Tag: Ultramarines Page 1 of 4

An Election

So there is going to be an election, I don’t have much to say on the matter.

But get to know your candidates and vote for the person you think would do best for your area.

But what I would like to say is that right now, the UK is broken, schools are falling apart due to dodgy concrete, the roads are full of potholes, rent is stupidly high, the cost of living is out of control and things are just broken.

So with that in mind, I think we need to make a choice on who we think is best placed to fix whats gone wrong over the past few years.

What I Am Modelling

I started out with a Mega Boss on Maw-Krusha to join my Ironjawz

After that it was a Pshycopage for the Tyranids Combat Patrol

Followed by some Boungrot Bounders for the Gloomspite Gitz

I then painted up some Glaivewraith Stalkers I had sitting in a box, they were in a weird state, a bit of disreppair, no idea how I came into ownership of them, but I didn’t build them, so there was a bit of work involved, but they give me a chance to try out some new rust techniques.

Its my intent to go back to the Nighthaunt and rust up their weapons a bit when they next come out of storage!

I also had some Myrmourn Banshees in a similar state, so I got those painted too,

Both these sets have awesome bases, but I think they are a bit too detailed for what they are, basic stuff for beginners.

And I got the Ultramarines Invader ATVs painted up as well, the first with a Onslaught Gatling Cannon

And a second with Multi-Melta

So what’s up next?

  1. Tree-Revenants x 10 & Branchwych
  2. Chaos Space Mariens x 10 & Dark Apostle
  3. Blood Angels Captains x 6
  4. Imperial Fists Vindicator
  5. Von Ryan’s Leapers x 3
  6. Krondys
  7. Deathwing Terminators x 5 & Terminator Ancient
  8. Sporesplatta Fanatics
  9. Chaos Havoc x 5
  10. Paragon Warsuits with Heavy Bolters x 3

What I Am Reading

I listened to Living Legend by Scott Gray which was a charming bit of fun!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played some more Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

And some Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, which I finished!

What I Am Backing

CARnage 2 was funded successfully and as I said, I backed at £1 so I get access to the Backerkit afterwards

What I Am Winning

Won a copy of Ghosts of Tsushima on PC from @gameolder2024 on Twitter, so super happy about that!

What I Am Spending

I had an Amazon voucher from a redund, so I grabbed Bayonetta 3 for the Switch, just need to hunt down a copy of the second game without being ripped off now!

And I managed to grab this dock for my Steam Deck for just £5, and it works pretty well!

I also bought on Steam

Its Been A Tough Month

Its been a tough few weeks, we have had a death in the family and some other stuff that’s caused some challenges

I have been feeling my depression quite deep and its really doing a number on my life, I am really finding it very hard to even leave the house.

I know I need to try harder, so I am going to try and have a better month in April now that the worst is behind us, I mean that is all I can do right, just keep going and try to be better.

I had a particularly bad instance of doing my normal rushing ahead last week, and it hurt some of my friends, so I need to watch myself and keep an eye on my tendency to just rush ahead and not stop to check things are sound.

I am organising a Heresy event as part of my getting back on top of things, and tickets sold out right away, gonna try and have my Zone Mortalis table finished by then so I can set it up and try and convince someone to come play on it with me whilst I EO.

I finally finished sorting out all the metadata on the Audio Book Shelf server, and oh my word, that was a lot of stuff to deal with!

I still have to sort out the authors and series, but we will get there!

I am currently uploading my BBC Doctor Who audio books, which is a sizable pile, still need to buy The Church on Ruby Road by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson, which is the latest release, might spend my next Audible token on it!

What I Am Modelling

Its been a bit of a weird period of time, but I have painted up two squads of Vigilors for my Celestial Vindicators.

After that I painted a Nexus Syphon and Domicile Shell for my new Age of Sigmar terrain box

Then I painted some 40K stuff, starting with a Dark Angels Primaris Librarian,

Followed by the same model for the Ultramarines

Then some Hellblasters, also for the Ultramarines.

Plus Chief Librarian Tigurius of the Ultramarines

Then I painted up the Legate Marshal for my new Solar Auxilia force

And finally a unit of Bloodletters of Khorne which finishes up the Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol

And right at the end of the month, so they count towards the resolutions, I painted two units of Gitz Stabbas

And a couple of units of Loonsmasha Fanatics

So whats next for me to paint!

  1. Homonculus
  2. Celestine
  3. Death Company x 10, Chaplain x 2 & Rhino
  4. Wulfen x 5
  5. Seraphim x 5
  6. Royal Beastflayers
  7. Sisters Repentia x 4
  8. Dark Angels Aggressors x 3
  9. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10
  10. Drycha Hamadreth

What I Am Reading

I listened to The Wormery by Stephen Cole and Paul Magrs, which was a lot of fun, and I then moved on to Scherzo by Robert Shearman which was kinda trippy and fairly interesting given that there were only two cast members.

I also listened to Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge by Gary Kloster which was pretty good, but I kinda expected the bad guy to turn out to be a Fallen, but it wasn’t and that was still cool. It actually humanised the Dark Angels quite a bit.

What Video Games I Am Playing

Finished up with Yakuza 0, and I have to admit, the story was phenomenal, really good.

I started playing through Spider-Man: Miles Morales

And I finished it as well!

And I am currently playing through a bit of Helldivers II

What I Am Creating

I did an unboxing video for the Solar Auxilia Battlegroup.

Its shite, cause I fucked up my audio levels

Also the next episode of Edge of Empire was published too!

Oh and this too!

What I Am Spending

I used some saved up Steam credit to buy some games in the sale, some that I have been wanting to get for a while, just waiting for the price to fall

So I picked up, Star Wars: Battlefront II, FlatOut, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, Flatout and Helldivers.

I also sold my old iPhone 12 and was able to afford to buy the Solar Auxilia Battlegroup as a result, which you would have seen the unboxing for video earlier.

Really happy with this and its going to make me a nice allied force!

I also bought a few games, first was the Plaion: The Hits Bundle that netted me:-

Plus I bought Helldivers II!

Trying to be Better with Breakfast

Just as the title says, I am trying to be better with breakfast, because I am usually awful at the most important meal of the day.

So I have been trying to have something warm for the meal, whilst I am struggling to kick this winter cold, that has stuck around since Christmas.

Most days I am having knock off Ready Brek, because porridge is really good for me, and this is really easy to make.

We are keeping in some frozen sausages so the odd sausage breakfast is happening.

So far this year I have been ok, other than a morning in which breakfast was custard doughnuts, but I was feeling super crap.

Other options are bagels, set honey on toast and how can we forget about beans on toast!

What I Am Modelling

I started the new year with an Apothecary Biologis for my Blood Ravens.

Followed by the first lot of Hobgrot Slittaz from Stormbringer

After which I painted some Sternguard Veterans for the Blood Ravens

Along with a Phobos Lieutenant, which completed all the models from Leviathan for the Space Marines.

And then it was the last unit for Shadows Over Hammerhal, some Bloodreavers!

And I also painted this Rhino for my Sisters of Battle which completes that Combat Patrol!

I decided to crack on with the Dark Angels Chaplain, just cause I wanted him done

And because I need him for a Battle Report, here is the Phobos Librarian for the Ultramarines!

So whats up next?

  1. Termagants x 20 & Rippers x 2
  2. Gutrippas x 10
  3. Fungoid Cave Shaman
  4. Arch-Revenant & Ylthari’s Guardians
  5. Space Wolves Suppressors x 3
  6. Screamer Killer
  7. Stabbas x 40
  8. Ork Warbikers x 3
  9. Knight Judicator
  10. Khagra’s Ravagers

What I Am Reading

I have been listening to Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales – Wings of Fury by Brittney Morris, and I finished that, not a bad story at all, and I cannot wait to play the game!

I have been listening to Steel Tread by Andy Clark, which has been a fun story, but the accents are wrong 🙁

And to continue the Doctor Who Monthly Adventures by Big Finish I am now listening to Project: Lazarus by Cavan Scott & Mark Wright.

And I have been reading The Tower of Nerek by David Guymer, which is ok so far, moving along very nicely,

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I have been playing a bit of D&D with Lindsay and Megan, using the Dungeon and Dragons Adventurer magazine

I also played my first game of the Hartlepool 1000pts 40K league on Friday and lost, by a lot!

I am using this list for it

Necrons (980 Points)
Awakened Dynasty
Incursion (1000 Points)
Overlord (85 Points)
    • Warlord
    • 1x Overlord’s blade
      1x Tachyon arrow
Royal Warden (40 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Relic gauss blaster
Necron Warriors (100 Points)
    • 10x Necron Warrior
        • 10x Close combat weapon
          10x Gauss flayer
Necron Warriors (100 Points)
    • 10x Necron Warrior
        • 10x Close combat weapon
          10x Gauss reaper
Necron Warriors (100 Points)
    • 10x Necron Warrior
        • 10x Close combat weapon
          10x Gauss flayer
Canoptek Doomstalker (135 Points)
    • 1x Doomsday blaster
      1x Doomstalker limbs
      1x Twin gauss flayer
Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (50 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Gauss destructor
Night Scythe (145 Points)
    • 1x Armoured bulk
      1x Twin tesla destructor
Skorpekh Destroyers (100 Points)
    • 3x Skorpekh Destroyer
        • 3x Skorpekh hyperphase weapons
Triarch Stalker (125 Points)
    • 1x Heat ray
      1x Stalker’s forelimbs

What Video Games I Am Playing

I started playing Stray on New Years Day and I managed to finish it and it was a really good game, and I was not prepared for that ending emotionally.

I then started on Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, I have never played any of the first 6 games in the series as they were never released in Europe when I was a nipper, and even then they were on Nintendo consoles, which weren’t that common in the UK.

And I managed to complete the game in about 16 hours, but missed out a few achievements thanks to a missing 3 treasure chests!

I justr finished playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, great game and great story and worked so well on the Steam Deck!

I returned to Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, its a great game and I want to finish it, then play it again!!!

What I Am Creating

The first Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Battle Report has been published, this one was between the Blood Ravens Space Marines Chapter and the Necrons of the Sautekh Dynasty.

We also got the final episode of Edge of Empire of 2023 out (I know)!

What I Am Cooking

We are brining back the tradition of having breakfast together on a Sunday morning, and I cooked the first one, which was croissants with ham, cheese and egg!

What I Am Spending

I bought a few little games for my Steam Deck from a Fanatical bundle, these were:-

Also it was Humble Choice, which bagged me:-

And from the Steam winter sale, I bought Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

I have gotten a new headset, but not by buying it, my friend gave me a broken headset and said it was mine if I could fix it, turned out the dongle was borked, so after asking Logitech if I can buy replacement, they told me it was still in warranty and replaced the whole thing, which my friend was cool with as theirs had already been replaced.

And for Battle Report reasons, I now have a Dark Angels Combat Patrol box!

And in the Games-At-Hart reverse auction sale I bought Ticket to Ride Berlin and Ticket to Ride Poland cause I am a big fan of Ticket to Ride!

Christmas & New Year 2023

Hope you all had a good Christmas, mine was fine, but I was ill for most of it and for one point over 72 hours was awake for less than 10 of them!

But other than that, it was good, we went to my sister in laws for the dinner, which was nice, and we had a great time with Megan’s family.

Me and Lindsay kept up our tradition of a Chinese takeaway for Christmas Eve and a movie, this year it was Super Mario Bros. And Christmas morning it was turkey bacon stotties with mushrooms, and the egg that Lindsay has been adding recently and Tymbark Apple & Cherry juice.

We didn’t do much in the way of gifts, we limited ourselves to £25 each, so I got Megan a book and a rainbow Stich controller holder. Lindsay got a book as well, plus a bunch of Steam games, as she has decided that she wants a Steam Deck in 2024.

My favourite present was a Moopsy toy that Karen made for me, its adorable, I just need to find a place to put it in the studio!

New Years was quiet, me and the otters went to Pauls for a few hours, then returned home and they went to bed, whilst I had a chicken wrap and chips and played the last of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered.

Hopefully 2024 is gonna be a better year, because 2023 has been challenging.

What I Am Modelling

I started off with a big batch of Ultramarines, starting with a squad of Aggressors

Followed by some Inceptors

And Finally a squad of Infiltrators

After this I turned my attention to a squad of Battle Sisters

Alongside a Repentia Superior

As well as Sister Superior Tariana Palos

And then some Shootas for my Gloomspite Gitz

I also painted some Grot Scuttlings for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower at the same time

I then painted up Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork over Christmas as a main centrepiece for the Orruk army!

And painted up the Gaunt Summoner for Silver Tower which completed that boxset.

Plus Mollogs Mob

And finally I painted a Whirlwind Scorpius for my Imperial Fists!

So what’s coming up next?

  1. Blood Ravens Sternguard Veterans & Phobos Lt
  2. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10
  3. Termagants x 20
  4. Gutrippas x 10
  5. Fungoid Cave Shaman
  6. Arch-Revenant & Ylthari’s Guardians
  7. Space Wolves Supressors x 3
  8. Bloodreavers x 10
  9. Screamer Killer
  10. Stabbas x 40

What I Am Reading

I finished Krieg by Steve Lyons, and that was a very very good audio book!

After that I moved on to Witchbringer by Steven B Fischer, which was ok, but the lack of Cadian accents threw me. Doctor Who and the Pirates was a lot of fun from Jacqueline Rayner and Creatures of Beauty by Nicholas Briggs was a great mind trip of a story.

And finally I listened to Gloomspite by Andy Clark, which was grim as fuck!

I have now started listening to Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales – Wings of Fury by Brittney Morris, before I play the game.

I read Sammael: Lord of the Eternal Hunt by Ben Counter, which was ok, followed by Astorath the Grim: Redeemer of the Lost by Andy Smille which was really good. Then I read The Sanguinor: Exemplar of the Host by James Swallow which was actually pretty good.

I also read The Nine by Justin D Hill which was pretty good, nice look at a character we have had a lot of time with but not much background on. The Last Loyalist by David Guymer was also excellent.

Then I picked up a few more shorts, Bjorn: The Fell-Handed by Chris Wraight, Marneus Calgar: Lord of Ultramar by Graham McNeill, Abaddon: Chosen of Chaos by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Cato Sicarius: Master of the Watch by Nick Kyme, Pedro Kantor: The Vengeful Fist by Steve Parker, Gabriel Seth: The Flesh Tearer by Andy Smillie, Dante: Lord of the Host by James Swallow, Helbrecht: The Crusader by Guy Haley, Vulkan He’stan: Forgefather by Nick Kyme, Lysander: The Fist of Dorn by Anthony Reynolds, Typhus: Herald of the Plague God by David Annadale, Logan Grimnar: Defender of Honour by Cavan Scott, Kaldor Draigo: Knight of Titan by L.J. Goulding, Kayvaan Shrike: Shadow Stalker by Gav Thorpe, Azrael: Protector of Secrets by C.Z. Dunn, Kor’sarro Khan: Huntmaster by Graeme Lyon, Torias Telion: The Eye of Vengeance by Graham McNeil and Ahriman: Hand of Dust by John French.

I also read The Staff of Asclepius by Graham McNeill which was pretty class.

What Video Games I Am Playing

I got my VideoGameGeek.com Secret Santa gift, and my super generous Santa gifted me, Stray, Yakuza: Like A Dragon and Crysis: Remastered, all games that have been high on my wish list!

Continued on with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

I also completed Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered, total of 33 hours played and it was a lot of fun.

I have started to play The City That Never Sleeps DLC also on the Steam Deck and intend to finish it over Christmas.

Its one of those annoying episodic DLCs, which I hate, so obviously I started with The Heist, which was finished late on Christmas Day.

And yesterday I finished Turf War, which was ok, but felt less that The Heist.

And then I finished off Silver Linings just as the bell struck midnight, which I was happy with, great game, but the DLC felt disjointed because of the episodic nature.

What I Am Winning

I won a voucher from Maltesers which I combined with a voucher from some market research I did for KFC in order to buy a copy of Assassin’s Creed: Mirage, which made me very happy, as everyone knows I am a massive fan of the series.

What I Am Spending

I grabbed myself a few bits on payday, as a treat.

I got myself a Chaos Space Marines Combat Patrol, Necron Datacards, a brush and a few paints.

I also bought a few video games

A Little Bit More in the Studio

The past couple of weeks have been a bit boring, but I did do a touch more work to improve the studio

First up I bought the last bits for my controller board, and fitted them leaving me with this as the final result!

Really happy with how this turned out, and it looks super cool.

What we have on it, are:-

Playstation Controller (USB)DualShock 3NES ControllerSNES Controller
Tribute 64Gamecube ControllerGamecube Wavebird
Mega Drive Controller (USB)Mega Drive 6 Button Controller (USB)Saturn Controller Model 2 (USB)8BitDo SN30 ProHyperkin Duke
PC Engine Turbo Pad (USB)A500 ControllerUSB-C CableMicro USB Cable8BitDo Neo Geo CD ControllerShelf with some adaptors
Hyperkin XenonDualSenseSwitch ProXbox Series XAmazon Echo Dot
Google StadiaAmazon LunaSteam ControllerNVIDIA Shield

So yeah really happy with how its turned out, expensive but worth it!

And I also mounted the Xbox Series S under the desk, just to keep the desk top clearer, becuase it was in a funny situation with no where to be because the place it was, was no longer an option as the new monitor was in the way.

I imagine the next few weeks will be more of the same, just getting stuff better and more tidy, I still may wall mount the PS5 and/or Switch, but lets wait and see.

What I Am Modelling

I started by finishing some Chaplins for the Ultramarines, and a Judicar.

After that it was a Spartan for the Death Guard

Then a Rotor Cannon Support Squad for the Imperial Fists

Followed by 20 Termagants with Devourers

And finally a pair of bases of Rippers!

So whats up next for me?

  1. Chaos Familiars
  2. Loonboss & Zarbags Gitz
  3. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10
  4. Battle Sister Squad x 10
  5. Baal Predator
  6. Lilth Hesperax 
  7. Ork Trukks x 2
  8. Putrid Blightkings x 5
  9. Shootas x 20
  10. Minka Lesk x 2

What I Am Reading

I listened to Bang-Bang-a-Boom! by Clayton Hickman and Gareth Roberts, which was

I have read with The End and The Death: Volume II by Dan Abnett, and that was a hell of a book is all I will say!

I have started listening to The Fall of Cadia by Robert Rath and that’s pretty good so far, very surprised that they had yet to do this story!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Got a game of Horus Heresy in at club on Friday myself and Russell started a campaign, and well I wiped the floor with him, but I did have 3250 points to his 2500 so it was an unfair match up!

What Video Games I Am Playing

I finished Assassin’s Creed III Remastered, which I have been streaming!

I also played through Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – The Lost Archive, which you can see here on YouTube.

We will be playing The Tyranny of King Washington next!

What I Am Creating

I made a little experimental video about the army list I took to Scotland at the beginning of October.

Also a little short on painting lights!

What I Am Spending

It was Humble Choice this week, so for my £8.99, I got the following

And I bought myself Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 3 Remastered as well.

I also picked up the Space Marines and Tyranids datacards for Warhammer 40k.

And a Vindicator to add to my Imperial Fists.

A Big Bunch of Stuff

This is a big update, life has been a bit all over the place and its taken this long to sort out putting out a new blog post, sorry

My dad turned 60 earlier this month so we buggered off to Suffolk for a birthday meal, we were in the county for less than 24 hours which felt too brief as I was unable to get any quality time.

Would have liked to have spent more time with the nibblings, but it was nice nonetheless.

It was a Sunday dinner at the pub and I had lamb, cause I love lamb and so rarely get to have it.

I turned 41 as well, which was fine, but my birthday plans failed and it’s left me somewhat deflated.

I am on the verge of giving up any attempt at celebrating it from now.

I did get a pair of AirPod Pros for my birthday, mostly cause I needed the ANC

This weekend I went to Stirling for a Horus Heresy event runs by some friends of ours, an event with lots of Conpany of Legends DNA, which is really cool cause we never get to play in our own event!

That’s not me saying they ripped us off, we love that they have taken our concept and turned it into their own thing, it’s absolutely brilliant, although we did provide them with Chris’s scoring/pairing spreadsheet.

I am gonna put up a vide with my list next week.

It’s been a really fun event, my first game was against Matts Whit Scars, a beautiful army that I was able to really push and give it a hard time.

The game went rather well for me, I did lose in the end, but it largely came down to a mixture of great tactics by Matt, poor decision making on my part and of course rolling double 1s on Plasma Pistol Chainfire on my Moritat resulting in him dying in his first turn out of the Rhino!

The second game on Saturday was against Chris’s Custodes, and yeah at 3.5k points, Custodes really get to shine as they can take a lot of the nicer toys that 3k kind of stops them taking

I got hammered in this game, my list just struggled to handle the sheer amount of 2+ Armour

Wonderful guy as well and a beautifully painted army, makes me want to get my Custodes out the box!

On Sunday I faced Mark and his Ultramarines, in a very challenging game, for a good part of the game, I was dominant on one flank, distracting him with stuff on the other, but once he had taken care of those units, he quickly wiped out my whole army!

And my final game was against Michael and his Space Wolves, a great army with a Thunderhawk, my first time facing one of those bad boys!

I did okay, but eventually folded and was tabled, a mix of poor choices on my part and great tactics on Michaels.

A great weekend and the lads put on an amazing event, really good, absolutely loved my time there.


Not my name, but it seems apt, on my return Stirling, we were having some insulation work done by the landlord, the contractors said, it was all external, but when they arrived, we were told its actually all internal!

So we had a chaotic week, with every room in the house being torn apart, and it ended my #HobbyStreak 🙁

It is what it is, but we are only just getting the place back together, and it still needs painting.

In other news, I am back into therapy and mental health treatment, I need it, and the waiting period was awful.

Initially my medication has been adjusted as they build an idea on how to help sort me out.

What I Am Modelling

I started off painting some Blood Angels but got bored partway though so got painted up my Questoris Knight Styrix for House Taranis

Then I finished the Phobos Lieutenant for the Blood Angels

Followed by the Suppressors

And the a squad of Infiltrators

After that a Ballistus Dreadnought for the Blood Ravens

As a result of the insulation, I found a DOOM box of abandoned Warhammer projects and decided to finish as many of them as I could, starting with a resin Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun, who mostly just needed a few bits and bobs finishing

Then it was a Praetor for the Death Guard armed with a Thunder Hammer!

Then I finished up some Marines that Chris gave me ages ago to supplement my Word Bearers who needed a couple of Marines per Squad to allow me to take them as Tactical Squads instead of Veteran Squads and allow me to build some non Pride of the Legion lists

And then some Tyranid Warriors that I originally got with Deathstorm, a very very long time ago!

And finally I painted a squad of Assault Terminators for my Ultramarines from the DOOM box

So what’s up next?

  1. Ork Boyz x 10 & Nob
  2. Marshcrawlla Sluggoth
  3. Sororitas Dialogus
  4. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  5. Death Guard Spartan
  6. Termagants with Devourers x 20
  7. Grots x 10 & Runtherd
  8. Chaos Familiars
  9. Loonboss & Zarbags Gitz
  10. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10

What I Am Reading

I finished The Prisoner of Tartarus bu Richard Lee Byers, so expect a review of that soonish!

I also read The Devouring Void by Danie Ware, which was ok, the twist was kind of sudden which didn’t work for me, but otherwise was good.

Audiobook wise, I listened to Blood of the Emperor, and The Sandman by Simon A Forward, and I am currently listening to The Church and the Crown by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I got a game of Sone Mortalis in with Paul at Durham Raiders

I did ok, my list is suboptimal, Paul’s is much better and he played really well, very smart choice made by him.

But it was a close run thing!

And we also had a game of Alhambra, on my birthday which I did not win, of course Megan did.

But it was close!

What Video Games I Am Playing

I have started on Assassin’s Creed III Remastered and been doing so on stream.

I also played and completed Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines, emulated using Retroarch, and I uploaded the playthrough to YouTube

Other than that, I finished Bayonetta.

And I am now playing through Spider-Man Remastered.

What I Am Creating

I did finally get round to making that Ork Skin video!

What I Am Spending

I bought this Neo Geo CD controller made by 8BitDo a month ago and it’s only just arrived, the best thing about, MICROSWITCHES!

So yeah 8BitDo got right what SNK couldn’t

I also had a couple of bits printed up for my controller board, some black hooks to hang cables and a shelf, to hold a few little bits.

I also finally bought a new monitor for the studio, I just really needed some more screen real-estate for editing Edge of Empire podcasts, cause the setup I had was a bit weird in composition.

Its a Cooler Master GA271 and is really good for the £130 I paid for it, and I mean, really good, far better than it has any right to be, with some HDR and FreeSync too.

Resolutions Update July/August/September 2023

So I am once again a massive failure and haven’t been updating my resolutions so let’s go!

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Army of Drukhari – 63% Complete

We added the Kabalite Combat Patrol box and that means we now have 1220 points along with Drazhar!

And I also added some Mandrakes too!

Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Genestealer Cultists – o% Complete

No progress

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Combat Patrol of Tyranids – 29% Complete

We added some Spinegaunts to the army plus a swarm of Rippers

Bring my Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 93.25% Complete

This month we added the Bladeguard Veterans and the Bladeguard Anicent to the list, along with a Ballistus Dreadnought, Firestrike Servo Turret, the Apothecaries and a squad of Sternguard Veterans!

Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points – Completed

This resolution is now complete with the addition of a unit of Gutrippaz and some Man-Skewer Boltboyz or Da Kunnin’ Krew!

Build & Paint Two Gangs for Carnivale – Completed

The Rashaar were painted this month, so this pledge is complete!

Get My Weight to Under 100KG and Sustain It Below That

Yeah medication changes means that this isn’t going to happen

Publish One Battle Report a Month

Lets try and do this in the last three months eh!

Stream Twice A Week

Managing to get this done

Complete My 2023 VideoGameGeek Challenge – 25% Complete

I finished The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, so thats done!

I also started and finished Tomb Raider, so thats 2 down, 8 to go!

I also finished Control and Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection.

I am now onto Assassin’s Creed III and making my way though Bayonetta

Completed Resolutions

  • Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points
  • Build & Paint Two Gangs for Carnivale

Getting on Top of Things

Stuff is getting better and I feel a lot more in control the past couple of weeks, but there is still more to do.

I need to be a bit more forthright about asking Lindsay and Megan for help and assistance.

Currently waiting on some work being done on the house and this is sort of creating a limbo situation for me, so a few bits are on hold, but I think I might be able to end this year feeling a lot better.

But lets keep up the progress and see what happens.

What I Am Modelling

I started with Evander Garrius for the Imperial Fists

Along with the obligatory Lascannon Squad for them too.

After that it was some Apothecaries for the Ultramarines, so thats a Primaris Apothecary and an Apothecary Biologis

Followed by some Vienna Class Escort Frigates for my UCM fleet.

And finally Gardus Steel Soul from Stormbringer

And finally a Heavy Support Squad for my Death Guard, also armed with Lascannons, given that its obligatory now!

So what’s coming up next week?

  1. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  2. Blood Ravens Balistus Dreadnought
  3. Ork Boyz x 10 & Nob
  4. Marshcrawllla Sloghoth x 2
  5. Dialogus
  6. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  7. Death Guard Spartan
  8. Termagants with Devourers x 20
  9. Grots x 10 & Runtherd
  10. Chaos Familiars

What I Am Reading

I finished listening to Blood of Iax by Robbie MacNiven, which was fine, just kinda generic really, but ok.

And I finally finished Secrets in Scarlet so expect a review soon.

I am now reading The Prisoner of Tartarus by Richard Lee Byers which is good so far.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I had a game of Heresy with Graham the other

What Video Games I Am Playing

Got a couple of sessions of Assassin’s Creed Revelations in on stream, and finished the game, so I will be starting Assassin’s Creed III on Tuesday!

I have also been playing a bit more of Starfield.

And some Bayonetta along with a bit of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

What I Am Cooking

I managed to cook for the first time in forever and I made some beans and sausage wraps, which were quite nice.

And a serving of dirty rice for myself and Lindsay too

What I Am Spending

Bought a couple of Humble Bundles, the Cities: Skylines Build Today, Plan for Tomorrow bundle and the Control the Narrative bundle.

Plus I bought Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza Kiwami 2.

I also bought for myself as a birthday treat, the Hyperkin Xenon controller, which so far has been amazing to use, feels so much like playing games in 2005 again!

And after a bit of hunting I found some nice cables to use for my controllers, these nice chunky rubber ones are just right, very dieselpunk and feel really substantial, I love them!

I also had to buy a pack of Heavy Weapons with Volkite Culverins, Lascannons and Autocannons for the Horus Heresy to build the Death Guard Lascannon squad, I got them from Element Games of course!

And finally some AirTags and a new wallet, so hopefully no more losing the wallet when I need it!

Trip To Brighton

My Edge of Empire co-host Chris got married this past weekend so myself, Megan and Lindsay travelled to Brighton for it!

We started with a stop at Warhammer World where me and Megan played a game of Combat Patrol.

And then we hit Suffolk and stayed over at my parents.

We then travelled to Brighton so Lindsay and Megan could visit a bad tea shop, so I wandered around and visited CEX looking for some DVDs Megan wants added to PLEX.

We had a Wendys which was really nice, really nice and I really want them to expand to the north, and soon!

I also visited the tiniest Warhammer store I have seen outside of Sunderland, and made a trip to the very cool Dice Saloon!

After that we went to our AirBnB which is actually really nice and very comfortable.

We watched Spin Me Round, which was funny and a bit irrelevant, which I enjoy!

The next day was Chris’s wedding which was beautiful and amazing and we are all so happy for Chris and Ani!

The next day was a long 8 hour drive back home, made worse by the bank holiday traffic, but we got to Megan’s mum and dads and had a very nice tea, and then made our way home.

A short trip, but very fun and enjoyable.

What I Am Modelling

I finished off the Ultramaines Victix Honour Guard

Followed by the Primaris Champion

And the Sternguard Veterans

This was followed up with Elathain’s Soulraid

Then a Ripper swarm for the Tyranids

And finally some Spinegaunts!

So what’s up next

  1. Strike Team x 10 & Cadre Fireblade
  2. Mandrakes x 5
  3. Imperial Fists Heavy Support Squad x 10
  4. Gardus Steelsoul
  5. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  6. Blood Ravens Ballistis Dreadnought
  7. Ork Boyz x 10
  8. Ultramarines Apothecaries x 2
  9. Marshcrawlla Sloghoth x 2
  10. Sororitas Dialogus

What I Am Reading

A bit of progress on Secrets in Scarlet.

And I have been listening to The Great Clans of Rokugan Volume 2, which is pretty good!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Myself anf Megan played a game of Combat Patrol won our trip, Drukhari vs Space Marines, and she won 50-25!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Not much other than a bit of Starfield!

What I Am Spending

I did buy myself the 4 Item bundle for the Humble Bundle Dino Fever offering, which netted me Animal Revolt Battle Simulator, Primal Carnage: Extinction, but most importantly, Turok and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil which have been on my wishlist for some time!

Media Server Transition

The Raspberry Pi I have been running my server on for the last 2 years has basically become insufficient to handle what I am asking it to do, getting a few failures and slowdowns.

So Paul has lent me Mary’s old HP All-In-One PC so we can transition the server to an X64 system until my plan to build a dedicated server that can also do transcoding can be realised.

The transfer went well, well 69 audiobooks somehow got lost, but I had local backups, so restoration of them was easy enough.

At first I was quite worried as it turned out the system was struggling to run AudioBookShelf as well, but it just took a bit of time for the new installs to verify the files and rebuild some of the metadata.

The machine only has 8GB of memory, 2GB which has been pinched by the integrated GPU, but alas it only has a single SODIMM slot, so when I upgrade the RAM it will have to be a replacement of the existing SODIMM.

So far it’s running pretty well, I am away in Brighton right now and watching a movie that’s streaming from my studio!

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by finishing Illuminor Szeras for my Necrons, which completes the army for now.

Might do a whole army over view at some point!

After that came a trio of Gondola Poles for Carnevale.

Then a Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant that I got with Stormbringer.

And a Stormstrike Charriot for my Celestial Vindicators.

Followed by the Tzaangors for Warhammer Quest, getting close to finishing Silver Tower!

After that it was a Ultramarines Ballistus Dreadnought!

Then a Terminator Captain for my Blood Ravens.

Alongside a Terminator Squad

And finally a Phobos Lieutenant for the Ultramarines, armed with a Combi-Weapon

So whats up next week?

  1. Elathain’s Soulraid
  2. Ultramarines Sternguard Veterans x 5, Victrix Honour Guard x 4 & Champion
  3. Strike Team x 10
  4. Termagants with Spine Fists x 20
  5. Mandrakes x 5
  6. Imperial Fists Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons x 10
  7. Gardus Steel Soul
  8. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  9. Blood Ravens Balistus Dreadnought
  10. Ork Boyz x 10

What I Am Reading

I listened to Shadow of the Eighth by Justin D. Hill, always love a bit of Mika Lesk!

I also listened to …ish by Philip Pascoe which was ok, but not amazing.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I got a game of Horus Heresy at Hartlepool Gamers last week, but I returned to my losing ways!

And my rats lost another Blood Bowl game too!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more Assassins Creed Revelations which have been uploaded to YouTube on BigGeordieGeek Plays.

Played a bit of Boltgun too!

And I started playing Driver: Parallel Lines on the Steam Deck

What I Am Creating

Did another TikTok, this time on basing!

@biggeordiegeek Basic Grassy Base How I do my super basic Games Workshop style grassy base! #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #WarhammerBases #Base #Basing #WarhammerBasing ♬ original sound biggeordiegeek

What I am Spending

Not much, my order of Minka Lesk x 2 and a Sisters of Battle Rhino finally arrived!

I did buy a Humble Bundle, the Spaced Out Bundle, that got me

I also bought a couple of other mini bundles

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