Tag: Waaagh Lindskull

Battling Fatigue

The chest is feeling better, I am coughing less and I am able to climb stairs without needing my inhaler halfway up.

But the fatigue is another thing, I think I have spent more of the last couple of weeks in bed asleep, than awake, and its pretty annoying.

It having a marked effect on my memory as I am forgetting so much, and I have become a real burden on Megan and especially Lindsay as she has family stuff going on right now.

Hopefully I can push though it, and I will try as much as I can, that’s all I can do right.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week with a Nexus Syphon for my Age of Sigmar terrain box

And then a couple of bases of Ripper Swarms for the Tyranids

Then two units of Stabbas for the Gloomspite Gitz

And a Knight-Judicator for my Celestial Vindicators

After that it was 20 Termagants for the Tyranids

Then I painted a trio of Ork Warbikers!

I am currently working on Khagra’s Ravagers for Underworlds

Post by @biggeordiegeek
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So what’s next?

  1. Khagra’s Ravagers
  2. Dark Angels Intercessors x 5
  3. Imperial Fists Heavy Bolter Heavy Support Squad x 10
  4. Spite Revenants x 10
  5. Penitent Engine
  6. Vigilors x 10
  7. Nexus Syphon
  8. Chief Librarian Tigurius & Ultramarines Primaris Librarian
  9. Homunculus
  10. Bloodletters of Khorne x 10

What I Am Reading

I finished The Talon of Horus by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, which was really, really good!

I then listened to Flip-Flop by Jonathan Morris, which was quite unique, but a lot of fun. And then I moved on to Omega by Nev Fountain, which was ok, not amazing, but not terrible.

I am now listening to Creed: Ashes of Cadia by Jude Reid which is quite good so far, and absolutely makes me want to collect a Cadian army!

And I am still reading The End and the Death: Volume III by Dan Abnett, which is a very compelling book, but a big read, especially when I have fatigue issues!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

A couple of games of the 40k league, but the third one I was due to play today, I utterly forgot about cause of the aforementioned issues, utterly unfair on my opponent and I feel like such a dickhead for it.

What Video Games I Am Playing

a bit more of Yakuza 0, its a weird game, but I am loving the story.

I also returned to the Halo Infinite campaign, the last time I had fired it up until last Thursday was the day Mary passed away, so I guess that explains why I didn’t pick it up again, especially as we moved house shortly afterwards.

What I Am Creating

I published the next battle report of Combat Patrol, this episode features the Drukhari taking on the Vangaurd Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter!

What I Am Backing

Nowt new, but I realised I forgot to pay for shipping on the Firefly: The Game – 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition project, so we got that done, and I cannot imagine we will get it until later on in the year and not in the main wave!

What I Am Spending

A few video games were bought

I picked up a copy of Stormbringer with a Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig.

I also bought some Deathwing Terminators for the Dark Angels army that I am NOT building!!!

And a sponsor sorted me out with a set of the Boarding Actions terrain.

Goodbye Douggie

Our beautiful boy Sir Douglas T Cat has today crossed the Rainbow Bridge after a short battle with cancer.

We first adopted Doug two and a half years ago from the amazing Yarm Cat Rescue, he was a special cat who had first been found with a shattered pelvis, so bad they thought he might be best off being put to sleep.

But Becky worked hard and helped him heal and learn to walk again, which he did not with a wobble, but a swagger.

He was the kindest, most gentle boy, who as soon as he met someone, would make them his best friend, he loved children, and other animals especially.

He was such a force of nature, with a tail that made him a disaster, but he was always wanting to be with people and hugging them, then demanding fuds!

He was a little lamb, and I am going to miss his scruffy face so much, he was just a perfect little cat, who helped his brother Lord Barrington come out of his shell and become a more friendly cat.

Sleep well my champion lad.

What I Am Modelling

We started out with some reinforcements for my Blood Ravens Infernus Squad

And both versions of Minka Lesk, both as a Sgt/Lt and as a Captain

Followed by the Putrid Blightkings for Warhammer Quest

After which I painted Lilith for my Drukhari

And a Rhino for Legions Imperialis in Ultramarines colours

Then a couple of Ork Trukks for Waaagh Lindskull

Plan is currently very flexible as I need a paint restock so stuff is delayed until then

  1. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10
  2. Battle Sisters x 11 & Repentia Superior
  3. Shootas x 40
  4. Blood Ravens Sternguard Veterans x 5 & Lieutenant in Phobos Armour
  5. Imperial Fists Whirlwind Scorpius
  6. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10
  7. Termagants x 20
  8. Ultramarines Aggressors x 3
  9. Gutrippas x 10
  10. Fungoid Cave Shaman

What I Am Reading

I listened to Jubilee by Robert Shearman and finished Sea of Souls by Chris Wraight.

I then moved on to Nekromanteia by Austen Atkinson, which was, after which I hit up The Dark Flame by Trevor Baxendale, now I am listening to Krieg by Steve Lyons.

I also read Visage by Rich McCormick, which was actually really good, then I read Hidden Treasures by Cavan Scott, followed by the Astra Millitarium Quick Reads series which was:

I also read The Desert Threat by Yan Leisheng, which sadly shares most of the faults of its predecessor.

What Video Games I Am Playing

I finished Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD.

And I started on Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag!

What I Am Spending

Not much, but I did buy a couple of bits of DLC in preparation of playing Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

It was also Humble Choice, and that got me

And I got a few games on the cheap too to add to the Steam Library

I also had to replace my phone, I had hoped to make my iPhone 12 last 4 years, but its Wi-Fi module on the SOC failed on Friday and it could no longer do any kind of network connectivity at all.

So I ordered an iPhone 15 Pro, the big advantage is that I can now get rid of my Lighting cables and move to just USB-C for everything but my power bank.

I intend to replace the power bank next year with a USB-C one, so once that’s done, I am a totally USB-C man for charging my personal electronics, other than the MagSafe for my watch.

Some Minor Studio Upgrades

Following the insulation work I have made a few small changes to the studio, mostly cosmetic, but they do make it far more comfortable.

First up, I have moved my collection of badges to a set of banners that Megan made for me in the polycule sewing room.

Really happy with how these turned out, and they fill a bit of a hole in the room.

I also hung a Man Cave sign that Mary got me before she passed away, and it looks pretty nice.

And I took the fabric Avatar world map we got with the Avatar Legends Kickstarter, and put that into a frame and hung it on the staircase

I also ordered a 3D printed stand for my Echo Dot to hang on my pegboard, its been a bit of a chew on to get it, and when I eventually did two weeks after it should have come, it was in entirely the wrong colour!

Next steps are going to be something to store the hot chocolate pods in, and a couple more Ikea controller holders for the pegboard.

And of course I do need to do some painting still!

What I Am Modelling

I started off my finishing the Ork Boyz

Plus a Runtherd for some Grots

And then followed up that with a pair of Marshcrawlla Sloghoths

Then some more greenskins, this time in the shape of 10 Grots!

I finally painted the Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos, good old Kyria Draxus!

And then a Sister Dialogues for my Sisters of Battle

So what’s up next?

  1. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  2. Death Guard Spartan
  3. Termagants with Devourers x 20
  4. Chaos Familiar’s x 8
  5. Loonboss & Zatbags Gitz
  6. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10
  7. Battle Sisters Squad x 10
  8. Baal Predator
  9. Lilith
  10. Trukks x 2

What I Am Reading

I read a few short stories to try and get me reading again, starting with The Long and Hungry Road by Adrian Tchaikovsky, then Devilhunter by Nicholas Wolf and finally Blood Harvest by Richard Swan.

I have now started on The End and The Death Volume II by Dan Abnett.

What Video Games I Am Playing

Continued to play some more Assassin’s Creed III Remastered, and I am getting to grips with the ways its different to the previous 3 games.

What I Am Creating

I published the latest episode of Edge of Empire!

What I Am Backing

My first project in a while, but I am backing the Car Wars Companion for Sixth Edition, cause, you know, Car Wars!

What I Am Spending

Not much, but I did buy The Ancestor’s Wrath, cause why not, new Votann models are gonna be cool!

We also upgrade our broadband, from 350mbps to 1130mbps, for only a few quid a month more!

I Wish the Weather Would Make Its Mind Up

Its consistently hot, I am spending most of my time sweating hard!

In my studio its really hard due to being in an attic with a ton of tech and the weather keeps raining hard, so I can’t even have the window open to relive myself with some fresh air and have to have two fans on all the time!

I can’t wait for the coolness of autumn!

What I Am Modelling

I started off with a Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun for my Ork, really lovely model to stand beside my resin one.

And I also painted up a Deffkilla Wartrike for the Orks as well, a really really fun model!

Followed by a trip of Canoptek Wraiths for the Necrons

And a Hexmark Destroyer for them too

After that I moved onto a T’au Stealth Team for my Tau Sept army

After that I finished off some Firestrike Servo Turrets for the Ultramarines which have been sitting on my desk for a while.

And finally I finished some more Gutrippas for the Oruuks!

So whats coming up next?

  1. Illuminor Sezras
  2. Elathain’s Soulraid
  3. Tzaangors x 6
  4. Ultramarines Sternguard Veterans x 5 & Victrix Honour Guard x 4
  5. T’au Fire Warriors x 10
  6. Termagants with Spine Fists x 20
  7. Stormstrike Charriot
  8. Blood Ravens Terminators x 5 & Terminator Captain
  9. Mandrakes x 5
  10. Ultramarines Ballistus Dreadnought

What I Am Reading

I finished The Martyrs Tomb by Marc Collins, which was a fun story, felt a bit disconnected from the rest of the series, but still good.

I then listened to Spare Parts by Marc Platt, a fantastic Doctor Who audio drama about the genesis of the Cybermen, and is one the best stories that Big Finish have done.

I am slowly making my way through Secrets in Scarlet, slowly but surely.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I played Blood Bowl on Saturday, against Black Orcs, and yeah, I lost, and lost a couple of players 🙁

What Video Games I Am Playing

Back to Control Ultimate, and I started on The Foundation!

But this is the last gameplay I will have as a crash corrupted my save and there is no way to recover it 🙁

So I am done with it for the foreseeable future.

I Did as a result start on Assassin’s Creed Revelations on Monday.

I also finished Disney’s Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, the last boss was fiendishly difficult, but it was a fun little game overall.

What I Am Creating

The latest episode of Edge of Empire is out, and on YouTube and iTunes now!

What I Am Spending

A few more games were added to the library, starting with Bully, cause it was 99p, plus I got Quake Live and Crumble in a £1 mystery bundle on Fanatical!

I got a couple of bundles, first off Humble Choice, which got me

I also got a Train Simulator Classic Bundle from Fanatical which got me the base game and 17 pieces of DLC!

I also picked up in the QuakeCon sale

And a I picked up very cheaply, Kerbal Space Program, Lamentum, Dust to the End, Steamworld Dig and American Truck Simulator

Bad Sleep

Recently, I am so buggered up with Insomnia.

I am following the advice the doctor gave me, so no being in bed unless it’s for sleep, staying up until I am actually tired, no caffeine after 4pm (I am actually quite bad at that one) e and getting up at a set time etc.

The biggest issue I am having is that I love reading in bed, it’s my safe space to read and it’s where I feel most comfortable reading, so my reading has plunged to a record low.

But I am struggling to be asleep before 4am and it’s making my days awful, even when I am so tired I just can’t get to sleep.

I don’t want to end up on sleeping tablets, so I am doing my best to avoid that, but something has to give.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by painting two units of Stromcast Eternals Judicators armed with Skybolt Bows.

This actually completes all the Stormcast Eternals I have right now, other than Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, and the Celestant Prime should also be delivered and day now.

I then painted some Orks, specifically five Nobz, a Painboy, Warboss, Gorzag Gitatompa and Nikkit.

After that I painted an infantry squad for the Death Korps of Krieg.

And whilst painting those, I also knocked out the Spindle Drones and Guardian Drones for Blackstone Fortress, which actually completes the original games and the Ascension expansion.

So what’s coming up next week then?

  1. Mechanicum Mavis Macrotek Enginseer & Servo-Automata x 4 (Once I find it)
  2. Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank x 2
  3. Grand Army of the Republic Phase 1 Clone Troopers x 22
  4. Ork Shockjump Dragsta
  5. Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear & The Celestant Prime
  6. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  7. Necron Skorpekh Destroyers x 6 & Canoptek Plasmacytes x 2
  8. Flesh-Eater Courts Abhorrent Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist
  9. Blackstone Fortress The Archivist
  10. Adeptus Custodes Wardens x 5

What I Am Reading

I finished The Dark Avengers: Patriot List by David Guymer, the review for which you can read here.

I have now started on the Zombiecide novel, Last Resort by Josh Reynolds and should have a review if this amazing book out by Thursday.

What Video Games Am I Playing

I did my play through of the 8-Bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog, and posted that up on YouTube.

Decided to continue with doing a retro play through and I am currently playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Master System using Retroarch.

Started that late Monday night, with very frequent saves. I had intended to play a level a night but due to a shitty sleep cycle, I only got a chance ti play again on Friday night.

I also started streaming again, and had a very early morning Bioshock Infinite stream on Thursday, which was uploaded to YouTube on Friday.

I have got the old PC that used to belong to Geoff set up to run some old games via emulation, it is however a lot lot older than we thought it was and the GPU is not the GTX 750 that Geoff was told it was, but rather a GT210, which is significantly worse.

I have also played a little bit of Back 4 Blood, which has been rather enjoyable, and I am continuing to play Halo Reach.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

Sadly none, but I am playing Adeptus Titanicus tonight with Graham for an Intro game!

What Am I Creating

As in a previous section I posted the video of my 8-Bit Sonic the Hedgehog play through and the sequels play through.

In regards to the YouTube stuff, I made it to 75 subscribers on Monday, which is amazing cause I was on like 30 something a few months ago, and at time of writing, I am now at 88 subscribers which is mind blowing!

I am not trying to become some kind of popular content creator, I just feel like there is stuff I want to do for my own enjoyment. I have zero interest in appeasing the algorithm, I just want to make content that I personally want to see myself.

So my current focus is on the battle reports in the casual narrative style, and retro video game playthroughs. And any Twitch video game playthroughs will get added to that as well.

What I Am Backing

Sadly Munchkin Mayhem was cancelled, so right now I am not backing anything.

What I Am Cooking

Not a good week, other than beans on toast, nowt.

What I Am Spending

I feel like I am finally in a place where I can restore this section of the blog, but I may not share any hauls quite as frequently.

This week was subdued in terms of spending initially, I bought myself the Play Pink Bundle on Humble Bundle, I had most of what’s in the bundle, but what I didn’t have saved me plenty of money still.

And Steam Codes for most other stuff is being given to friends, who don’t have them.

I also bought a couple of video games in addition to the bundle.

I bought Far Cry 6, well I got it dirt cheap from a friend who works at Ubisoft. I also grabbed Alan Wake Remastered with a voucher for the Epic Games Store and the Premium Add-Ons Bundle for Forza Horizon 5.

I also kinda spent some money on a Raspberry Pi kit, I am enjoying old games and I want to add a emulation machine in the den, that’s easily transported around. Along with a USB Bluetooth dongle so I can link the DualShock 3 Controllers to it.

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