The past couple of years I have been participating in the challenge to beat a list of 10 video games.

I did ok last year and managed to get through 9 of them and a back up.

This year I have picked a reasonable mix of games that I am going to try and beat, and this is them

  1. Horizon Forbidden West – PS5
  2. Cyberpunk 2077 – Steam
  3. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Xbox
  4. Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China – Xbox
  5. Resident Evil HD – Steam
  6. Lego Batman – Steam – Completed
  7. Final Fantasy III – Pixel Remaster – Steam
  8. Borderlands – Steam
  9. Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Steam
  10. HλLF-LIFE – Steam

And the three on my backup list are

  1. Marvel’s Avengers – PS5
  2. Yakuza Kiwami – Steam
  3. High on Life – Steam

I am currently working on Resident Evil HD, and once I am done with Assassin’s Creed: Unity I will be moving to Horizon Forbidden West on stream.

I am already regretting Resident Evil HD, but I do plan on pushing through that next week a considerable chunk.

As for the rest, lets see!

What I Am Modelling

I got my next Lasrifle Section painted up for the Solar Auxilia

Pretty simple, just 20 guys all armed with Lasrifles, along with a Vox Interlock and Vexellia

Then I painted a trio of Medicae that I printed for them as well

These will accompany each of the Lasrifle Sections in my list plus the Command Squad

To carry them, I painted a Dracosan transport

I also painted up a couple of artillery carriage batteries for the Solar Auxilia that I printed, with both Earthshaker and Medusa Cannons available to it with a simple swap

I still need to sort out some crew for them however.

But I did get crew sorted for the Cyclops Demolition Vehicles, these are from the Grimguard Bomb Squads

And an Impulsor for the Dark Angels

So what’s coming up next?

  1. Blood Angels Land Speeder
  2. Ardboyz x 10
  3. Skragrot the Loonking and Rabble-Rowza
  4. Allurus Custodians x 3
  5. Rockgut Troggoth x 3
  6. Atheon Heavy Sentienls x 3
  7. Sisters Retributors x 5
  8. Ultramarines Terminators x 5
  9. Malcador Heavy Tank
  10. Swampboss Skumdrekk

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Myself, Lindsay and Megan played a game of Ticket to Ride: Berlin on last Thursday and I won my second game in a row with 49 points.

It was tight as Megan was only 2 points behind me, but I got lucky and had tickets worth 8 and 5 points, which required a long route to complete.

And last night we played DnD with Megan GMing for a change

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more Assassin’s Creed: Unity

Been playing Hell Let Loose with Graham and Chris on Monday nights which is a lot of fun

And continued with Resident Evil

What I Am Creating

The issue 5 Combat Patrol battle report was published

And the issue 6 one is already done too, which goes live on the 31st!

I published a shortform video, the first of many I hope Edge of Empire will publish, this one was mostly to learn techniques, and I must emphasise that I love Graham, he is amazing and whilst he plays powerful lists, he is far far from a WAAC player

hat I Am Spending

I saved up and put the money aside for the Death Korps of Krieg starter set to add to my existing Death Korps army

Looking forward to getting these painted up to give my army a few more options

I also picked up Combat Patrol Issue 20 with a Chaplain on a Bike