Tag: Warhammer Quest

Trying to be Better with Breakfast

Just as the title says, I am trying to be better with breakfast, because I am usually awful at the most important meal of the day.

So I have been trying to have something warm for the meal, whilst I am struggling to kick this winter cold, that has stuck around since Christmas.

Most days I am having knock off Ready Brek, because porridge is really good for me, and this is really easy to make.

We are keeping in some frozen sausages so the odd sausage breakfast is happening.

So far this year I have been ok, other than a morning in which breakfast was custard doughnuts, but I was feeling super crap.

Other options are bagels, set honey on toast and how can we forget about beans on toast!

What I Am Modelling

I started the new year with an Apothecary Biologis for my Blood Ravens.

Followed by the first lot of Hobgrot Slittaz from Stormbringer

After which I painted some Sternguard Veterans for the Blood Ravens

Along with a Phobos Lieutenant, which completed all the models from Leviathan for the Space Marines.

And then it was the last unit for Shadows Over Hammerhal, some Bloodreavers!

And I also painted this Rhino for my Sisters of Battle which completes that Combat Patrol!

I decided to crack on with the Dark Angels Chaplain, just cause I wanted him done

And because I need him for a Battle Report, here is the Phobos Librarian for the Ultramarines!

So whats up next?

  1. Termagants x 20 & Rippers x 2
  2. Gutrippas x 10
  3. Fungoid Cave Shaman
  4. Arch-Revenant & Ylthari’s Guardians
  5. Space Wolves Suppressors x 3
  6. Screamer Killer
  7. Stabbas x 40
  8. Ork Warbikers x 3
  9. Knight Judicator
  10. Khagra’s Ravagers

What I Am Reading

I have been listening to Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales – Wings of Fury by Brittney Morris, and I finished that, not a bad story at all, and I cannot wait to play the game!

I have been listening to Steel Tread by Andy Clark, which has been a fun story, but the accents are wrong 🙁

And to continue the Doctor Who Monthly Adventures by Big Finish I am now listening to Project: Lazarus by Cavan Scott & Mark Wright.

And I have been reading The Tower of Nerek by David Guymer, which is ok so far, moving along very nicely,

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I have been playing a bit of D&D with Lindsay and Megan, using the Dungeon and Dragons Adventurer magazine

I also played my first game of the Hartlepool 1000pts 40K league on Friday and lost, by a lot!

I am using this list for it

Necrons (980 Points)
Awakened Dynasty
Incursion (1000 Points)
Overlord (85 Points)
    • Warlord
    • 1x Overlord’s blade
      1x Tachyon arrow
Royal Warden (40 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Relic gauss blaster
Necron Warriors (100 Points)
    • 10x Necron Warrior
        • 10x Close combat weapon
          10x Gauss flayer
Necron Warriors (100 Points)
    • 10x Necron Warrior
        • 10x Close combat weapon
          10x Gauss reaper
Necron Warriors (100 Points)
    • 10x Necron Warrior
        • 10x Close combat weapon
          10x Gauss flayer
Canoptek Doomstalker (135 Points)
    • 1x Doomsday blaster
      1x Doomstalker limbs
      1x Twin gauss flayer
Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (50 Points)
    • 1x Close combat weapon
      1x Gauss destructor
Night Scythe (145 Points)
    • 1x Armoured bulk
      1x Twin tesla destructor
Skorpekh Destroyers (100 Points)
    • 3x Skorpekh Destroyer
        • 3x Skorpekh hyperphase weapons
Triarch Stalker (125 Points)
    • 1x Heat ray
      1x Stalker’s forelimbs

What Video Games I Am Playing

I started playing Stray on New Years Day and I managed to finish it and it was a really good game, and I was not prepared for that ending emotionally.

I then started on Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, I have never played any of the first 6 games in the series as they were never released in Europe when I was a nipper, and even then they were on Nintendo consoles, which weren’t that common in the UK.

And I managed to complete the game in about 16 hours, but missed out a few achievements thanks to a missing 3 treasure chests!

I justr finished playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, great game and great story and worked so well on the Steam Deck!

I returned to Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, its a great game and I want to finish it, then play it again!!!

What I Am Creating

The first Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Battle Report has been published, this one was between the Blood Ravens Space Marines Chapter and the Necrons of the Sautekh Dynasty.

We also got the final episode of Edge of Empire of 2023 out (I know)!

What I Am Cooking

We are brining back the tradition of having breakfast together on a Sunday morning, and I cooked the first one, which was croissants with ham, cheese and egg!

What I Am Spending

I bought a few little games for my Steam Deck from a Fanatical bundle, these were:-

Also it was Humble Choice, which bagged me:-

And from the Steam winter sale, I bought Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

I have gotten a new headset, but not by buying it, my friend gave me a broken headset and said it was mine if I could fix it, turned out the dongle was borked, so after asking Logitech if I can buy replacement, they told me it was still in warranty and replaced the whole thing, which my friend was cool with as theirs had already been replaced.

And for Battle Report reasons, I now have a Dark Angels Combat Patrol box!

And in the Games-At-Hart reverse auction sale I bought Ticket to Ride Berlin and Ticket to Ride Poland cause I am a big fan of Ticket to Ride!

Goodbye Douggie

Our beautiful boy Sir Douglas T Cat has today crossed the Rainbow Bridge after a short battle with cancer.

We first adopted Doug two and a half years ago from the amazing Yarm Cat Rescue, he was a special cat who had first been found with a shattered pelvis, so bad they thought he might be best off being put to sleep.

But Becky worked hard and helped him heal and learn to walk again, which he did not with a wobble, but a swagger.

He was the kindest, most gentle boy, who as soon as he met someone, would make them his best friend, he loved children, and other animals especially.

He was such a force of nature, with a tail that made him a disaster, but he was always wanting to be with people and hugging them, then demanding fuds!

He was a little lamb, and I am going to miss his scruffy face so much, he was just a perfect little cat, who helped his brother Lord Barrington come out of his shell and become a more friendly cat.

Sleep well my champion lad.

What I Am Modelling

We started out with some reinforcements for my Blood Ravens Infernus Squad

And both versions of Minka Lesk, both as a Sgt/Lt and as a Captain

Followed by the Putrid Blightkings for Warhammer Quest

After which I painted Lilith for my Drukhari

And a Rhino for Legions Imperialis in Ultramarines colours

Then a couple of Ork Trukks for Waaagh Lindskull

Plan is currently very flexible as I need a paint restock so stuff is delayed until then

  1. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10
  2. Battle Sisters x 11 & Repentia Superior
  3. Shootas x 40
  4. Blood Ravens Sternguard Veterans x 5 & Lieutenant in Phobos Armour
  5. Imperial Fists Whirlwind Scorpius
  6. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10
  7. Termagants x 20
  8. Ultramarines Aggressors x 3
  9. Gutrippas x 10
  10. Fungoid Cave Shaman

What I Am Reading

I listened to Jubilee by Robert Shearman and finished Sea of Souls by Chris Wraight.

I then moved on to Nekromanteia by Austen Atkinson, which was, after which I hit up The Dark Flame by Trevor Baxendale, now I am listening to Krieg by Steve Lyons.

I also read Visage by Rich McCormick, which was actually really good, then I read Hidden Treasures by Cavan Scott, followed by the Astra Millitarium Quick Reads series which was:

I also read The Desert Threat by Yan Leisheng, which sadly shares most of the faults of its predecessor.

What Video Games I Am Playing

I finished Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD.

And I started on Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag!

What I Am Spending

Not much, but I did buy a couple of bits of DLC in preparation of playing Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

It was also Humble Choice, and that got me

And I got a few games on the cheap too to add to the Steam Library

I also had to replace my phone, I had hoped to make my iPhone 12 last 4 years, but its Wi-Fi module on the SOC failed on Friday and it could no longer do any kind of network connectivity at all.

So I ordered an iPhone 15 Pro, the big advantage is that I can now get rid of my Lighting cables and move to just USB-C for everything but my power bank.

I intend to replace the power bank next year with a USB-C one, so once that’s done, I am a totally USB-C man for charging my personal electronics, other than the MagSafe for my watch.

A Couple of Home Improvements

Not much this week, but I have made a couple of changes to the house to make it more comfortable and easier to use.

The first, was to add a SKÅDIS pegboard, just like in the studio to the wall, to hold knives, and a few other bits and bobs using some bits that I had previously used on my studio board.

And Megan and Lindsay want more “display” space, so had me get the Soundbar mounted under the telly to free up the space on the TV unit for it.

What I Am Modelling

I started out with the Chaos Familiars from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower

After which I painted a Vargulf Courtier for the Flesh Eater Courts

Then a Baal Predator for mine and Megans Blood Angels

Then made a start to the Gloomspite Gitz with a Loonboss

And Zarbag’s Gitz

So whats on the plan for next week?

  1. Ultramarines Infiltrators x 10
  2. Battle Sisters x 10
  3. Lilth Hesperax
  4. Ork Trukks x 2
  5. Putrid Blightkings x 5
  6. Shootas x 20
  7. Minka Lesk x 2
  8. Blood Ravens Sterngaurd Veterans x 5
  9. Imperial Fists Whirlwind Scorpius
  10. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10

What I Am Reading

I finished listening to The Fall of Cadia by Robert Rath, which was a pretty good listen, and I hope they finish the story of the Gathering Storm and give us a novel of the Fracture of Biel-Tan and the Rise of the Primarch because they are so far poorly explored.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I haven’t, but I did receive my BoardGameGeek Secret Santa, which is Root!

What Video Games I Am Playing

I played through The Tyranny of King Washington, the DLC for Assassin’s Creed III

And I started on Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD too!

What I Am Creating

I got the latest episode of Edge of Empire puiblished!

What I Am Spending

I bought myself a couple cheap games in the Black Friday sales, I got Prey, Yakuza 5 & Yakuza 6, Catherine Classic, Doom 2, Doom 3, Two Point Hospital and A Memoir Blue.

Due to the insulation work, we had to swap out a bookcase we had when we moved for a narrower one, so we went to IKEA and picked up a narrow Billy to store some of our board games.

I also got a couple of issues of Stormbringer part 40 for the Treelords!

And I got the second issue as well!

Media Server Transition

The Raspberry Pi I have been running my server on for the last 2 years has basically become insufficient to handle what I am asking it to do, getting a few failures and slowdowns.

So Paul has lent me Mary’s old HP All-In-One PC so we can transition the server to an X64 system until my plan to build a dedicated server that can also do transcoding can be realised.

The transfer went well, well 69 audiobooks somehow got lost, but I had local backups, so restoration of them was easy enough.

At first I was quite worried as it turned out the system was struggling to run AudioBookShelf as well, but it just took a bit of time for the new installs to verify the files and rebuild some of the metadata.

The machine only has 8GB of memory, 2GB which has been pinched by the integrated GPU, but alas it only has a single SODIMM slot, so when I upgrade the RAM it will have to be a replacement of the existing SODIMM.

So far it’s running pretty well, I am away in Brighton right now and watching a movie that’s streaming from my studio!

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by finishing Illuminor Szeras for my Necrons, which completes the army for now.

Might do a whole army over view at some point!

After that came a trio of Gondola Poles for Carnevale.

Then a Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant that I got with Stormbringer.

And a Stormstrike Charriot for my Celestial Vindicators.

Followed by the Tzaangors for Warhammer Quest, getting close to finishing Silver Tower!

After that it was a Ultramarines Ballistus Dreadnought!

Then a Terminator Captain for my Blood Ravens.

Alongside a Terminator Squad

And finally a Phobos Lieutenant for the Ultramarines, armed with a Combi-Weapon

So whats up next week?

  1. Elathain’s Soulraid
  2. Ultramarines Sternguard Veterans x 5, Victrix Honour Guard x 4 & Champion
  3. Strike Team x 10
  4. Termagants with Spine Fists x 20
  5. Mandrakes x 5
  6. Imperial Fists Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons x 10
  7. Gardus Steel Soul
  8. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  9. Blood Ravens Balistus Dreadnought
  10. Ork Boyz x 10

What I Am Reading

I listened to Shadow of the Eighth by Justin D. Hill, always love a bit of Mika Lesk!

I also listened to …ish by Philip Pascoe which was ok, but not amazing.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I got a game of Horus Heresy at Hartlepool Gamers last week, but I returned to my losing ways!

And my rats lost another Blood Bowl game too!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more Assassins Creed Revelations which have been uploaded to YouTube on BigGeordieGeek Plays.

Played a bit of Boltgun too!

And I started playing Driver: Parallel Lines on the Steam Deck

What I Am Creating

Did another TikTok, this time on basing!

@biggeordiegeek Basic Grassy Base How I do my super basic Games Workshop style grassy base! #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #WarhammerBases #Base #Basing #WarhammerBasing ♬ original sound biggeordiegeek

What I am Spending

Not much, my order of Minka Lesk x 2 and a Sisters of Battle Rhino finally arrived!

I did buy a Humble Bundle, the Spaced Out Bundle, that got me

I also bought a couple of other mini bundles

The Steam Deck!

I have worked really hard at a few events and managed to earn the money to buy a Steam Deck, a device I have been planning to buy in August, but well the Summer sale price was just too good!

I absolutely love it, the ability to play my PC games natively on a handheld device is amazing!

The first thing I did with it was to okay Aperture Desk Job to get it tested out and make sure everything was hunky dorey!

After that I took it apart, well, I took the back cover off, unplugged the battery and replaced the SSD with a 1TB Corsair MP600 Mini, after which I installed SteamOS on to it!

And then began the process of installing the games I want to play right now.

I also set up a 256GB MicroSD card with Windows 11 on it, so that I can have the ability to play games on Windows natively as well, via the Epic, Xbox, GOG, Ubisoft, EA and Amazon apps.

I also installed a screen protector, to add some anti-glare and keep the screen protected from scratches and stuff.

I used it to play through 80’s Overdrive (review here) and I am currently pushing my way through The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Overall I am really impressed with the device, its super cool, but I do want to sort out eventually dual booting with Windows, so I can play things like the Ubisoft titles, I have the Heroic Launcher setup for Epic and GOG already and they are mostly working.

I have been having a lot of fun with the device, and its helping me game a lot more, cause I can hang out with Megan and Lindsay whilst I am gaming, rather than having to exile myself to the studio!

What I Am Modelling

I started off by painting up the horrors for Warhammer Quest, so that’s 2 Pink Horrors, 4 Blue Horrors and 4 bases of Brimstone Horrors.

Then I painted the Blood Ravens Infernus Squad for the Space Marine Combat Patrol

After that it was The Rashaar for Carnivale

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And a Skitarii Marshall

Followed by the Palatine for the Sisters of Battle

Then a Primal Lair from Stormbringer for my AoS scenery!

And finally some additions to the Ultramarines, starting with a squad of Bladeguard Veterans.

Then a Bladeguard Ancient.

And finally a Primaris Ancient

So what’s up next?

  1. Gutrippas x 10
  2. Imperial Fists Tactical Squad x 10
  3. Defkilla Wartrike
  4. Ultramarines Bladeguard Veterans, x 3 Bladeguard Ancient and Ancient
  5. Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
  6. Stealth Team x 3
  7. Canoptek Wraiths & Hexmark Destroyer
  8. Gutrippas x 10
  9. Elathain’s Soulraid
  10. Tazaangors x 6

What I Am Reading

No physical reading done, which is annoying, just can’t manage to do it!

But I have finished listening to Leviathan by Darius Hinks, the story is good, but the narrator was kind of meh!

I also listened to Neverland by Alan Barnes which was pretty good, nice to see Romanadvoratrelundars return!

I have now started on The Martyr’s Tomb by Marc Collins.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Had a catch up game of Blood Bowl and it went very very badly.

I had two Clanrats murdered, ended up with seven players knocked out and just three Clanrats left on the field, and I lost the game 1-0

I had a game of Heresy with Graham at Durham Raiders, and, I won, which is weird!

And finally I played a game of Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol with my Drukhari and I got utterly tabled by the Dark Angels!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more Boltgun!

But mostly played through 80’s Overdrive and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

What I Am Spending

I bought a few more games in the Steam sale, specifically the Valve Complete Pack, which got me

I also purchased, The Witcher Adventure Game as well, plus the Window Flags and Volvo Construction Equipment for Euro Truck Simulator 2, a few bits of Lego Marvel DLC for a few different titles and Lego Indiana Jones The Original Adventures.

I grabbed a couple of bargains on Prime Days, I bought a new kettle, as our one was having issues.

A 65w USB C controller to give myself a second charger for the Steam Deck, this is gonna live in the living room and will allow Lindsay to power her MacBook or work laptop as well.

And the Luna Controller was going for a song, so I picked one of them up for the collection, and its now on the peg board!

UK Games Expo 2023

Ok this has been a long update, my health and metal capabilities have been in the damn toilet, but better later thane never!

It was a really fun weekend and I spent it demoing games on the Star Wars games, moving between being a stand greeter, Shatterpoint, Legion, X-Wing and the Deck Building game, all of which are a hell of a lot of fun.

Myself, Lindsay and Sean came down by car on the Thursday night, and got to Birmingham, around 9:30ish and we got a Dominos and hung out.

The hotel is fine, its not the best hotel, but it was okay, the biggest gripe was breakfast which had zero diabetes friendly option, but I was able to remedy that by buying some Wheetbix of my own.

It was a really fun if exhausting weekend, and once I get paid at the end of July, I am hoping to buy a Steam Deck, depending if its even in stock, cause that’s been a huge issue in the past few months 4.

I actually came away with the belief that this was the best UK Games Expo I have been to since before the plague, yes a few minor niggles, but actually really positive, probably helped by having an awesome stand manager and an absolutely brilliant team to work with.

Cannot wait for next year!

What I Am Modelling

I started off by finishing my scenery for the Imperium table, first up was the Haemotrope Reactor.

I then painted up three Ruined Factorum buildings

I then painted Tech-Priest Grombrindal who has been sitting in the pile of potential for a while now!

And then a squad of Ultramarines Outriders!

After that came Hedkrakka’s Madmob for Underworlds.

And finally I painted the Parasite of Mortrex for the Tyranids!

After that it was some Deathrunners for Silver Tower

And cause I thought I needed it for a game, I then completed a Rat Ogre for Blood Bowl!

After that I finally painted the Kairic Acolytes for Silver Tower

Followed by the ones for Shadows Over Hammerhal

So whats coming up next?

  1. Catacomb Command Barge & Overlord
  2. Swampcalla Shaman x 3 & Pot-Grot x 2
  3. The Rashaar
  4. Gutrippas x 10
  5. Beast-Skewer Killbow x 2
  6. Imperial Fists Tactical Squad x 10
  7. Soriaitas Palatine
  8. Pink Horrors x 2, Blue Horrors x 4 & Brimstone Horrors x 4
  9. Deffkilla Wartrike
  10. Ultramarines Bladguard Veterans x 3 & Ancients x 2

What I Am Reading

You can read my review of David Annadales In the Coils of the Labyrinth here!

I finished up Necropolis from The Founding Omnibus by Dan Abnett, and it was extremely good!

And I have now started on Sisters of Sorcery by Marsheila Rockwell and so far its quite canny!

I finished listening to The Lion: Son of the Forest by Mike Brooks, and thats an issue, cause now I want to start an army of Risen!

I also listened to Blightslayer by Richard Strachan, which is rather good, I had feared the loss of Maleneth but Amara isn’t a bad character, but I am still sad at losing the Witch Aelf.

I also listened to The Time of the Daleks by Justin Richards, which was ok, but not the best 8th audio so far.

And I just finished listening to Stormcaller by Chris Wraight which was great but at times a bit hard to follow

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Not much, but I did manage to get started with the local Blood Bowl league, and I lost my first match!

I lost 5-0 but it was a very very good match, and a lot of fun!

My team roster is as follows:-

Blitzer x 2
Gutter Runner  x 2
Rat Ogre
Skaven Clanrat Linemanx 5
Re-Roll x 3

What Video Games I Am Playing

Bit more time on The Witcher 3 as I start on the DLC.

I also started playing Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun on stream, and that’s a lot of fun!

Also played a bit of Control on Stream too.

What I Am Creating

The second battle report of 2023 is out, and its Dropfleet Commander!!!

The new 40K podcast from the Edge of Empire team is here, its currently lacking a title, but here is our first episode!

What I Am Winning

Its been a minute, but I won these Govee gaming lights back in March, and they arrived this week, and will be getting installed on Megan’s desk in the next few days!

What I Am Spending

I bought Warhammer 40,000 Boltgun, cause hell yeah!!!

And as it’s Skulls, I got, Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron, Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition and Space Hulk Tactics alongside some DLC.

I got Winds of Magic, Shadows Over Bögenhafen, Back to Ubersreik, Grail Knight Career, Outcast Engineer Career, Warrior Priest Career, Sister of the Thorn Career and Forgotten Relics for Vermintide 2.

I also got Sons of Cadia, Legacy of the Weirdboy and Horrors of the Warp for Sanctus Reach, and the Chaos Campaign for Battlefleet Gothic 2.

And I decided to treat myself to a few bargains from my wishlist!

So I bought Euro Trick Simulator 2: Road to the Black Sea, Lost Planet 2, Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition, Metro 2033 Redux, Metro: Last Light Redux, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Wolfenstien 3D, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and Resident Evil Revelations 2.

Grey Goo and Kingdom Rush came in a mini mystery bundle.

And Junes Humble Choice came out and I got the following:-

I got a mini haul at UK Games Expo, the only games were Elector Counts and Catan: Soccer Fever.

And I got myself a set of bases for Carinvale and some Monitors for the UCM.

I was silly enough to buy the Warhammer stamps from Royal Mail!

I finally got my hands on Kâhl Yôht Grendok, he took a bit to get made, but he is here now and I quite like him, cannot wait to get him built and painted!

And some Word Bearers objective tokens arrived, the person who makes them is slow, but they are worth it!

Went To Suffolk

Last weekend, we took a flying visit to my parents in Suffolk.

We hadn’t been in nearly 3 1/2 years as a result of the Pandemic and it was nice to head down again, even if it was only brief.

It coincided with my brothers birthday, and he wanted to go to Cambridge for the day, so thats what we did, and we ate at an all you can eat buffet, which was interesting whilst on my current medication!

But it was a nice trip and I am looking forward to my next visit for my brothers wedding in April.

What I Am Modelling

I finished up the Ultramarines Lieutenants, all eight of them!

And then I painted up the Kâhl for the Leagues of Votann.

Plus an Einhyr Champuon too.

I then finished up a Broodlord for 2023 Resolutions Combat Patrol

Followed by a Lictor

After that I painted a Burnaby Battlestar Carrier for my UCM Fleet.

Plus the Titania Cruisers from the starter set!

Then I painted the Skink Priest for Warhammer Quest, which completes the heroes!

Alongside the Starblood Stalkers.

So what’s up next!

  1. Battle Sisters Squad x 10
  2. Ogroid Thaumaturge
  3. Killaboss x 2 & Stabgrot
  4. Drukhari Succubus & Wyches x 10
  5. Necron Tomb Blades x 6
  6. Imperial Fists Kratos
  7. Imperial Inquisitors x 3
  8. Kainan’s Reapers
  9. Blood Ravens Firestrike Servo Turret x 2
  10. Drukhari Reavers x 6

What I Am Reading

Making slow progress in Daybreak Legacy by Stewart Hotston still should have it finished in a day or two.

I listened to The Stones of Venice by Paul Magrs which is a great little story, and its always fun to hear Eight and Charley having lots of fun!

I am currently listening to Apocalypse by Josh Reynolds.

What Video Games I Am Playing

I completed Assassin’s Creed 2 in Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection


And now I am working on Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, which was a game I really enjoyed when I first played it!


I played a little bit of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, not much but a bit.

What I Am Creating

I published an unboxing video of the new Dropfleet Commander 2 Player Starter Set.

What I Am Winning

Won a copy of Dodge the Ball for PlayStation on Sunday

I also won a Parker pen from Octopus Office Supplies

And I won a copy of 11-11 Memories Retold from Bandi Namco.

And some cross stitch pafter a from The World of Cross Stitching, which have been given to my sister in law!

What I Am Buying

I bought a copy of the new Dropfleet Commander Stater Set from an old ATC friend who now sells models on eBay, as Extra Fox Games!

At Warhammer World I got a top up of paints and an Ultramarines dice bag!

And my missing Firestrike Servo Turrets from Forbidden Planet arrived!

I also bought myself the Celebrating Black Creators and Characters Humble Bundle, which snagged me Mafia III: Definitive Edition, Shadow Man Remastered, Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl, An Airport for Aliens Run by Dogs, Swimsanity, Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death and Semblance.

I also purchased Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Mafia II: Definitive Edition as it was super cheap on Green Man Games.

And ew my AirPods were so dirty, I ordered a tool to help clean them, and the amount of earwax I pulled out almost made me throw up!

I also purchased the last Land Raider Proteus I needed for my Imperial Fists list for the March event!

I also grabbed some Invader ATVs from Forbidden Planet, some for my Blood Ravens and the others for my Ultramarines.

Prepping for Rabbits

Megan spoke to me and Lindsay the other week about how she has been feeling since we moved, anyway long and short we are adopting a pair of rabbits!

Currently known as Harvey and Hudson, they are being renamed Perrigrin Took and Angron Eater of Cables!

So this past week and a bit has been taken up with the task of rabbit proofing, rabbits are utter hoodlums and will chew any fucking thing.

So all the cables are being sheathed in protective coverings, the board game units are getting doors for the bottom shelves and a couple of extension cables are going into boxes.

Tomorrow Megans mum is coming round and the cage will be built!

I like bunnies, but they are pains in the bum, just so bloody naughty!

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by painting the Lord Castellan for Shadows Over Hammerhal and his trusty Gryph-Hound.

Followed by the Darkoath Warchief, I love the whole Darkoath aesthetic and I tell you, if they ever made a whole army of Darkoath, I would be on it like a tramp on chips!

After this it was the Excelsior Warpriest and his mini Gryph-Hound.

After that came a trio of Aelves, a Loremaster, Sorceress and a Black Ark Fleetmaster.

After this came the last two Silver Tower heroes, the Mistweaver Siah and the Tenebrael Shard.

And I got the Grey Seer painted up!

All I am left with now for Warhammer Quest in terms of Heroes is a Skink Priest, but I need a few paints for that, so it’s gonna wait a week or too.

I then quickly painted up a trio of Havana Destroyers for the UCM fleet.

And finally I got finished a Blood Angels Repulsor!

So what’s coming up next week?

  1. WHQ Skink Priest
  2. Templar Brethren x 10 & Land Raider Proteus
  3. Hobgrot Slittaz x 20
  4. Leagues of Votann Kâhl and Einhyr Champion
  5. The Crimson Court
  6. Ultramarines Lieutenants x 8
  7. Battle Sisters Squad x 10
  8. Ogroid Thaumaturge
  9. Killaboss x 2 & Stab Grot
  10. Drukhari Wyches x 10 & Succubus

What I Am Reading

Finished up The Veiled Masters by Tim Pratt, expect a review in the next couple of days.

I also read and finished Garro: Knight of Grey by Jim Swallow which was really good, if a bit bittersweet, a review will come this week!

And now I am onto The Flower Path by Josh Reynolds, a book I have been looking forward to for a while!

In terms of audiobooks, I listened to Sanguinius: The Great Angel by Chris Wraight.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Played a game of Horus Heresy against Graham on Tuesday, it was a close game and I must admit my Dreadnought killing his Sicaran Punishers was beautiful!

A lot of it came down to my army having a lot of units which just gave up kill points and Graham managing to grab First Blood.

What Video Games Am I Playing

A little bit of The Witcher 3 and that’s it.

What I Am Winning

Another piece of shovelware, I know they are crap but the dopamine hit from winning is cool, anyway now I have The Jumping Muffin for PlayStation.

I also won a copy of Assetto Corsa Competizione for the PS5, which was nice, and certainly not shovelware!

And on Friday I won a copy of Eternal Threads on Steam!

Won my first book since the return to comping, My (Extra) Ordinary Life by Rebecca Ryan.

Not my cup of tea, but right up Megan’s street!

I Wish My Sleep Would Return To Normal

The second bout of Covid has really messed up my sleep, when I want/need to be awake, I am sleepy, when I want to be asleep, I am wide awake, and no matter what I do I am really struggling to return my day/night cycle to normal.

Tonight I am gonna stay awake until bed time on Wednesday again, to try and shock my system back into a normal pattern.

I have tried it already but it didn’t work, but lets give it another go.

What I Am Modelling

I finished off my Blood Warriors for the Blades of Khorne army, which I think finished off all the mortal units I have for the army.

I also painted up a Kataphron Breacher that I got from my Forbidden Planet Imperium order.

I then had a weekend cat sitting for my sister in law so I took a few models to build, specifically the heroes from Shadows Under Hammerhall, which I built on Saturday night.

On Sunday I built the next two models, a Black Ark Fleetmaster and a Loremaster.

When I got home, I finished up the work on the Auto-Choral Transmitter for my Imperium table.

And on Monday I built the Chaos Sorcerer for Shadows Over Hammerhal.

What I Am Reading

I actually picked up a book!

I have started to read Splinter Cell: Firewall by James Swallow.

What Video Games I Am Playing

I have been making great progress through the campaign for Halo Infinite, mostly working on the side missions like killing the High Value Targets, FOBs etc.

I played a couple of hours of Horizon Zero Dawn on Thursday which you can see below.