How long has it been since we got a Song of Ice and Fire book, and will George R. R. Martin complete the series in his lifetime, and will it wipe out the disappointment of the last season of Game of Thrones!
Flight of the Conchords, formally New Zealand’s fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo, somehow have managed to not be featured here before, and I am rectifying this today!
This song Robots imagines a future in which all the humans are dead and the robots have taken over the world, and well with the development of AI, this might really happen sooner rather than later!
I grew up in the UK so Nintendo wasn’t really a big thing for us other than the Game Boy, the first Nintendo I personally owned was a Nintendo 64 for Goldeneye!
So my first exposure to Zelda was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which I did enjoy, but I didn’t have the same attachment to it as people who grew up with the series.
But the series has grown on me with subsequent releases, though I still have Breath of the Wild on my to play list.
So this song doesn’t quite hit all the nostalgia bits for me, but its still fun to listen to!
This duo is best known for Pac-Man Fever, both the song and album, which were possible the first video game songs to really go mainstream back before I was even born!
This song was written and recorded for the amazing Disney film Wreak It Ralph which was such a joy to watch with all of its amazing video game references.
The overall soundtrack from the film is utterly amazing, Henry Jackman really captures the Chiptune lighting in a bottle.
If you have never seen Wreak It Ralph, I urge you to go do so now, drop everything you won’t regret it!
The Doubleclicks are frequent features on the Advent, probably cause I really, really like their music.
This one, well its not my favourite, but it is Lindsay’s, the first time she heard it, at the 77th WorldCon, Dublin 2o19, she cried her eyes out and then played it again and again for months (she still insists that she isn’t an autist).
And well, I have been meaning to include it, but it always got displaced by something else, but this time, I am sticking to my guns and its staying put here!
This one is older than me, and really captures the very early days of video gaming when Pac-Man swept the world!
And lets face it Pac-Man is a fantastic game that has stood the test of time and its no wonder that Buckner & Garcia scored a hit with this one in 1981!
Interestingly they pioneered rerecording an album when the masters ownership was denied to them, and they rerecorded the whole Pac-Man Fever album (yes there is an album, and its worth a listen/download)
As a nerd who loves war games, and approaching a more mature age, there is a part of me that’s getting very interested in Napoleonic’s, probably doesn’t help that I recently rewatched Sharpe!
So here is a traditional British song, that was featured heavily in Sharpe, performed by folk singer John Tams, who also starred as Hagman in the series.
It also featured in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, which is also an excellent version of the song, which I am sharing because the John Tams version is sadly hard to find for online listening.
Good old Jonathan Coulton is a regular feature of the nerdy advent, and this year is no different.
This time we bring you IKEA, a song about many peoples favourite furniture store, and its certainly one of mine, I mean, not only is the stuff great, my studio is a lot of IKEA stuff.