Tag: Stormbringer

Battling Fatigue

The chest is feeling better, I am coughing less and I am able to climb stairs without needing my inhaler halfway up.

But the fatigue is another thing, I think I have spent more of the last couple of weeks in bed asleep, than awake, and its pretty annoying.

It having a marked effect on my memory as I am forgetting so much, and I have become a real burden on Megan and especially Lindsay as she has family stuff going on right now.

Hopefully I can push though it, and I will try as much as I can, that’s all I can do right.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week with a Nexus Syphon for my Age of Sigmar terrain box

And then a couple of bases of Ripper Swarms for the Tyranids

Then two units of Stabbas for the Gloomspite Gitz

And a Knight-Judicator for my Celestial Vindicators

After that it was 20 Termagants for the Tyranids

Then I painted a trio of Ork Warbikers!

I am currently working on Khagra’s Ravagers for Underworlds

Post by @biggeordiegeek
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So what’s next?

  1. Khagra’s Ravagers
  2. Dark Angels Intercessors x 5
  3. Imperial Fists Heavy Bolter Heavy Support Squad x 10
  4. Spite Revenants x 10
  5. Penitent Engine
  6. Vigilors x 10
  7. Nexus Syphon
  8. Chief Librarian Tigurius & Ultramarines Primaris Librarian
  9. Homunculus
  10. Bloodletters of Khorne x 10

What I Am Reading

I finished The Talon of Horus by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, which was really, really good!

I then listened to Flip-Flop by Jonathan Morris, which was quite unique, but a lot of fun. And then I moved on to Omega by Nev Fountain, which was ok, not amazing, but not terrible.

I am now listening to Creed: Ashes of Cadia by Jude Reid which is quite good so far, and absolutely makes me want to collect a Cadian army!

And I am still reading The End and the Death: Volume III by Dan Abnett, which is a very compelling book, but a big read, especially when I have fatigue issues!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

A couple of games of the 40k league, but the third one I was due to play today, I utterly forgot about cause of the aforementioned issues, utterly unfair on my opponent and I feel like such a dickhead for it.

What Video Games I Am Playing

a bit more of Yakuza 0, its a weird game, but I am loving the story.

I also returned to the Halo Infinite campaign, the last time I had fired it up until last Thursday was the day Mary passed away, so I guess that explains why I didn’t pick it up again, especially as we moved house shortly afterwards.

What I Am Creating

I published the next battle report of Combat Patrol, this episode features the Drukhari taking on the Vangaurd Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter!

What I Am Backing

Nowt new, but I realised I forgot to pay for shipping on the Firefly: The Game – 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition project, so we got that done, and I cannot imagine we will get it until later on in the year and not in the main wave!

What I Am Spending

A few video games were bought

I picked up a copy of Stormbringer with a Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig.

I also bought some Deathwing Terminators for the Dark Angels army that I am NOT building!!!

And a sponsor sorted me out with a set of the Boarding Actions terrain.

2023 Charity Painting Marathon

As with most years recently, other than 2023, I am going to paint this weekend for 24 hours,this time to try and paint a Drukhari Combat Patrol in 24 hours!

I am aiming to raise £100 for the Willow Foundation, a charity that’s very very close to my heart.

I am going to be painting this weekend from 10pm on Friday night to 10pm Saturday night, so it would be great if you could drop by and hang out, and if you believe in the cause, drop a few quid in.

The Willow Foundation is an amazing charity that does special days for very ill young people, and made my friend Lees last days very happy, and his family and friends continue to raise money for the charity with LeeStock, an amazing festival in Suffolk.

But let me let the Willow Foundation tell their story in their own words.

At Willow we believe in quality of life and quality of time. Willow is the only national charity working with seriously ill young adults aged 16 to 40 to fulfil uplifting and unforgettable Special Days. This year we hope to fulfil 1,400 Special Days – a day to anticipate, to share and to remember when happy memories really do count. Sadly for some, it’s a last chance to fulfil a dream with the people that really matter. Thankfully for many more their Special Day is an important opportunity to put much-needed normality back into living.

To give to my fundraiser, visit this link, and you will be able to follow along on Twitch.

What I Am Modelling

I started off by painting the Catacomb Command Barge for the Necrons

Alongside an Overlord

And an Annihilation Barge too

I the. Completed a Big’Ed Bossbunka for the Orks.

I then finished up the Kill Zone Octarius to complete most of my Ork Scrap Town terrain box!

And finally I painted up the Primal Liar from Stormbringer, for my new Age of Sigmar terrain that I will be keeping at home.

So what’s coming up next?

  1. Swampcalla Shaman x 3 & Pot Grot x 2
  2. The Rashaar
  3. Gutrippas x 10
  4. Beast Skewer Killbow x 2
  5. Imperial Fists Tactical Squad x 10
  6. Soriatias Palatine
  7. Pink Horrors x 2, Blue Horrors x 4, Brimstone Horrors x 4
  8. Defkilla Wartrike
  9. Ultramarines Bladeguard Veterans, Bladeguard Ancient and Ancient
  10. Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun

What I Am Reading

I am still reading Sisters of Sorcery by Marsheila Rockwell, but plan to get that finished in the next day or so.

I finished listening to The Helwinter Gate by Chris Wraight, got to admit the trilogy started off rough, but was absolutely phenomenal by the end, I hope to hear more from the pack in the future!

I am planning on starting listening to Leviathan by Darius Hinks next and reading Compromised by Thomas Parrott.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I played a game of Horus Heresy on Friday, and weirdly I won!

It was against Russell’s Alpha Legion, and to be honest, I think taking Fafnir Rann and Sigismund in the same list may be a bit overkill!

And on Saturday I played a game of Blood Bowl for the league with my Skaven vs Shambling Undead, and the result

I took a lot of injuries in the game, like 4 players got taken out of the match in the end!

At one point I had only one players on the field!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Mostly The Witcher 3, I finished Hearts of Stone in it and am now working on Blood and Wine.

What I Am Creating

The latest episode of Edge of Empire has landed, both in audio and on YouTube!

What I Am Winning

Won a prize on Twitter, a new Western Digital 1TB M.2 NVME SSD, along with a Genshin Impact mousemat and a muscular bunny who looks a bit like my bunny Angron, Eater of Cables!

What I Am Backing

Still backing the GameFound project for the Firefly: The Game 10th Anniversary Edition, with the Veteran Pilots pledge level.

I am also backing the Jon Hodgson Backgrounds Book campaign, but undecided if I want to go with the Sci-Fi book or the original book, very torn on that one!

What I Am Spending

Bought a few more video games, i continued rounding out the Resident Evil series with Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil Revelations.

I completed the Wolfenstein series with Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Wolfenstein Cyberpilot.

Avengers was a bargain on Steam and I really want to play the single player campaign, so I picked that up, alongside 80s Overdrive, Garbage, F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin and F.E.A.R 3 and Necromunda: Underhive Wars.

I did buy some extra Termagants to bulk out some existing units to bring them up to 20 gribbly units!

And of course I picked up Leviathan from Gamers-at-Hart on Saturday!

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