We lost our beloved Smokie, he was only with us three months, but that little spicy bean made quite the impression on us.

After Fireworks Night, the stress of all the noises triggered herpes, which 80% of all cats have, it normally lies dormant unless they get very ill or feel a lot of stress.

Unfortunately what we learned was that he suffered from a nasty auto immune disorder which meant that to deal with the herpes, his white blood cells were attacking his entire body.

It quickly destroyed his eyes, leaving him blind and then decimated his red blood cell count. The vets tried their hardest to save him, we cannot fault him.

We had intended to visit my mum the weekend he died, but we decided to stay with him, and I glad we did, he had a nice last day, lots of cuddles, he ate tuna from my stottie, pretty much half of it, and then after a nice meal and some milk, he sat down and, well he let us know it was time.

We drove him round and they agreed that despite all the medication and treatment, there was noting else they could do and the best decision was to let him go.

It was very peaceful, but as you can guess, it was also very painful, the little dude was such a beautiful and wilful boy and he was really starting to come round to us.

We are going to miss him very much and I won’t lie, its left us all feeling pretty crap.

Other Stuff

A few other things happened over the weeks, but I am gonna expand on them later on, I mangled to get a racing wheel for my PC/Xbox which was cool but for the most part its been pretty quiet, we have all just been very sad

I did get my BoardGameGeek Secret Santa delivered, which was the wonderful San Juan, a secondhand copy but that’s cool, Wingspan European Expansion and Ticket to Ride France/Old West.

The Battleground show in Middlesbrough last weekend was great, they hosted us playing a big game of Horus Heresy with many many points aside, the Loyalists had four of my Knights and my Warhound Titan, the Traitors had a fair few Super Heavy tanks and a few knights too

What I Am Modelling

I started off with a pair of Domicile Shells from Stormbringer, these are going to be sorted out in the next few weeks with my current AoS terrain to give me two boxes of terrain, one for the Friday Night Wargames club, and one for my house

After that I turned my attention to an Assault Squad for my Heresy Ultramarines

And an Invictor Tactical Warsuit for their Space Wolves to complete their Combat Patrol

I took a bit of time to finish some more bits, starting with this printed Death Guard Dreadnought, that I am going to be using as a Helbrute

And Gamers@Hart asked me to paint their Death Guard Kill Team for the store demo set

And finally I painted some Solar Auxilia tanks that I printed for Legions Imperialis!

After that I painted this pair of Carnodons armed with all Volkite for my Solar Auxilia army, getting close to having everything for Heresy Camp done, vehicle wise.

I am going to print a third one of these next year for the overall army

Then I painted the Infernus Sgt from Combat Patrol up for the Ultramarines

Followed by a Tyranid Prime with Wings from the magazine as well

And for the whole Christmas thing that’s coming up, a TARDIS tree ornament that I printed up

After that, some more mini tanks, this time the standard Battlecannon armed Leman Russ tanks for the Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia

I also had to do a repair job on this Iron Warriors breacher, in the studio refurb he managed to lose his Bolter and Backpack, so I printed off replacements for him, think I need to do more with this army at some point

And finally these Von Ryan’s Leapers to complete the Insidious Infectors Combat Patrol

Whats coming up next then?

  1. Blood Angels Land Speeders (Can’t Find Them)
  2. Paragon Warsuits x 3 (Sprue Issue)
  3. Karazai
  4. The Dread Pagent
  5. Phallax Warder Squad x 10
  6. Snatchboss on Sludgeraker Beast
  7. Calth High Guard Lasrifle Section x 10 & Command Section x 4
  8. Dark Angels Impulsor
  9. Ardboyz x 10
  10. Skragrot the Looking

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Had a game of Heresy on Friday against Dave down at the Friday Night Wargames club.

Played with my Imperial Fists with some allied Solar Auxiilia against his Word Bearers and it was a close game, came down to the last turn in which if I had killed just three more tactical marines I would have won by 2VP, but alas I lost by 1VP.

I also played a game against Graham at Durham Raiders, and well hell froze over and I beat him 11-8, to be fair my list was a bit tasty and the destruction of his Kytan took out a whole unit of Ursurax, which helped me no end!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Some more Space Marine 2 Operations were played this week

And I started a playthrough of Assassin’s Creed: Unity

What I Am Creating

We published the latest episode of Edge of Empire

What I Am Backing

I have joined a group buy for the Trench Crusade Kickstarter, the models look rad, and we are backing at the +HERESIARCH+ pledge level!

What I Am Spending

I bought the latest edition of Combat Patrol for a Terminator Librarian to join the Dark Angels.

And due to the issues with Smokey, and the need to pay his vet bills, I am no longer going to upgrade my PC to AM5, and instead have returned the B650 board and will be ordering a 5700X3D once the refund comes through, but in the meantime, I have bought some Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut in preparation.

And whilst the refund took ages to come through, I did eventually get my 5700X3D which is now nicely fitted to my PC and its really nice in gaming!

I also got issues 12 and 13 to add a squad of Deathwing Terminators to the Dark Angels

No need for any more issues until Issue 20 when I plan to get hopefully a couple of the Chaplain on a Bike, one for the Dark Angels and one for the Blood Angels.

It was Humble Choice week, and this month it bagged me

And I also got in a mystery bundle, Dread X Collection.