This means I am now on 2470 points before the next edition drops!
Still to finish I have a couple of units of Squig Hoppers, some Squig Herds, a Dankhol Troggoth, Skragrott the Loonking and some Rockgut Troggoths.
Get My Drukhari To 2000 Points – 58% Complete
No progress, need to buy some more units, I have some more Helions and Reavers to paint, but that’s it right now.
Want some Wracks, but having issues getting them.
Complete My Video Game Geek Hardcore 10! – 60% Complete
This month I completed Final Fantasy II Pixel Remaster, it’s one of the alternative three, so will only count at the end of the year if my main ten aren’t done
This week has been much of a muchness, there isn’t much going on at all
Just waiting for WorldCon I guess and a the Heresy event
Got to get a shift on with a few things, but this week has just been meh
My depression is getting kinda bad, but I have a project of refurbing the studio to get on with
What I Am Modelling
I started out with the Blade Champion for the Custodes, who will do double duty, being in both the 40K Combat Patrol and being a Shield Captain in Heresy.
To start a long awaited studio refurbishment project, I bought the first of a few paint racks we are going to need from TT Combat, this is a rack to hold 72 Citadel pots.
The plan is to have 3 of these plus a rack for 72 dropper bottles.
I also bought a 20m Cat 8 cable to route data to the server and Lindsay’s desk without creating a trip hazard!
Now because this was delayed by 24 hours, Amazon gave me a £10 gift card to compensate me, it was like £8.
So I used this to buy a network switch for the studio, this will go on the end of the 20m cable and then be split into Lindsay work laptop and the server.
Since Insulationgate last October, at least one wall in every room of the house has needed a coat of paint.
And yeah it’s a bit depressing, due to disagreements between the insulation contractors, the landlord and the government, we decided to cut them all out and decorate ourselves.
It’s not that we couldn’t have just waited for them to sort it out, it’s more, we want to avoid massive disruption, so we are doing this ourselves at our own pace.
Megans room is the first to be done, we had to start with a mist coat, which was very runny.
That was done on the Monday, two coats overall.
The on Tuesday, we did three coats of Brilliant White, yeah it’s full, but it’s what the rest of the rooms are painted. When you rent it’s often easier to keep what the landlord had, so we don’t need to redecorate too much when we eventually move out.
It took three coats, but we got there in the end.
The next room getting done is mine and Lindsay’s bedroom and we may at the same time do the ceiling in my studio.
The studio is going to get a bit of a refurb at the same time, we are adding the 3D printer there, so taking the time to change a few things up, especially now that Lindsay works up there and I will never be using the gaming table again as a result.
So yeah that’s about it, gonna do Lindsay’s room next week, and that will be fun!
What I Am Modelling
I started off with the Von Ryan’s Leapers for the Tyranid’s Combat Patrol
And I have a box full of Stormcast stuff that’s never been touched, so I am thinking of painting them up as Hallowed Knights, I already have Gardus Steel Soul painted up.
So I used the Gamer Grass base I got from the UK Game Expo to paint up this test model, which I am rather happy with
I spent the other week at the UK Games Expo as a volunteer on IT and it was a knackering but amazing few days.
I really enjoyed it and I will absolutely being doing it again next year if they will have me, but I do have to be more realistic about my physical abilities and perhaps I need a job with more sitting down.
My journey to Birmingham was pretty bad, we got continually stuck in traffic, including being in the middle of a bunch of cars headed to a funeral that were following a marching band.
And finally the bus broke down as we left Manchester, and we had to wait over an hour for a replacement, so all in all it was a typical MegaBus journey!
I didn’t get to play many games, but the one that stood out to me was Samurai, but its long out of print, so I will be buying Pollen instead which is in print, if a little expensive.
There were a few cool things that peaked my interest, the DRPA Case and other stuff from Tabletop Tech, the amazing Colour Forge, TT Combat and their Strike Team Commander, Catalyst had Battletech which had me all nostalgic, and Gamer Grass had some amazing stuff as well.
Next year I need to take more notes to give a fuller report!
What I Am Modelling
On my return I hit the Chaos Space Marine Legionnaires of the True Sons
I got a couple of games of 40K in at the weekend, playing both Dale and Craig in the 40K league, and if I don’t win the wooden spoon I will be peeved!!!
I have been trying to write this for a couple of weeks now and I haven’t been entirely sure how to get the right tone.
But I wanted to summarise my thoughts on the now competed Warhammer Adventures series, Warped Galaxies and Realm Quest.
I have purchased all of the volumes as ePubs and some for my nephews physically, as well as purchasing them as audio books from Audible.
To be honest I was sceptical, I thought they might be Warhammer adjacent, and perhaps a bit daft.
But to my surprise, they were very much within the universes with little compromise, for example in Attack of the Necrons, we see a character utterly disintegrated by a Necron Gauss weapon.
We see Nurglings tear apart a Forge World and spread disease and pestilence, the despair caused by an army of Nighthaunt, the warpstone crazed behaviour of Skaven.
All the things that make Warhammer, well Warhammer are right here, including the grimdark.
In fact the only area I would really criticise as being out of step with the franchises, so that in the AoS books, they refer to Sigmar as simply a King, rather than as the God-King, but I suppose this was done to appease American parents, who will ban books at the drop of a hat.
The characters are all interesting, the 40K ones are ok, although I found Zelia a little too naive for the universe, but her companions are much closer to their archetypes.
The AoS characters are also good, but it does feel like there are perhaps a few too many and some of them get lost and ignored quite a lot.
The audio books are excellently narrated, David Tennent fits the books so well and does a great Grot voice.
Billie Piper is also a great narrator for the AoS books and her Skaven voice is wonderful, her replacement Helen McAlpine is also good, but doesn’t seem as approachable I guess is the right word as Billie Piper.
In conclusion I really would recommend this book for your kids, and you know what, if you want to paint and have something on in the background, these are perfect and easy to follow along with.
I hope more will come in time.
What I Am Modelling
I spent the bulk of the week working on the Chaos Space Marines that came with Imperium Premium Pack 1.
So that’s a squad of 10 Chaos Space Marines, 2 Greater Possessed and a Sorcerer to lead them.