllium that have been sent into space

Really wish this was recorded so I can watch it later

My next panel was Making Space for Making, cause yeah my space is kinda tight so tips and hints on how to optimise that would be handy.

It didn’t really cover any of that but was great cause they just spoke about practical hobbies for making stuff!

Then it was the Another Castle concert which I missed in Dublin and have been itching to see since then

And that was so much fun, absolute joy!

After that I went back to the AirBnB where we did some emergency filing work on my tooth then called 111 for an appointment, it was just that bad

An appointment was arranged for the next day at 9:30am and we had a cheeky Nandos for tea

We then returned home after buying some teething gel, and I built a Macro-Plasma Incinerator

So today is the last day, which will involve a dentist trip!

WorldCon 2024 – Day 3

I finally got to sleep about 2:30am, once I was asleep it was fine but in general as soon as I go upstairs at night in the house the toothache hits.

Gonna try taking my painkillers a bit earlier today, but in general I cannot wait to get home to my own beds.

We started the day with a lorne sausage and egg stottie and then realised that Lindsay’s legs had swollen a huge amount over two day.

So she and Megan decided to rest up and be online attendees today, so me and Paul headed off in his car so he could charge it, but ran into a slight issue.

The owner of the house was holding a wedding and right where we needed to drive through, in order to leave, was where they were taking photographs.

So we had to wait a bit of a while, but eventually got underway and successfully made it to the SEC and got Paul’s car on charge, though that was a chew on cause of Paul’s impatience.

My first panel of the day was in the Crowne Plaza and was Tabletop Games: Then and Now, which as you will all know is right up my street, and that was looking at the revival of board games in the past couple of decades.

The panel was fun, but was kinda dominated by one of the panellists who focused almost exclusively on RPGs and less on board games.

Still a great panel, but one of the panellists just couldn’t get a word in edgewise and I actually really wanted to hear from him.

But it is what it is, some people naturally are very good at being able to talk very dominantly, not necessarily a bad thing.

After that I headed over to the SEC for DIY Audiobook Production to get some ideas for the podcast and some bits and bobs we want to do with it!

Was pretty good, but could have used with a bit more focus on actual DIY recording, there seemed to have been an assumption of using professional studios to a degree.

I really wanted to ask a question, but they left only 4 minutes for questions so only a couple were able to be asked and they spent a lot of time answering them, so my question never got asked.

The question would have been, for the DIY audio book producer, how will machine learning technologies like background noise removal impact them either positively or negatively.

But yeah very little on DIY stuff and a big focus on celebrity narrators and really professional level stuff.

Overall, have to say, my least favourite panel so far, felt like they hadn’t read the panel description and just spoke about their work with people like Wil Wheaton and Stephen King.

Then it was back off to the Crowne Plaza off to Governments in SFF, a topic I am always interested in.

Fairly interesting, especially as it looked at why so many SFF stories look to monarchy and empire as the types of governments they talk about.

I had wanted to get into the Personal Branding workshop, but failed to get selected for that.

I know the panels have been an actual lottery, but myself, Lindsay and Megan have put our names forward for at least one every day and not been successful in getting into any of them.

I know it’s supposed to make it more fair than someone simply turning up early to sign up, but when you get knocked back in for every single one it’s fairly frustrating, almost like why am I even bothering.

After a brief wanted round the Hucksters room, I then attended You Never Walk Alone: The Best Animal Companions in SFF which was a good and interesting panel, but there was a lot of rambling and in general stories about the participants animals, which is never a bad thing!

The final panel of the day I attended was on the 30th Anniversary of Stargate and that was the most fun panel of the day!

I asked a question about the lesser known members of the franchise, Infinite and Origins, which none of the panel were at all really familiar with!

After that kinda had to give up the toothache was too much so I retired to Hall 4 and had some gyros for my tea.

We attended the parties for Japans Halcon, which was pretty fun and the Dublin 2029 party, which both me and Lindsay have a soft spot for, as we both really loved Dublin 2019!

After that myself Lindsay and Megan returned to the AirBnB where I built a Lieutenant for the Dark Angels, and then retired to bed

The toothache seems to be getting worse, so no idea how I am gonna manage the next couple of days

WorldCon 2024 – Day 2

Oh last night my sleep was dreadful, like properly terrible!

So dragged myself out of bed and had a lorne sausage stottie, cooked by Paul, but burnt but tasty.

Then myself and Paul got dropped off for a 10am panel, I went to The Second Difficult Album, a panel about podcasts and how to take them that little bit further.

Very concentrated on the fannish community, but some lessons I can apply to Edge of Empire!

I then ended up in the quiet space for 90 minutes whilst I had a little nap

Followed by a panel on mixed successes in RPGs

I struggled with this one, simply because the room was very hot and poorly ventilated and air conditioned.

And whilst I have had zero issues following people wearing masks, one of the participants had a mask that made her particularly hard to follow sadly

After that I wanted into an Ashoka panel, but that sadly was full so I grabbed lunch, I though we had made a packed lunch, but alas we didn’t so I had some Jammy Dodgers and a Calypo!

Following a wander round the hucksters room, I headed off to my next panel which was Creative Content Creators, in an attempt to pick up some hints and tips for the podcast and battle reports stuff!

It was pretty good, with a lot of suggestions that I admit we have heard before, mostly in consistency, and just jump in and do what you actually want to do.

So yeah might get that other podcast I really want to do done

Then I had to rush down to try and catch The Dark Room, a show I have been wanting to see for years, but never have managed to get tickets for whilst at the UK Games Expo

And I got in with a bit of time to spare and had a really really good time, it was as funny as everyone said it was and was over the moon to be able to finally attend this well loved show, that has been on my radar for over a decade!

And finally for the day I wanted to attend the Tubes and Grams, Blogs and Toks: Reviewing Across the Internet panel

So I stayed back with Paul whilst Lindsay and Megan went back and made tea.

It was a good panel, and as an occasional reviewer, pretty helpful.

We then headed home cause myself, Megan and Lindsay were all absolutely exhausted and needed to try and catch an early night.

Our tea was sloppy joes on garlic bread and that was

And I built an Impulsor for the Dark Angels to maintain the #HobbyStreak

And finally headed to bed, where I played a bit of Death Stranding before heading off to sleep

WorldCon 2024 – Day 1

Day one of WorldCon was

Started off with a breakfast of a couple of bagels, then we headed off the SEC, where the BEV charging point refused to work.

We got registered ok, and then hung about for a bit before heading to our first panels.

I tried to get into a panel on indie TTRPGs but it was full, so had a nap in the quiet room.

Then I hit a panel on Cosy Games.

I am not really a cosy gamer, but it sounded fun, and my hope that Lindsay and Megan would find some games to play other than Animal Cross and Dreamlight Valley, actually may have worked.

After that I grabbed a quick snack (a chicken and stuffing sandehich from McCoys), then headed to my next panel, Writing for Video Games.

I have no plans to write a video game, but we do write for Heresy events and Company of Legends, so hoping I could pick up some tips and hints to improve that

After that I went to a panel called Big Bytey Bugs! When Is the Next Computer Apocalypse Due? which was really interesting and considered the issues facing the world, given our dependency on IT and IT infrastructure, especially in the wake of the CrowdStrike failure recently

And I asked my first question of the day which was about the recent attempt to insert malicious code into xz and our current dependence on just a handful of companies for various parts of the internet.

The it was a panel for the 25th Anniversary of The Mummy, which Megan has been chomping at the bit to go to, it’s one of their favourite films.

Was quite fun, lots of the jokes being talked about and a general agreement that Tom Cruises should never have existed!

My last panel of the day was Worldbuilding in Gaming which was something I am very interested in, particularly for our Horus Heresy events, and perhaps that novel I dream of one day writing, not probably never will!

Was fairly interesting but not sure how much I can apply to what I want to do

After that we headed off to Nando’s for tea, myself and Megan shared a full platter

Then we headed home all exhausted, I built some Incursors for my Dark Angels and then hit the hay.

But it took me hours to sleep due to a toothache from the pulpititus

Also I did grab a small haul here

Loving my time here and hopefully day 2 will be just as good!

Off To WorldCon/The Eclipsing War

As I publish this, we are at the Glasgow 2024 WorldCon, the first UK WorldCon in a decade and the first WorldCon for Megan and Paul.

We headed up to Glasgow on Wednesday morning, taking both ours and Pauls BEVs, so transport was cheap as chips!

After a brief stop at Lockerbie services to charge we arrived around about lunchtime in Glasgow

We found Warhammer, and Bird and Blend, had a fairly disappointing bagel for lunch

After that we headed over to our AirBnB which is what seems to be the old Servants Quarters of a big house!

I took a bit of time to build something for my #HobbyStreak, in this case some ETB Aggressors that will join the Dark Angels

We went food shopping, had chilli then went to bed!

The Eclipsing War

On Sunday myself and Graham ran the first Edge of Empire single day event in a long while, The Eclipsing War.

The game was played over 3 missions,, and we used a set of Stratagems and a set of Warlord Fatality tables, one for infantry and one for vehicles.

Plus some custom game stratagems.

The setup was actually done for us on arrival, cause the players and Phil are super awesome!

And we just got into it with an amazing set of games, which came down to a single point tipping it in the favour of the traitors, even though Mission 1 was kind of biased in favour of the traitors.

After that we judged the armies for the best army award, a choice that is based not only on painting, but on theme and composition, which was won by this Ultramarines army from Michael Weatherstone

Game 2 followed which was a draw, so the Loyalists could now achieve a draw overall

The 3rd and last game though, saw a Traitor win for them to seal a victory!

Finally we have out the prizes, the few we had and went home

Think it went well, everyone seemed to enjoy it and we are being asked to run another one soon

What I Am Modelling

I painted this Infernus Squad for my Ultramarines

Alongside a pair of Marines Clangers, one helmeted, one bare headed

So what’s next on my list?

  1. Genestealers x 20 & Broodlord
  2. Squid Hoppers x 10
  3. Robutte Gillian x 2
  4. Barbgaunts x 5
  5. Blood Angels Landspeeders x 2
  6. MegacBoss on Maw-Krusha
  7. Paragon Warsuits with Multi-Melta x 3
  8. Domicile Shell x 2 & Guardian Idol
  9. Space Wolves Reivers x 5
  10. Rockgut Troggoths x 3

What I Am Spending

Forgot to list some video games I had bought recently!

It was also Humble Choice so I got from that

And I bought the Board Game Night Humble Bundle that got me:-

I also picked up Stormbringer 77 this morning, two copies, one to make a Knight-Draconis and another for the Stormdrake Guard to join the one from last week.

And a new painting handle, cause yeah, I need all the handles, well I want to have 21, so I can do a big unit of 20 plus a HQ

Studio Refurbishment

Its been a while since my last post, but I have been very busy with the studio refurbishment!

My studio is a bit of a mess, it’s awful to work in due to it being such a state.

And after insulation gate and the fact we need to repaint, why not refurb the place and make it better.

Now we rent this place so I am limited in what I can do, so it’s limited to better furniture, better storage, better cable management etc


This has taken place over a few times, but we had two slanted walls on the roof to paint plus a patch on the ceiling and the feature wall

I started off by painting the ceiling at the same time as we did mine and Lindsay’s bedroom as that was super simple to do

I did the two sloped ceilings on my own in two stages so that it was fine and ready for the feature wall, which was gonna be the big one!

For the feature wall the first thing we had to do was remove my desk and some of my storage and basically take everything off the walls!

We had some bits that were filled in and then sanded down to give a smooth finish, more than I liked.

After that we painted it a slightly darker grey than had been on there because we couldn’t colour match what was there.


Right now in the studio, we have a Powerline brining in a connection from the modem downstairs, when we started this project, it exclusively provides a connection for the server

We also have a TP-Link Deco S7 Mesh access point which most other stuff connects to, which provides a faster connection than the Powerline.

But the server, for some reason doesn’t like working through the Mesh.

Regardless, the connection to the server desk started out on the floor, crossing over it and creating a major trip hazard.

To provide power, I had to route an extension cord around the room, and that’s what we did with the network cable.

I got a 20m Cat 8 cable, and just wrapped it up with the power cable using zip ties and then took it around the room, and into a new switch under the desk.

It still needs clipping to the door frame to the eave, but I am doing that tomorrow

But alas, Lindsay decided to move out of the studio and as a result the switch is now no longer required, but I guess better to have, than have not

We also added a Wi-Fi card to Megan’s PC, not so much for the Wi-Fi, but more for the Bluetooth capabilities, that way she can use a wireless controller.

Yeah I know a USB dongle would have been cheaper and easier, but I have always found their performance to be so so.

And this kind of gives them another option for connecting their PC to the network.


It might sound silly, but phone charging has always been a bit haphazard, I normally just plug the phone into the PC, but look I want convenience.

So I grabbed a cheap MagSafe charger, I did have a Qi charger, but I have found Qi to be annoying as it’s just a chew in to perfectly align the coils and it’s slower, and quite inefficient.

MagSafe solves that issue, thankfully! And you know what’s cool, Qi2 is basically MagSafe and should start being common very soon!

I also upgraded the plug socket, well, not so much upgraded as just added an extra two sockets removing the need for as many extension cords.

I get no more power from it, but I feel more comfortable with the load spread across 4 sockets than 2.

Paint Storage

We were using a deep set of drawers to store paint, that I have been using for the better part of a decade.

But we decided to move to paint racks/shelves from TT Combat, because we wanted get more desk space back for Megan.

So we bought two paint shelves to store 72 Citadel paints each for a total of 216 pots, plus a 72 dropper bottle rack, as I expand into ranges such as Two Thin Coats, Army Painter and TT Combat.

And my wonderful friend Paul gave me this shelf he had and was no longer using to give me 3 in total!

3D Printing,

We replaced my cheap Monoprice Mini, with a Saturn 4 Ultra, which takes up quite a bit more room.

So this now lives where the old printer, cure chamber and PS5 used to go.

We also grabbed a few accessories to help with this, we grabbed a funnel for popping resin back into a bottle, plus a few things like scrappers and a restock of nitrile gloves!

Mounting Hardware

One thing we decided pretty early on, is a desire for dual monitor arms for both mine and Lindsay’s setup

We started off with Lindsay’s setup straight away, cause she needed it for work.

But of course she moved downstairs, so this moved with her, and I have this same one on my desk

I had purchased some time ago a bunch of Elgato Wallmounts and was only using one of them, but with the 3D Printer and paint racks, I now needed to use these for real.

So now these hold both my Keylight Airs, my Overhead camera for the painting table and my FaceCam for use when painting


We also got an Ultrasonic Cleaner to put in the studio to do a mix of things, partly for cleaning my airbrush, Megan & Lindsay’s jewellery, our glasses and resin models etc

In order to accommodate the 3D Printer, we wall mounted the PS5 with this

It allows me to take the PS5 off the desk, and also charges two of the controllers too, meaning I no longer need the controller charging station sat on the desk

What Next

So what’s the plan for the future, well I need a new Besta unit to store more board games as a good chunk of those have now moved to the studio where Lindsay’s desk used to be.

And I need to sort out a lot of cable management, for my PC setup and Megan’s, but that’s probably a job for the winter.

The rest of it is just gonna be sorting out what’s in the room and how I can better organise the storage.

What I Am Modelling

I started off with a couple of squads of Assault Intercessors for the Dark Angels.

And followed that up with the gangs from The Carnevale, Escape from San Canciano mini starter box, starting with the Rashaar.

Then followed up with the Guild

After that I painted a Domicile Shell for Age of Sigmar

So whats next up on the desk?

  1. Genestealers x 20 & Broodlord
  2. Ultramarines Infernus Squad x 5
  3. Squig Hoppers x 10
  4. Guilliman x 2
  5. Barbgaunts x 5
  6. Blood Angels Land Speeders
  7. Calgar x 2
  8. Mega Boss on Maw-Krusha
  9. Paragon Warsuits with Mult-Meltas x 3
  10. Domicile Shell x 2

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Played a board game after a long gap, with Ticket to Ride: Berlin with Lindsay and Megan

I love the mini Ticket to Ride games and this one is a really good one, the subway mechanic is really fun!

I had a game of Warhammer 40K with my Necrons vs a combined force of Space Wolves which won!

And a game of Heresy against Graham to try out a new mission he wrote for an event we were running

What Video Games I Am Playing

Continued playing Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered on Stream

What I Am Winning

A few weeks ago I won a bottle of resin from Elegoo on Twitter and that got delivered this week, a nice bottle of 8k water washable space grey, perfect for the Saturn 4 Ultra when it arrives in a few weeks hopefully!

I also won a copy of Chorlton and the Wheelies on DVD from HeyYouGuys

And a book, but no idea from whom this is from

What I Am Spending

Grabbed a couple of issues of Stormbringer 73 to add two units of Ardboyz to my Ironjawz, and along with the issue coming with my Subscription will give me an awesome three units of them to form a nice core of the Orruk Warclans army.

I won a voucher from a competition for Amazon, which allowed me to purchase a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth PCIe card for Megans PC, mostly for the Bluetooth for her to be able to use a wireless controller.

Yes I know I could have gotten a cheap USB dongle, but I think the extra reliability of the card is better, plus Wi-Fi is a nice backup to have.

Initially we bought a cheap Chinese one, but the card was a dud, the chipset wasn’t the MediaTek one described and was a far inferior RealTek one, plus the driver site appeared to be filled with malware, so that got sent back to Amazon.

And yeah replaced it with the far more trusted TP-Link!

And we got the next paint rack from TTCombat, this time for my dropper bottle paints, which consist of some Vallejo, TTCombat, Turbo Dork and Army Painter, plus a single Two Thin Coats bottle

The reason we have gone for this, despite only having around 30 dropper bottles, is that I have decided for many basic colours, I am shifting to Army Painter Fanatics, with some select Two Thin Coats plus a few others from various other ranges.

Also got myself a couple more Elgato Wall Mounts, which will be used to mount my Keylight Airs, given the desk space currently used for the stands will be taken up by the paint racks, and the new 3D printer.

Then came the last paint rack and some ships for Dropfleet Commander

And another Stormbringer issue, this time 76 for some extra Stormdrake Guard!

More Painting & A Toothache

The past weekend we painted the wall in Lindsay’s room that had the insulation work done on it. Friday morning, myself and Megan removed all the stuff from the wall and then painted two mist coats on the wall.

Saturday we were all knackered, so bugger all got done, but Sunday came, and we got three coats of brilliant white on the wall and it looks a lot better!

I also did the ceiling in the studio, where the workmen cut a hole in to stuff the roof with insulation, because its the part of the studio that’s been bothering me most.

Just popped up every time we did something in the room, I did a coat up there, and yeah looks nice

Other than that I am being bothered by a tooth infection, but I am seeing a dentist on Friday, right now it feels like my tooth is going to explode and leave shattered tooth all over my mouth 🙁

What I Am Modelling

I started off by painting the Enforcer Commander for my T’au to complete their second Combat Patrol

Followed by these Sister of Silence to complete the first Custodes Combat Patrol

First a Vigilator Squad

Followed by a Prosecutor Squad

And painted the Spirit of Durthu for the Sylvaneth

Alongside a normal Treelord too

So whats next?

  1. Escape from San Canciano Gangs
  2. Dark Angels Assault Intercessors x 10
  3. Genestealers x 20 & Broodlord
  4. Squig Hoppers x 10
  5. Ultramarines Infernus Squad x 5
  6. Roboute Guilliman x 2
  7. Barbgaunts x 5
  8. Blood Angels Landspeeders x 2
  9. Marneus Calgar x 2
  10. Mega Boss on Maw-Krusha

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Had a game of Heresy with Russell on Friday at Hartlepool Gamers, and yeah I got beat, of course.

But it was a great game none the less, and Evander Garius is a beast!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Started at last with Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry on stream, and I got it finished in five sessions!

And I started on Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Remastered

What I Am Creating

The next Combat Patrol Battle Report was published, this time featuring Megan!

What I Am Spending

We got ourselves an Ultrasonic Cleaner as part of the Studio Referb

And the first of a few Paint holders we need to save some space

We also grabbed some NFC tags to play around with some ideas, the main idea was to make a guest Wi-Fi connection board

That’s been mixed, due to Apple being a special boy, you can’t connect to the Wi-Fi with the NFC reader, so we had to put a QR code in for that.

Still awaiting an Android person to come round so we can test it properly.

What I have found a good use for so far, is to put one on my army boxes and link it to a Google Doc with whats in the box in it, and I think I am going to do this with all my army boxes over the next few weeks.

It was also Humble Choice week, so I got that and ended up with

Resolutions Update – May & June 2024

Sorry for not getting this out sooner, but its been a funny few months!

Complete 6 Combat Patrols – 50% Complete

By the skin of my teeth I completed the Chaos Space Marines Combat Patrol, but I had to do the transfers for the Havocs on the 1st July.

I did also get a few bits for the Tyranids Combat Patrol finished and built the stuff for a Custodes and T’au Combat Patrol!

Bring My Gloomspite Gitz to 2000 Point – Complete

This month we added to the Gitz, an Aleguzzler Gargant, some Sneaky Snufflers, Boingrot Bounderz and Sportplatta Fanatics!

This means I am now on 2470 points before the next edition drops!

Still to finish I have a couple of units of Squig Hoppers, some Squig Herds, a Dankhol Troggoth, Skragrott the Loonking and some Rockgut Troggoths.

Get My Drukhari To 2000 Points – 58% Complete

No progress, need to buy some more units, I have some more Helions and Reavers to paint, but that’s it right now.

Want some Wracks, but having issues getting them.

Complete My Video Game Geek Hardcore 10! – 60% Complete

This month I completed Final Fantasy II Pixel Remaster, it’s one of the alternative three, so will only count at the end of the year if my main ten aren’t done

I have now started on God of War (2018) after abandoning it at the end of 2022, I have decided to start over again from scratch

I also finished Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and have started on Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry

So this is where we stand now

Alternative Three

Read 40 Books – 75% Complete

This month I have read/listened to

Start the Combat Patrol Battle Reports

We got a single report published in this period

Not Much Going On

This week has been much of a muchness, there isn’t much going on at all

Just waiting for WorldCon I guess and a the Heresy event

Got to get a shift on with a few things, but this week has just been meh

My depression is getting kinda bad, but I have a project of refurbing the studio to get on with

What I Am Modelling

I started out with the Blade Champion for the Custodes, who will do double duty, being in both the 40K Combat Patrol and being a Shield Captain in Heresy.

I then painted an Apothecary Biologis for the Dark Angels.

I also painted a Bladeguard Lieutenant for the Dark Angels

Plus a Deathwing Ancient

And a squad of Deathwing Terminators

Also a couple of Watchers in the Dark to join the Terminators

And then it was some Paragon Warsuits for the Sisters of Battle, all armed with Heavy Bolters.

After which I turned my attention to these Havocs for the True Sons, completing the old Chaos Space Marines Combat Patrol

So what’s next

  1. Spirit of Durthu
  2. Sisters of Silence x 10
  3. T’au Enforcer Comanger
  4. Escape from San Canciano Gangs
  5. Dark Angels Assault Intercessors x 10
  6. Genestealers x 20 & Broodlord
  7. Squig Hoppers x 10
  8. Ultramarines Infernus Squad x 5
  9. Treelord
  10. Gulliman x 2

What I Am Reading

I listened to Longshot by Rob Young which has been kinda amazing

What Video Games I Am Playing

Playing Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag again on stream and completed it late Friday night/early Saturday Morning!

What I Am Creating

A new episode of Edge of Empire dropped on Sunday!

What I Am Winning

We won a Polaroid instant camera from a competition with Heart Radio

What I Am Spending

I grabbed a new painting handle, I knows it’s mad, but I am trying to build these up to 21 owned in total

That would allow me to paint full units of 20, of which I do more often than I’d like, plus a HQ

I also bought a box of Allarus Custodians to complete the new Custodes Combat Patrol

To start a long awaited studio refurbishment project, I bought the first of a few paint racks we are going to need from TT Combat, this is a rack to hold 72 Citadel pots.

The plan is to have 3 of these plus a rack for 72 dropper bottles.

I also bought a 20m Cat 8 cable to route data to the server and Lindsay’s desk without creating a trip hazard!

And a MagSafe charger for my desk, to make charging my phone a lot easier

Now because this was delayed by 24 hours, Amazon gave me a £10 gift card to compensate me, it was like £8.

So I used this to buy a network switch for the studio, this will go on the end of the 20m cable and then be split into Lindsay work laptop and the server.

Hers is being fitted now, mine will be after the painting work and along side the cable management improvements.

I bought the IGN Live At Home Humble Bundle which netted me

I also bought the Tiny Build Himble Bundle which got me

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