Tag: Death Guard

We Lost Smokie, Which Was Rough

We lost our beloved Smokie, he was only with us three months, but that little spicy bean made quite the impression on us.

After Fireworks Night, the stress of all the noises triggered herpes, which 80% of all cats have, it normally lies dormant unless they get very ill or feel a lot of stress.

Unfortunately what we learned was that he suffered from a nasty auto immune disorder which meant that to deal with the herpes, his white blood cells were attacking his entire body.

It quickly destroyed his eyes, leaving him blind and then decimated his red blood cell count. The vets tried their hardest to save him, we cannot fault him.

We had intended to visit my mum the weekend he died, but we decided to stay with him, and I glad we did, he had a nice last day, lots of cuddles, he ate tuna from my stottie, pretty much half of it, and then after a nice meal and some milk, he sat down and, well he let us know it was time.

We drove him round and they agreed that despite all the medication and treatment, there was noting else they could do and the best decision was to let him go.

It was very peaceful, but as you can guess, it was also very painful, the little dude was such a beautiful and wilful boy and he was really starting to come round to us.

We are going to miss him very much and I won’t lie, its left us all feeling pretty crap.

Other Stuff

A few other things happened over the weeks, but I am gonna expand on them later on, I mangled to get a racing wheel for my PC/Xbox which was cool but for the most part its been pretty quiet, we have all just been very sad

I did get my BoardGameGeek Secret Santa delivered, which was the wonderful San Juan, a secondhand copy but that’s cool, Wingspan European Expansion and Ticket to Ride France/Old West.

The Battleground show in Middlesbrough last weekend was great, they hosted us playing a big game of Horus Heresy with many many points aside, the Loyalists had four of my Knights and my Warhound Titan, the Traitors had a fair few Super Heavy tanks and a few knights too

What I Am Modelling

I started off with a pair of Domicile Shells from Stormbringer, these are going to be sorted out in the next few weeks with my current AoS terrain to give me two boxes of terrain, one for the Friday Night Wargames club, and one for my house

After that I turned my attention to an Assault Squad for my Heresy Ultramarines

And an Invictor Tactical Warsuit for their Space Wolves to complete their Combat Patrol

I took a bit of time to finish some more bits, starting with this printed Death Guard Dreadnought, that I am going to be using as a Helbrute

And Gamers@Hart asked me to paint their Death Guard Kill Team for the store demo set

And finally I painted some Solar Auxilia tanks that I printed for Legions Imperialis!

After that I painted this pair of Carnodons armed with all Volkite for my Solar Auxilia army, getting close to having everything for Heresy Camp done, vehicle wise.

I am going to print a third one of these next year for the overall army

Then I painted the Infernus Sgt from Combat Patrol up for the Ultramarines

Followed by a Tyranid Prime with Wings from the magazine as well

And for the whole Christmas thing that’s coming up, a TARDIS tree ornament that I printed up

After that, some more mini tanks, this time the standard Battlecannon armed Leman Russ tanks for the Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia

I also had to do a repair job on this Iron Warriors breacher, in the studio refurb he managed to lose his Bolter and Backpack, so I printed off replacements for him, think I need to do more with this army at some point

And finally these Von Ryan’s Leapers to complete the Insidious Infectors Combat Patrol

Whats coming up next then?

  1. Blood Angels Land Speeders (Can’t Find Them)
  2. Paragon Warsuits x 3 (Sprue Issue)
  3. Karazai
  4. The Dread Pagent
  5. Phallax Warder Squad x 10
  6. Snatchboss on Sludgeraker Beast
  7. Calth High Guard Lasrifle Section x 10 & Command Section x 4
  8. Dark Angels Impulsor
  9. Ardboyz x 10
  10. Skragrot the Looking

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Had a game of Heresy on Friday against Dave down at the Friday Night Wargames club.

Played with my Imperial Fists with some allied Solar Auxiilia against his Word Bearers and it was a close game, came down to the last turn in which if I had killed just three more tactical marines I would have won by 2VP, but alas I lost by 1VP.

I also played a game against Graham at Durham Raiders, and well hell froze over and I beat him 11-8, to be fair my list was a bit tasty and the destruction of his Kytan took out a whole unit of Ursurax, which helped me no end!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Some more Space Marine 2 Operations were played this week

And I started a playthrough of Assassin’s Creed: Unity

What I Am Creating

We published the latest episode of Edge of Empire

What I Am Backing

I have joined a group buy for the Trench Crusade Kickstarter, the models look rad, and we are backing at the +HERESIARCH+ pledge level!

What I Am Spending

I bought the latest edition of Combat Patrol for a Terminator Librarian to join the Dark Angels.

And due to the issues with Smokey, and the need to pay his vet bills, I am no longer going to upgrade my PC to AM5, and instead have returned the B650 board and will be ordering a 5700X3D once the refund comes through, but in the meantime, I have bought some Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut in preparation.

And whilst the refund took ages to come through, I did eventually get my 5700X3D which is now nicely fitted to my PC and its really nice in gaming!

I also got issues 12 and 13 to add a squad of Deathwing Terminators to the Dark Angels

No need for any more issues until Issue 20 when I plan to get hopefully a couple of the Chaplain on a Bike, one for the Dark Angels and one for the Blood Angels.

It was Humble Choice week, and this month it bagged me

And I also got in a mystery bundle, Dread X Collection.

A Little Bit More in the Studio

The past couple of weeks have been a bit boring, but I did do a touch more work to improve the studio

First up I bought the last bits for my controller board, and fitted them leaving me with this as the final result!

Really happy with how this turned out, and it looks super cool.

What we have on it, are:-

Playstation Controller (USB)DualShock 3NES ControllerSNES Controller
Tribute 64Gamecube ControllerGamecube Wavebird
Mega Drive Controller (USB)Mega Drive 6 Button Controller (USB)Saturn Controller Model 2 (USB)8BitDo SN30 ProHyperkin Duke
PC Engine Turbo Pad (USB)A500 ControllerUSB-C CableMicro USB Cable8BitDo Neo Geo CD ControllerShelf with some adaptors
Hyperkin XenonDualSenseSwitch ProXbox Series XAmazon Echo Dot
Google StadiaAmazon LunaSteam ControllerNVIDIA Shield

So yeah really happy with how its turned out, expensive but worth it!

And I also mounted the Xbox Series S under the desk, just to keep the desk top clearer, becuase it was in a funny situation with no where to be because the place it was, was no longer an option as the new monitor was in the way.

I imagine the next few weeks will be more of the same, just getting stuff better and more tidy, I still may wall mount the PS5 and/or Switch, but lets wait and see.

What I Am Modelling

I started by finishing some Chaplins for the Ultramarines, and a Judicar.

After that it was a Spartan for the Death Guard

Then a Rotor Cannon Support Squad for the Imperial Fists

Followed by 20 Termagants with Devourers

And finally a pair of bases of Rippers!

So whats up next for me?

  1. Chaos Familiars
  2. Loonboss & Zarbags Gitz
  3. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10
  4. Battle Sister Squad x 10
  5. Baal Predator
  6. Lilth Hesperax 
  7. Ork Trukks x 2
  8. Putrid Blightkings x 5
  9. Shootas x 20
  10. Minka Lesk x 2

What I Am Reading

I listened to Bang-Bang-a-Boom! by Clayton Hickman and Gareth Roberts, which was

I have read with The End and The Death: Volume II by Dan Abnett, and that was a hell of a book is all I will say!

I have started listening to The Fall of Cadia by Robert Rath and that’s pretty good so far, very surprised that they had yet to do this story!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Got a game of Horus Heresy in at club on Friday myself and Russell started a campaign, and well I wiped the floor with him, but I did have 3250 points to his 2500 so it was an unfair match up!

What Video Games I Am Playing

I finished Assassin’s Creed III Remastered, which I have been streaming!

I also played through Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – The Lost Archive, which you can see here on YouTube.

We will be playing The Tyranny of King Washington next!

What I Am Creating

I made a little experimental video about the army list I took to Scotland at the beginning of October.

Also a little short on painting lights!

What I Am Spending

It was Humble Choice this week, so for my £8.99, I got the following

And I bought myself Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 3 Remastered as well.

I also picked up the Space Marines and Tyranids datacards for Warhammer 40k.

And a Vindicator to add to my Imperial Fists.

A Big Bunch of Stuff

This is a big update, life has been a bit all over the place and its taken this long to sort out putting out a new blog post, sorry

My dad turned 60 earlier this month so we buggered off to Suffolk for a birthday meal, we were in the county for less than 24 hours which felt too brief as I was unable to get any quality time.

Would have liked to have spent more time with the nibblings, but it was nice nonetheless.

It was a Sunday dinner at the pub and I had lamb, cause I love lamb and so rarely get to have it.

I turned 41 as well, which was fine, but my birthday plans failed and it’s left me somewhat deflated.

I am on the verge of giving up any attempt at celebrating it from now.

I did get a pair of AirPod Pros for my birthday, mostly cause I needed the ANC

This weekend I went to Stirling for a Horus Heresy event runs by some friends of ours, an event with lots of Conpany of Legends DNA, which is really cool cause we never get to play in our own event!

That’s not me saying they ripped us off, we love that they have taken our concept and turned it into their own thing, it’s absolutely brilliant, although we did provide them with Chris’s scoring/pairing spreadsheet.

I am gonna put up a vide with my list next week.

It’s been a really fun event, my first game was against Matts Whit Scars, a beautiful army that I was able to really push and give it a hard time.

The game went rather well for me, I did lose in the end, but it largely came down to a mixture of great tactics by Matt, poor decision making on my part and of course rolling double 1s on Plasma Pistol Chainfire on my Moritat resulting in him dying in his first turn out of the Rhino!

The second game on Saturday was against Chris’s Custodes, and yeah at 3.5k points, Custodes really get to shine as they can take a lot of the nicer toys that 3k kind of stops them taking

I got hammered in this game, my list just struggled to handle the sheer amount of 2+ Armour

Wonderful guy as well and a beautifully painted army, makes me want to get my Custodes out the box!

On Sunday I faced Mark and his Ultramarines, in a very challenging game, for a good part of the game, I was dominant on one flank, distracting him with stuff on the other, but once he had taken care of those units, he quickly wiped out my whole army!

And my final game was against Michael and his Space Wolves, a great army with a Thunderhawk, my first time facing one of those bad boys!

I did okay, but eventually folded and was tabled, a mix of poor choices on my part and great tactics on Michaels.

A great weekend and the lads put on an amazing event, really good, absolutely loved my time there.


Not my name, but it seems apt, on my return Stirling, we were having some insulation work done by the landlord, the contractors said, it was all external, but when they arrived, we were told its actually all internal!

So we had a chaotic week, with every room in the house being torn apart, and it ended my #HobbyStreak 🙁

It is what it is, but we are only just getting the place back together, and it still needs painting.

In other news, I am back into therapy and mental health treatment, I need it, and the waiting period was awful.

Initially my medication has been adjusted as they build an idea on how to help sort me out.

What I Am Modelling

I started off painting some Blood Angels but got bored partway though so got painted up my Questoris Knight Styrix for House Taranis

Then I finished the Phobos Lieutenant for the Blood Angels

Followed by the Suppressors

And the a squad of Infiltrators

After that a Ballistus Dreadnought for the Blood Ravens

As a result of the insulation, I found a DOOM box of abandoned Warhammer projects and decided to finish as many of them as I could, starting with a resin Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun, who mostly just needed a few bits and bobs finishing

Then it was a Praetor for the Death Guard armed with a Thunder Hammer!

Then I finished up some Marines that Chris gave me ages ago to supplement my Word Bearers who needed a couple of Marines per Squad to allow me to take them as Tactical Squads instead of Veteran Squads and allow me to build some non Pride of the Legion lists

And then some Tyranid Warriors that I originally got with Deathstorm, a very very long time ago!

And finally I painted a squad of Assault Terminators for my Ultramarines from the DOOM box

So what’s up next?

  1. Ork Boyz x 10 & Nob
  2. Marshcrawlla Sluggoth
  3. Sororitas Dialogus
  4. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  5. Death Guard Spartan
  6. Termagants with Devourers x 20
  7. Grots x 10 & Runtherd
  8. Chaos Familiars
  9. Loonboss & Zarbags Gitz
  10. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10

What I Am Reading

I finished The Prisoner of Tartarus bu Richard Lee Byers, so expect a review of that soonish!

I also read The Devouring Void by Danie Ware, which was ok, the twist was kind of sudden which didn’t work for me, but otherwise was good.

Audiobook wise, I listened to Blood of the Emperor, and The Sandman by Simon A Forward, and I am currently listening to The Church and the Crown by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I got a game of Sone Mortalis in with Paul at Durham Raiders

I did ok, my list is suboptimal, Paul’s is much better and he played really well, very smart choice made by him.

But it was a close run thing!

And we also had a game of Alhambra, on my birthday which I did not win, of course Megan did.

But it was close!

What Video Games I Am Playing

I have started on Assassin’s Creed III Remastered and been doing so on stream.

I also played and completed Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines, emulated using Retroarch, and I uploaded the playthrough to YouTube

Other than that, I finished Bayonetta.

And I am now playing through Spider-Man Remastered.

What I Am Creating

I did finally get round to making that Ork Skin video!

What I Am Spending

I bought this Neo Geo CD controller made by 8BitDo a month ago and it’s only just arrived, the best thing about, MICROSWITCHES!

So yeah 8BitDo got right what SNK couldn’t

I also had a couple of bits printed up for my controller board, some black hooks to hang cables and a shelf, to hold a few little bits.

I also finally bought a new monitor for the studio, I just really needed some more screen real-estate for editing Edge of Empire podcasts, cause the setup I had was a bit weird in composition.

Its a Cooler Master GA271 and is really good for the £130 I paid for it, and I mean, really good, far better than it has any right to be, with some HDR and FreeSync too.

Getting on Top of Things

Stuff is getting better and I feel a lot more in control the past couple of weeks, but there is still more to do.

I need to be a bit more forthright about asking Lindsay and Megan for help and assistance.

Currently waiting on some work being done on the house and this is sort of creating a limbo situation for me, so a few bits are on hold, but I think I might be able to end this year feeling a lot better.

But lets keep up the progress and see what happens.

What I Am Modelling

I started with Evander Garrius for the Imperial Fists

Along with the obligatory Lascannon Squad for them too.

After that it was some Apothecaries for the Ultramarines, so thats a Primaris Apothecary and an Apothecary Biologis

Followed by some Vienna Class Escort Frigates for my UCM fleet.

And finally Gardus Steel Soul from Stormbringer

And finally a Heavy Support Squad for my Death Guard, also armed with Lascannons, given that its obligatory now!

So what’s coming up next week?

  1. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  2. Blood Ravens Balistus Dreadnought
  3. Ork Boyz x 10 & Nob
  4. Marshcrawllla Sloghoth x 2
  5. Dialogus
  6. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  7. Death Guard Spartan
  8. Termagants with Devourers x 20
  9. Grots x 10 & Runtherd
  10. Chaos Familiars

What I Am Reading

I finished listening to Blood of Iax by Robbie MacNiven, which was fine, just kinda generic really, but ok.

And I finally finished Secrets in Scarlet so expect a review soon.

I am now reading The Prisoner of Tartarus by Richard Lee Byers which is good so far.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I had a game of Heresy with Graham the other

What Video Games I Am Playing

Got a couple of sessions of Assassin’s Creed Revelations in on stream, and finished the game, so I will be starting Assassin’s Creed III on Tuesday!

I have also been playing a bit more of Starfield.

And some Bayonetta along with a bit of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

What I Am Cooking

I managed to cook for the first time in forever and I made some beans and sausage wraps, which were quite nice.

And a serving of dirty rice for myself and Lindsay too

What I Am Spending

Bought a couple of Humble Bundles, the Cities: Skylines Build Today, Plan for Tomorrow bundle and the Control the Narrative bundle.

Plus I bought Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza Kiwami 2.

I also bought for myself as a birthday treat, the Hyperkin Xenon controller, which so far has been amazing to use, feels so much like playing games in 2005 again!

And after a bit of hunting I found some nice cables to use for my controllers, these nice chunky rubber ones are just right, very dieselpunk and feel really substantial, I love them!

I also had to buy a pack of Heavy Weapons with Volkite Culverins, Lascannons and Autocannons for the Horus Heresy to build the Death Guard Lascannon squad, I got them from Element Games of course!

And finally some AirTags and a new wallet, so hopefully no more losing the wallet when I need it!

Stuck In A Rut

So I am in the middle of a doctor imposed period of rest and relaxation, not that I can do that much more, and I don’t think I have achieved any of what I was expected to do.

Its been four weeks of the six I was told to take, and I am struggling to center myself and sort out the things I am meant to do, and I think I need to sit and sort that out in the next two weeks.

So I am setting myself some targets over the next couple of weeks, lets say three weeks.

  • Finish Bayonetta
  • Get my studio into a constant state of tidiness
  • Sort out my desk (Its a huge mess)
  • Film a Battle Report
  • Cook something
  • Finish a book
  • Sort out my 3D Printer
  • Paint that Lascannon Squad for the Death Guard you forgot you needed

So here is what I need to do

Finish Bayonetta

Just sit and play on my Steam Deck for at least 30 minutes a day

Get My Studio into a Constant State of Tidiness

The big things are to get some stuff into the eaves, clean up the bookcase and take some old Codexes and rulebooks to a charity shop.

I also need to put this unexpected terrain into a box, so a trip to ASDA or Ikea is needed (so I need to ask Lindsay for help, or perhaps Paul) and put the new PLEX server in its permanent home, which may also involve setting up a KDM using a Pi.

Sort Out My Desk

Linked to the above but its a bit of an issue with the left side being a huge issue

Film a Battle Report

I think I have a workflow figured out, so I am gonna try and do this next week, and perhaps do an overview of one or two of my armies.

Cook Something

I have been struggling so much with the electric hobs, so on Sunday, I am going to cook a meal for the otters.

Finish a Book

The brain damage is an issue here, causing concentration to really suck, but I just need to sit down and read, force myself if I have to.

Sort Out My 3D Printer

I have yet to use it since I moved here, and its been over a year!

Paint that Lascannon Squad for the Death Guard You Forgot You Needed

I forgot I didn’t have a Lascannon squad for my Death Guard and I put it in a list, so yeah, I need to build one, I have the marines, just need to buy the weapons on pay day!

I know I will need the assistance of Lindsay and Megan, but I am gonna really try to sort this out

What I Am Modelling

I started out with the Praetor for the Death Guard I got a few months ago

Then it was a pair of Azyrite Fountains I got from Stormbringer

Then I painted the Azrakh the Annihilator model I got from Warhammer+

Then I painted a T’au Strike Team

Along with an Ethereal

And a Cadre Fireblade

Plus six Shield Drones and a pair of Marker Drones!

After that it was some Mandrakes for my Drukhari

So what’s up next?

  1. Imperial Fists Lascannon Squad x 10 & Evander Garrius
  2. Gardus Steel Soul
  3. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  4. Blood Ravens Ballistis Dreadnought
  5. Ork Boyz x 10
  6. Ultramarines Apothecaries x 2
  7. Marshcrawlla Sloggoth
  8. Dialogus
  9. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  10. Death Guard Land Raider Spartan

What I Am Reading

I finished The Great Clans of Rokugan Volume 2 which was a good listen.

And I listened to The Rapture by Joseph Lidster, and I forgot the mad lads at Big Finish did an audio in which the 7th Doctor went clubbing with Tony Blackburn in Ibiza.

I am currently listening to Blood of Iax by Robbie MacNiven.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I had a game of Horus Heresy vs Graham on Tuesday at Durham Raiders.

We played a 3500pts game using a Siege of Cthonia mission, and needless to say, of course Graham won!

What Video Games I Am Playing

A bit more Starfield is getting played and I am making progress on the main storyline,

And I am playing a bit more of Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun on stream

And a couple of session of Assassin’s Creed Revelations.

I am also playing a bit of Bayonetta on the Steam Deck, and wow, I forgot what a horny game this was!

What I Am Creating

We got the latest episode of Edge of Empire published, thanks to an improved workflow on my end.

What I Am Spending

I bought Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth for Steam, its been on my wishlist for a while and it was £1.69 so why not!

Hivanni Prime!

This past weekend, I, Chris and Graham made a pilgrimage to Essex to play in the excellent Adeptus Terra Podcast event, Hivanni Prime.

Myself and Graham travelled down from the north east on Friday, sadly not via Warhammer World, and we got to the venue in Benfleet about

My List

I took Death Guard, and this was my list

+ HQ +

Praetor in Tartaros Terminator Armour, Power Scythe, Combi-Alchem Flamer

Deathshroud Terminator Squad x 5, Land Raider Proteus Carrier

Moritat, Plasma Pistol x 2

+ Elites +

Contemptor Dreadnought, Kheres Assault Cannon x 2, Havoc Launcher

Mortus Poisoner Squad x 10, Heavy Alchem Flamer x 2, Phosphex Bomb, Melta Bombs, Rhino

+ Troops +

Tactical Squad x 10, Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Rad Grenades, Melta Bombs, Power Scythe, Rhino

Tactical Squad x 10, Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Rad Grenades, Melta Bombs, Lightning Claw, Rhino

Heavy Support Squad x 10, Alchem Heavy Flamers, Rhino

Heavy Support Squad x 10, Autocannons, Augury Scanner

+ Fast Attack +

Sabre Strike Squadron x 2

+ Heavy Support +

Fire Raptor Gunship, Autocannon Batteries

Predator Squadron x 2

Sicaran Battle Tank, Lascannon Sponsons

My first game saw me take on Nail and his Imperial Fists, which hammered me hard, the list had a ton of rerolls plus two Spartans and a Typhon, just stuff my list couldn’t handle in the slightest, great game though.

In game two I too on Fausty and his Iron Hands, and the theme of the weekend from the EoE gang is…

Fuck the Iron Hands!!!

The Mills Brothers

Very tough game but a nice list and we had a good chat about mats!

But yes, a second loss.

My third game saw me take on Paul and his Dark Angels, in a very close game, that I did lose, but another turn and I may have turned it round, but we ran out of time, but super close.

My last game against James’s Dark Angels, saw me lose again, this time in turn 4, the Lion is a hard git!

And my morale checks just kept failing with three units fleeing the board!

Overall the event was very very enjoyable and I am super happy to have gone.

The Death Guard need a bit of reworking to transition properly

What I Am Modelling

Mostly working on some Ruin Factorum buildings and a Shrine of the Aquila for my Imperium table.

The Shrine was finished first.

And the rest shortly afterwards

What I Am Reading

I finished Echoes of Eternity, and you know what, it was pretty good, and fairly emotional!

I published reviews of Black Cat: Discord by Cath Laura and Recruited by Thomas Parrott.

I have now started on Zachareth by Robbie MacNivan, which so far is alright, and rather enjoyable.

What Video Games I Am Playing

I reorganised the wall of controllers slightly following some advice from the guys on r/battlestations, so now the cables are tied with Velcro cable ties and you can actually see the controllers themselves!

I still want to add a Nvidia Shield and a Steam Controller, but they might be pipe dreams, but I shall see next year.

This kind of follows on from sharing a picture of the battlestation as it is now!

I did get a bit of time in with Shootas, Blood & Teef, which is really, really good!

I even bought the soundtrack!

What I Am Creating

We published an episode of Edge of Empire.

And I have published another battle report!

What I Am Backing

Still backing the CoraQuest expansion and the TT Combat paints and washes.

What I Am Spending

I finally bought my PC Engine CoreGrafx Mini which is a replacement for the original purchase a few weeks ago.

I sold a bunch of stuff on eBay and bought this and an A500 Mini, but alas the PC Engine, came without a controller, so I had to pack it up and send it back, whilst the A500 just took an age to get dispatched!

I took a fair few weeks to get the refund to order the PC Engine again, but at last I have them now!

And for now this completes my controller collection for stuff that’s going on the wall anyway.

In a couple of weeks I shall be ordering four new mounts for the A500s CD32 controller, the PC Engine controller, Xbox 360 and my SN30.

I also bought a new fake plant, just need some more now to make that little bit look really nice.

What I Am Winning

I started entering competitions again, it’s a hobby that those of us into it, call comping.

It’s a little sad I guess, but I enjoy the quizzes and challenges, and sometimes the weirdness that it brings.

So when I win something, I will add it here!

The first prize already came through, a pair of tickets to the Living North Christmas Fair, which Lindsay and Megan took advantage of last weekend.

No doubt the question will come up about how I win stuff, and honestly, it’s just playing the odds, entering pretty much as many as you can and you are bound to win something!

That’s literally the secret, and let’s see if we can win some decent stuff, still yet to top my original iPad win from back in 2010!

Back to Streaming

I started streaming again on a regular basis from Monday, it was rather fun.

I painted a unit of Necron Warriors and did some work on the Caestus Assaukt Ram.

The plan is that Mondays will be my painting night and Thursdays will be video games.

But this week I will be streaming on Wednesday as the mother-in-law is taking me out for dinner!

What I Am Modelling

Decided to try and knock out the Endless Spells and get them done.

First up was the Purple Sun of Shyish and the Malevolent Maelstrom.

The Chronomantic Cogs followed next.

And then the suffocating Gravetide.

Finally the last three spells all got finished together, those being the Geminids of Uhl-Gysh, Ravenak’s Gbashing Jaws and the Aethervoid Pendulum.

I got the Flesh Hounds and thier big bow Karanak out of the way next. Had Karanak and half the Flesh Hounds since they were released, and got the second half of the Flesh Hounds with Mortal Realms.

After that I then got the Droidekas done for the Confederacy of Independent Systems Droid army.

And General Grievous followed shortly afterwards.

I also painted the barriers for Star Wars Legion as well.

I then started work on a Caestus Assaukt Ram for my Death Guard Heresy Army, which I finished tonight.

I also painted up a unit of Necron Warriors on Stream on Monday, got them all painted fine and they will be joining my ever growing legion of the ancient scythe of the Sautekh Dynasty.

So what’s coming up next week then?

  1. Legio Custodes Vertus Praetors x 3 & Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike
  2. Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Rangers x 10
  3. Ork Flash Gitz x 5
  4. Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian Ruststalkers x 5
  5. T’au Empire Pathfinders x 10
  6. Death Korps of Krieg Kill Team x 10
  7. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  8. Orruk Megaboss
  9. Space Wolves Primaris Battle Leader x 2, Primaris Librarian & Primaris Aggressors x 3
  10. Necron Flayed Ones x 5

What I Am Reading

Now quite finished Warhawk, but I am getting there with it.

I did listen to the last two audiobooks in the Warhammer Adventures Realm Quest series, Fortress of Ghosts and Battle for the Soulspring.

I think I will put together a few thoughts about these in a separate article later in the week.

But there were a lot of fun.

What Video Games Am I Playing

I got BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2 finished, it was an interesting ending, but I am not sure it’s one I was 100% enamoured with.

I have also completed Donut County, which is a very very relaxing game.

I have played a bit more Far Cry 2, which is fun but at the same time highly frustrating.

I will be starting Assassins Creed at long last this Wednesday on Twitch!

I have a planned list of games I will be playing on Twitch and here is the current list of 5 games in the queue.

  1. Assassins Creed
  2. Horizon Zero Dawn
  3. Assassins Creed – The Ezio Collection
  4. Control Ultimate
  5. Assassins Creed III

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

Not much but I did play a game of Carcassonne: Winter Edition with the girls and Mary & Paul.

What I Am Creating

I uploaded my playthrough of BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2, which is further up in this article.

I also made a concept video for a new show I am planing on running.

The feedback on it is encouraging so a pilot is going out this coming Sunday.

What Am I Spending

I did grab a couple of cables to allow me to plug my headset into my PC.

It’s quite far away from my seat, so I needed a long extension.

Lindsay has been quietly seething when I am in the room and watching YouTube when she is working, so I am under orders to now use headphones during the day.

I grabbed a few bits from Element Games including a Noctilith Crown.

I also bought myself the Specialists DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Gladius.

  • Mood:- Rough
  • Caffeinated Beverages Consumed:- 5
  • In My Ears:- Knights of Cydonia Muse
  • Tabletop Game Last Played:- Carcassonne: Winter Edition
  • Video Game Last Played:- Forza Horizon 5
  • Book Last Read:- Warhawk
  • Movie/TV Show Last Viewed:- Another Life
  • Current State of Projects:- Vertus Praetors and Riders have got their first base coat on and that’s been washed.

Death Guard vs Orks – Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

In this battle report, me and Megan play a 500pts game between the Death Guard and the Orks.

I am refining the process of making these reports, and I think that I may have it about right now and a good work flow going on.

Let me know how you like it!

You can support what I do by doing any of the following:-

Schedule Sucks Still

Well my schedule is complete balls right now, it’s all over the shop and it’s really doing my head in.

I know I need it to function well, but I am having issues asking for what I need to actually keep to a scheuldule.

Lindsay’s meeting schedule is now going on the family calendar but sharing an office means I can’t do certain stuff when she is in those meetings.

The doctor has offered some great advice for helping with my sleep, which is helping to a degree, but I also need to get the days sorted out.

I dunno, guess I don’t have much else to say really.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week with a the HQ models and the MG34 MMG Team for my Bolt Action early war Germans.

I then painted up the Cultists from the Blackstone Fortress Escalation expansion.

I then began work on a Fire Raptor for the Heresy Death Guard, I have had this model for so long, originally it was intended for the Space Wolves, but plans changed.

I also managed to paint a Hexmark Desyroyer, which I must say, is the nicest model in the new Necron range.

And finally I painted three Necron Warriors that came with Imperium, this is a second set, and I have another still to do.

So what’s up next?

  1. Necron Canoptek Wraiths x 6
  2. Mechanicum Magos Macrotek Enginseer & Servo-Automata x 4
  3. Flesh-Eater Courts Crypt Flayers x 3 & Crypt Infernal Courtier
  4. Death Guard Lord of Virulence, Blackstone Fortress Plague Marines x 3 & Poxwalkers x 6
  5. Skitarii Marshall
  6. Thousand Sons Terminators x 5 & Ahirman
  7. Blackstone Fortress Negavolt Cultists x 6 & Rogue Psykers x 3
  8. Stormcast Eternals Judicators x 10
  9. Ork Nobz x 6, Warboss & Painboy
  10. Death Korps of Krieg Infantry Squad x 10

What Am I Reading

I published the review of In the Shadow of Deimos by Jane Killick and you can read it here.

Haven’t read much else this week, but I have started listening to Godblight by Guy Haley.

What Video Games Am I Playing

Playing a little bit every day, played a little bit of PUBG, some Flight Simulator and finished Halo 2 Anniversary.

I have now stated on Halo 3 and have made a decent way though it so far.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

I played through two solo games of Warhammer 40,000 to create the battle reports for the Imperium playlist.

The first video was published on Friday and you can see that in the Creating section.

What I Am Creating

The Vlog for Company of Legends went up on Thursday.

And on Friday the first battle reports for Imperium was released.

And look out for a new episode of Edge of Empire dropping shortly.

What I Am Backing

Still just backing Rawr! Velociraptor! at the $11 level to get the Greatest Hots album.

What I am Cooking

I managed to make a filling for a cottage pie on Saturday, but that wiped me out for the weekend 🙁

  • Mood:- Funny Tummy
  • Caffeinated Beverages Consumed:- 8
  • In My Ears:- Crocodile Rock – Elton John
  • Tabletop Game Last Played:- Warhammer 40,000
  • Video Game Last Played:- Halo 3
  • Book Last Read:The Patriot List – David Guymer
  • Movie/TV Show Last Viewed:- Archer
  • Current State of Projects:- Canoptek Wraiths, metallics finished, just starting on the carapaces.

Painting Plan For The Next Few Weeks

I am headed down to Warhammer World on the 14th November to play Megan and I have set myself the challenge of taking some Death a Guard instead of my usual Adeptus Mechanicus.

Here is the list I am going to take, I think.

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Hellforged sword

Malignant Plaguecaster


+ Troops +

Plague Marines: Icon of Despair
. Plague Champion
. . Plague knife, Plasma gun, Power fist
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher

Plague Marines
. Plague Champion
. . Codex: Boltgun, Plaguesword, Power fist
. 5x Plague Marine w/ boltgun
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Plasma gun

Poxwalkers: 10x Poxwalker

Poxwalkers: 10x Poxwalker

+ Elites +

Blightlord Terminators
. Blightlord Champion: Balesword, Combi-flamer
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Plague spewer
. Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption
. Blightlord Terminator: Balesword, Combi-bolter
. Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

Helbrute: Power scourge, Twin lascannon

Noxious Blightbringer: Plasma pistol

Plague Surgeon: Balesword

+ Fast Attack +

Foetid Bloat-drone: 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe

Myphitic Blight-haulers
. Myphitic Blight-hauler: Missile launcher, Multi-melta
. Myphitic Blight-hauler: Missile launcher, Multi-melta
. Myphitic Blight-hauler: Missile launcher, Multi-melta

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy slugger

Those in italics are already painted, so that gives me a list to paint of

  • Deamon Prince of Nurgle
  • Typhus
  • Plague Marines x 7
  • Poxwalkers x 10
  • Blightlord Terminators x 5
  • Foetid Bloat Dtobe
  • Plagueburst Crawler

But I do want to crack on with Niki’s Death Korps of Keieg, so in that same period I also want to do as a minimum.

  • Infantry Squad x 10
  • Infantry Squad x 10
  • Commissar x 2
  • Command HQ Squad
  • Lascannon Team x 3

Now I am away from home for 13 out of 32 days, so that’s a lot of time eaten up, but for 7 of those days I will be taking a hobby box with me, so I can work on a couple of bits whilst I am away, probably the DKK Infantry Squads and the Plague Marines.

But this is my plan for the next couple of weeks, so here is hoping I can stick to it!

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