Due to illness, the May update kinda ended up getting forgotten about, but hey lets not let that be an issue, and even this update is very late!

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Army of Drukhari – 22.75% Complete

We got the Raider finished, but due to the points in the new edition the Wych detachment is now 45pts short of 500 🙁

But the next step is the Kabal detachment, which will be as follows

Archon - 85
Drazhar - 105
Kabalite Warriors x 10 - 120
Incubui x 5  - 85
Raider - 90
Ravager - 95

Total - 580

So once done that should give me a total size of 1035!

Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Genestealer Cultists – o% Complete

The new points means what I have is now 340pts, so to get these back to 500 I will be adding Atalan Jackals and a Achillies Ridgerunner at some point!

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Combat Patrol of Tyranids – 27% Complete

We have painted a Parasite of Mortrek, and this is now a 2000 point army project thanks to Leviathan, so lets take a look at what we are thinking for this army!

This is the list I am thinking of building

Winged Tyranid Prime - 80
Winged Hive Tyrant - 195
Lictor - 75
Parasite of Mortrex - 90
Broodlord - 100
Termagants x 20 - 120
Termagants x 10 - 60
Termagants x 10 - 60
Neurotyrant - 105
Screamer-Killer - 180
Psychophage - 125
Von Ryan's Leapers x 3 - 75
Barbgaunts x 5 - 50
Neurogaunts x 11 - 90
Ripper Swarms x 3 - 35
Ripper Swarms x 3 - 35
Genestealers x 10 - 180
Genestealers x 5 - 90
Gargouls x 10 - 75
Tyranid Warriors with Melee Bio-Weapons - 90
Tyranid Warriors with Ranged Bio-Weapons - 90

This leaves me needing to buy

  • Gargouls
  • Tyranid Warriors

Which isn’t terrible!

Bring my Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 50% Complete

Ok so lets see how my list is impacted, well here goes

Primaris Lieutenant - 75
Uriel Ventris - 85
Assault Intercessor Squad - 180
Intercessor Squad x 5 - 95
Intercessor Squad x 5 - 95
Redemptor Dreadnought - 225
Outrider Squad x 3 - 115
Suppressor Squad x 3 - 95
Eliminator Squad x 3 - 95
Eradicator Squad x 3 - 95
Repulsor - 195

That gives me 1350 points, so I need to add 650 points, so I am going to painting extra

Bladguard Ancient - 50
Bladeguard Veterans - 100
Sternguard Veterans - 105
Firestrike Servo Turret - 80
Invader ATV - 80
Primaris Chaplain - 65
Primaris Apothecary - 55
Impulsor - 95

And that would bring me to 1980 points!

Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points – 84%

OK so we have a new Generals Handbook so how does that impact what I have?

Orruk Megaboss - 140
Orruk Megaboss - 140
Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof - 130
Killaboss with Stab-Grot - 100
Murtknob with Belcha-Banna - 80
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman - 90
Swampcalla Shaman with Potr-Grot - 100
Gutrippaz - 150
Hobgrot Slittaz - 80
Hobgrot Slittaz - 80
Orruk Brutes - 150
Man-Skewer Boltboyz - 120
Man-Skewer Boltboyz - 120
Beast-Skewer Killbow - 100
Beast-Skewer Killbow - 100

So that’s 1680 points meaning I need 320 points!

I am next adding to the army the following which is on my desk right now

Da Kunnin' Krew - 150
Gutrippas - 150
Man-Skewer Boltboyz - 120

So any combination of two of those will get me there!

Build & Paint Two Gangs for Carnivale – 50%

The Guild are done, next up the Rashaar (Spoiler, they are now done!)

Get My Weight to Under 100KG and Sustain It Below That

I actually put some on with illness and I am back to 114kg!

Publish One Battle Report a Month

This needs serious addressing

Stream Twice A Week

This also needs serious addressing

Complete My 2023 VideoGameGeek Challenge

This also needs serious addressing, like seriously!