Dare to be Stupid is a parody of Devo songs written by Weird Al Yankovich, a pardoy performer who has been around a very long time.
I have tried to avoid including him in this advent because he is pretty cliché and I like some of his stuff, but I am not a huge fan.
But I love this version by the band Cybertronic Spree, so much so that I backed their Kickstarter and go to the studio and recorded professionally the soundtrack to The Transformers movie from 1986, which is still one of the best soundtracks ever written.
- Mood:- Confused
- Caffeinated Beverages Consumed:- 1
- In My Ears:- Dare to be Stupid – The Cybertronic Spree
- Tabletop Game Last Played:- Star Trek Adventures
- Video Game Last Played:- Apex Legends
- Book Last Read:- The Harrowing of Doom – David Annandale
- Movie/TV Show Last Viewed:- Glee
- Current State of Projects:- Nurgle Blood Bowl Team skin complete