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Resolutions Update – April 2024

Ok its been a bad month, lets get this over with!

Complete 6 Combat Patrols – 33% Complete

No real updates here, but I have now got the Sisters of Silence I need for the original Custodes Patrol

The Chaos Daemons and Death Guard Combat Patrols are now at home too!

Bring My Gloomspite Gitz to 2000 Point – 85.5% Complete

Noting to report here, but right now the Aleguzzler Gargant has been finished and Sneaky Snufflers are on the painting desk

Get My Drukhari To 2000 Points – 58% Complete

The Haemonculus was finished

Complete My Video Game Geek Hardcore 10! – 50% Complete

So this is where we stand now

Alternative Three

I have recently started Final Fantasy II and am currently about halfway through it

Read 40 Books – 57% Complete

This month I have read/listened to

Start the Combat Patrol Battle Reports

OK these aren’t going so well, but two are in production as we speak, taking into account feedback from viewers etc.

A Bit Bummed About The Stormcast

I love my Stormcast Eternals army, I mean its really fun to play with and I actually love the theme of the army, especially as I play Celestial Vindicators and their colour scheme is amazing.

My favourite chamber, is Sacrosanct and well, GW have announced that 80% of my army is being squatted, which is a real bummer.

Ok the old school Liberators look like they will be fine with the new rules, but so much of my army, seemingly isn’t going to have a Thunderstrike replacement, so yeah pretty bummed out.

It just is quite dishartneing that an army I put my heart and soul into, has lasted barly 6 years before being yeeted.

Its got me feeling really down about AoS 4.0, like I am probably gonna skip the launch box, cause honestly, I am not sure if I buy it, how long those models will be useable for.

I mean I get it, I have argued for a long time that the Stormcast range is bloated, but yeah, that was a pretty extreme solution.

So yeah, I just don’t know if I still have the passion for the game anymore, I just don’t know.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by painting the Homunculus for my Drukhari army

After which I moved onto a batch of Blood Angels, starting with a Rhino for the Death Company

Then a few Chaplins, starting with one in Terminator Armour

Then a Primaris Chaplain

Followed by one in MKIV Armour

And finally one with a Jump Pack

After that I painted a squad of Death Company, although I left one in the storage box so I will need to get him and paint him to complete the squad

I also painted Saint Celestine and her Geminae Superia

And finally I painted the Expeditionary Navigator for my Solar Auxilia

So what’s up next

  1. Wulfen x 5
  2. Seraphim x 5
  3. Royal Beastflayers
  4. Sisters Repentia x 4
  5. Dark Angels Aggressors x 3
  6. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10
  7. Dryca Hamadreth
  8. Neurotyrant
  9. Sneaky Snuffles x 12
  10. Arco-Flaggents x 4

What I Am Reading

I listened to Grim Investigations and finished it this month!

And now I have started on Terry Pratchett’s Mort!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Had a game of Horus Heresy with Russel on Friday night, we played Strike and Fade, and I lost 7-3, could have gotten a draw but alas my Terminators just failed to get to the objective in the last turn!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Got back to some Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

What I Am Backing

Our copy of the Firefly The Board Game 10th Anniversary Collectors Edition arrived last Friday and its amazingly huge and I love it!

Cannot wait to play it!

What I Am Spending

It was Humble Choice, so I grabbed that and got

I also bought myself Ghost of Tsushima for PS5, I have been hunting for it, at a reasonable price for a while, and it was on sale at the local Argos, so I leapt on it!

Next on my want list for PS5 is God of War Ragnarok

I also grabbed a couple of extra bottles for our Sodastream, cause ours always need washing and I figure a couple extra will be helpful

I also picked up the mat for my Zone Mortalis board, it’s a 4×4 Undehive Mat from Deep Cut Studios that I ordered from Entoyment

And I also bought these Grundstock Thunderers for my Kharadron Overlord force!

I picked up some Assault Intercessors from a trade on Facebook, no bases, but I have plenty spare

And a second Solar Auxilia Battlegroup was aquired

Resolutions Update – March 2024

An update of where I am at now for this years resolutions!

Complete 6 Combat Patrols – 33% Complete

This month I painted the missing unit of Bloodletters to get the Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol finished.

So we now have 3 of the 6 Combat Patrols I wanted to get done this year done.

Bring My Gloomspite Gitz to 2000 Point – 85.5% Complete

I added a Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig this month, plus two units of Stabbas and two units of Loonsmasha Fanatics to give me 1710 points worth.

Obviously this may all change with the new edition, so lets see what that brings!

Get My Drukhari To 2000 Points

No progress, but I have started on a Haemonculus today

Complete My Video Game Geek Hardcore 10! – 50% Complete

This month I completed both Yakuza 0 and Spider-Man: Miles Morales!

So this is where we stand now

Alternative Three

Also Completed

Read 40 Books – 40% Complete

This month I have read/listened to

Start the Combat Patrol Battle Reports

Due to family issues, one wasn’t published this month, but I plan to upload two in April, starting with T’au vs Adepta Sororitas and followed by Dark Angels vs Daemons of Chaos

Space MarinesImperiumChaosXenos
UltramarinesAdeptus MechanicusDeath GuardDurkhari
Blood Ravens x 2Adepta SororitasChaos DaemonsT’au
Dark AngelsNecrons

Resolutions Update July/August/September 2023

So I am once again a massive failure and haven’t been updating my resolutions so let’s go!

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Army of Drukhari – 63% Complete

We added the Kabalite Combat Patrol box and that means we now have 1220 points along with Drazhar!

And I also added some Mandrakes too!

Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Genestealer Cultists – o% Complete

No progress

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Combat Patrol of Tyranids – 29% Complete

We added some Spinegaunts to the army plus a swarm of Rippers

Bring my Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 93.25% Complete

This month we added the Bladeguard Veterans and the Bladeguard Anicent to the list, along with a Ballistus Dreadnought, Firestrike Servo Turret, the Apothecaries and a squad of Sternguard Veterans!

Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points – Completed

This resolution is now complete with the addition of a unit of Gutrippaz and some Man-Skewer Boltboyz or Da Kunnin’ Krew!

Build & Paint Two Gangs for Carnivale – Completed

The Rashaar were painted this month, so this pledge is complete!

Get My Weight to Under 100KG and Sustain It Below That

Yeah medication changes means that this isn’t going to happen

Publish One Battle Report a Month

Lets try and do this in the last three months eh!

Stream Twice A Week

Managing to get this done

Complete My 2023 VideoGameGeek Challenge – 25% Complete

I finished The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, so thats done!

I also started and finished Tomb Raider, so thats 2 down, 8 to go!

I also finished Control and Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection.

I am now onto Assassin’s Creed III and making my way though Bayonetta

Completed Resolutions

  • Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points
  • Build & Paint Two Gangs for Carnivale

Stuck In A Rut

So I am in the middle of a doctor imposed period of rest and relaxation, not that I can do that much more, and I don’t think I have achieved any of what I was expected to do.

Its been four weeks of the six I was told to take, and I am struggling to center myself and sort out the things I am meant to do, and I think I need to sit and sort that out in the next two weeks.

So I am setting myself some targets over the next couple of weeks, lets say three weeks.

  • Finish Bayonetta
  • Get my studio into a constant state of tidiness
  • Sort out my desk (Its a huge mess)
  • Film a Battle Report
  • Cook something
  • Finish a book
  • Sort out my 3D Printer
  • Paint that Lascannon Squad for the Death Guard you forgot you needed

So here is what I need to do

Finish Bayonetta

Just sit and play on my Steam Deck for at least 30 minutes a day

Get My Studio into a Constant State of Tidiness

The big things are to get some stuff into the eaves, clean up the bookcase and take some old Codexes and rulebooks to a charity shop.

I also need to put this unexpected terrain into a box, so a trip to ASDA or Ikea is needed (so I need to ask Lindsay for help, or perhaps Paul) and put the new PLEX server in its permanent home, which may also involve setting up a KDM using a Pi.

Sort Out My Desk

Linked to the above but its a bit of an issue with the left side being a huge issue

Film a Battle Report

I think I have a workflow figured out, so I am gonna try and do this next week, and perhaps do an overview of one or two of my armies.

Cook Something

I have been struggling so much with the electric hobs, so on Sunday, I am going to cook a meal for the otters.

Finish a Book

The brain damage is an issue here, causing concentration to really suck, but I just need to sit down and read, force myself if I have to.

Sort Out My 3D Printer

I have yet to use it since I moved here, and its been over a year!

Paint that Lascannon Squad for the Death Guard You Forgot You Needed

I forgot I didn’t have a Lascannon squad for my Death Guard and I put it in a list, so yeah, I need to build one, I have the marines, just need to buy the weapons on pay day!

I know I will need the assistance of Lindsay and Megan, but I am gonna really try to sort this out

What I Am Modelling

I started out with the Praetor for the Death Guard I got a few months ago

Then it was a pair of Azyrite Fountains I got from Stormbringer

Then I painted the Azrakh the Annihilator model I got from Warhammer+

Then I painted a T’au Strike Team

Along with an Ethereal

And a Cadre Fireblade

Plus six Shield Drones and a pair of Marker Drones!

After that it was some Mandrakes for my Drukhari

So what’s up next?

  1. Imperial Fists Lascannon Squad x 10 & Evander Garrius
  2. Gardus Steel Soul
  3. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  4. Blood Ravens Ballistis Dreadnought
  5. Ork Boyz x 10
  6. Ultramarines Apothecaries x 2
  7. Marshcrawlla Sloggoth
  8. Dialogus
  9. Imperial Fists Rotor Cannon Squad x 10
  10. Death Guard Land Raider Spartan

What I Am Reading

I finished The Great Clans of Rokugan Volume 2 which was a good listen.

And I listened to The Rapture by Joseph Lidster, and I forgot the mad lads at Big Finish did an audio in which the 7th Doctor went clubbing with Tony Blackburn in Ibiza.

I am currently listening to Blood of Iax by Robbie MacNiven.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I had a game of Horus Heresy vs Graham on Tuesday at Durham Raiders.

We played a 3500pts game using a Siege of Cthonia mission, and needless to say, of course Graham won!

What Video Games I Am Playing

A bit more Starfield is getting played and I am making progress on the main storyline,

And I am playing a bit more of Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun on stream

And a couple of session of Assassin’s Creed Revelations.

I am also playing a bit of Bayonetta on the Steam Deck, and wow, I forgot what a horny game this was!

What I Am Creating

We got the latest episode of Edge of Empire published, thanks to an improved workflow on my end.

What I Am Spending

I bought Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth for Steam, its been on my wishlist for a while and it was £1.69 so why not!

I Did It!!!!

I actually managed to get all 19 models painted up on the day, and I am so happy about that!

Although I was absolutely shattered afterwards, but I raised £195 for The Willow Foundation, and if you want to add to that, you can here.

So I am very very happy, more details about the models in the next section.

But a special shoutout to Megan and Lindsay who really helped get me through it, particularly Megan given that it was a sad anniversary, but you guys are amazing!

And Paul helped too with his micky taking in the first couple of hours!

So next years challenge will be happening and I am gonna have a good think on what to paint for that closer to the time!

What I Am Modelling

Most of the week was dominated by the 24 hour charity stream and I painted the Drukhari Combat Patrol.

I managed to get it all done which I was super happy with, and even had 25 minutes to spare!

So we painted an Archon

Drahzar and his Inclubi

A unit of Kabalite Warriors

A Raider to carry the Warriors

And a Ravager!

After that I was working on the Kruleboyz that have haunted my desk for a couple of weeks now, and finished a pair of Swampcalla Shamans & Pot Grots

Plus Mugruk Da Watcha the event only Swampcalla Shaman

And finally a pair of Beast-Skewer Killbows

So whats up for next week!

  1. The Rashaar
  2. Gutrippas x 10
  3. Imperial Fists Tactical Squad x 10
  4. Palatine
  5. Pink Horrors x 2, Blue Horrors x 4 & Brimstone Horrors x 4
  6. Deffkilla Wartrike
  7. Ultramarines Bladeguard Veterans x 3, Bladeguard Ancient and Ancient
  8. Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
  9. Stealth Team x 3
  10. Canoptek Wraiths x 3

What I Am Reading

Not enough 🙁

But I am listening to Leviathan by Darius Hinks which is ok, but the narrator isn’t brilliant for 40k.

What Video Games I Am Playing

Still working through The Witcher 3 and I am aiming to finish it in July!

I have played a bit of Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, two sessions are on YouTube!

What I Am Backing

The Firefly: The Game – 10th Anniversary Collectors Edition Gamefound project is almost over, and its unlocked all of its stretch goals, so I am happy with that!

What I Am Spending

It’s the Steam summer sale, and I had set a little money aside for it, and I was able to purchase the following games

Its also Humble Choice week, which got me:-

Oh and I bought a Steam Deck!!!

Hopefully it will be here by the weekend, its already been dispatched and is in the hands of GLS right now!

In the meantime, I grabbed a 1TB Corsair MP600 Mini, a 256GB Micro SD Card and a JSAUX Screen Protector to upgrade the deck a little bit from its 64GB of storage and protect it a little bit.

Thinking of running Windows off the Micro SD card so I can play, Ubisoft, Epic, GOG and Xbox games.

Warhammer Fest & Pegboard

So Warhammer Fest, where do I start?

Well let’s be honest, there were a lot of issues, huge numbers of them, and let me be frank about the biggest issue, the shop.

The shop is something that GW should be able to and can do well, at the UK Games Expo last year they had a far bigger presence and more stock, what they had in Manchester was small and focused on a few stands.

The queue to pay was 90 minutes long, there was very very little third party licenced stuff, a few McFarlane and JoyToy figures, a small selection of the Cubicle 7 RPGs and a limited number of art prints.

So no board games, clothing, dice bags, posters, phone cases, mugs, notebooks etc

It felt very lacking in terms of that stuff.

There were a few gaming stalls and credit to them, they put on an amazing show, but because they were one of the few things there, the queues were mental.

Never got a chance to try Boltgun, but I am gonna preorder it anyway, the community lass from Tacticus convinced me to give it a go, and it’s actually pretty good.

Warpforge seems a lot of fun and Horus Heresy Legions is as good as ever.

There was one set of painted models on display for 10th edition 40K, in between the queue for the shop and the queue to try 10th edition, so you could barely get to take a gander at them.

There were 5 tables to try 10th on and a lad I know queued for 4 hours to get a turn at trying it, which if I am honest was ridiculous and a bit of stupid decision, at the Fest when 8th launched there were 20 or 30 tables if I remember correctly.

Its sad cause the last event was so good, and this was just a real let down.

But I still had lots of fun, but that’s cause I got to meet up with people I rarely get to see and play with and in that respect it was good, but still it shouldn’t have been so lacking in content.

Will I go again, depends, if I can get a tournament to play in sure, but if not, perhaps I won’t.

My Haul

So I got a bit from Warhammer Fest!

Here is the total lot!

It’s broken down into, the event exclusive Commissar!

Some dice for my Imperial Knights and *ahem* Kharadron Overlords 🙄

A Homunculus and some Mandrakes for my Drukhari

Lelith Hesperax and Drazhar for them

A Combat Patrol for them too

A Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius for my Imperial Fists

A Rat Ogre for Blood Bowl

And some general swag, which includes some Warhammer Fest objective markers, some badges, patches, a few paints, and a mousemat!


I went and got the Skådis Pegboard from IKEA, well I had them delivered to a local shop, IKEA want 20 notes to deliver to the house, but only £2 to send it to a shop 5 minutes away!!!

First up I had to remove all the controller mounts from the wall, then fill in the holes and paint over them.

This meant the girls insisted that I sort out the cupboard under the stairs, and I will have to take a trip to B&Q to get colour matched paint.

So I started with the cuboard sort, then filled in the holes with the filler and the put the boards up, the bits of filled wall need painting still, but B&Q in Hartlepool is now closed so it’s a trip to Stockton for that!

The pegboard went up pretty easily, I went with the black Skådis, I did consider the Uppspel board with the ROG branding, but that would have been an extra £20 I didn’t fancy spending!

The controllers are now all up, I went with the Skådis hooks to mount them, because it works, mostly.

I did get an Uppspel accessory kit, mostly for the magnetic strip, but the straps are great for holding the NES and SNES controllers, and I plan to get a couple more to hold the PC Engine, CD32, Neo Geo CD and SN30 Pro controllers.

Also, my future Steam Deck may be stored in the board using these straps!

The magnetic strip currently holds a pair of nice braided cables to connect the controllers to the PC directly, one cable is USB C and the other is Micro USB. The WaveBird receiver is also held on it too!

What I Am Modelling

I started out by painting the Imagifier for the Sisters of Battle!

And a Abhorrant Ghoul King for the Flesh-Eater Courts!

Followed by the Drukhari Raider for the Wyches.

So what’s up next?

  1. Kairic Acolytes x 18
  2. The Guild
  3. Ultramarines Repulsor
  4. Hedkrakka’s Mob
  5. Skaven Deathrunners x 2
  6. Blood Ravens Invader ATV x 2
  7. Catacomb Command Barge & Overlord
  8. Swampcalla Shaman x 2 & Pot Grot
  9. Ultramarines Outriders x 3
  10. Rashaar

What I Am Reading

No books read, but I have finished listening to Lukas the Trickster by Josh Reynolds.

And I listened to Embrace the Darkness by Nicholas Briggs.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

Myself, Graham, Rob and Niall had a game of 30K at Element Games, which was a hell of a lot of fun, and my first time visiting Element in person, and its a really fun place.

What Video Games I Am Playing

A couple of hours of The Witcher 3 but that’s it!

What I Am Spending

Bought a few more video games!

Plus this months Humble Choice that got me

And I bought a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection for the Switch too

Resolutions Update – April 2023

Build & Paint a 2000 Points Army of Drukhari – 18.5% Complete

I added the Reavers and Helions to the army this month, which almost competes the Wyches detachment for now.

Just a Raider to go and that’s almost finished!

The next detachment will be a Kabal, and for that I have bought the Combat Patrol!

Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Genestealer Cultists – o% Complete

No progress here 🙁

Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Tyranids – 38% Complete

This is still on pause until Leviathan comes out, but I have bought some 28mm bases as I think my Guants will need them.

Bring my Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 50% Complete

This month I added the Assault Intercessors to the army!

This means I still need to add

  • Repulsor
  • Bladeguard Ancient
  • Bladeguard Veterans x 3
  • Outriders x 3

The Repulsor is next getting painted for this list!

Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points – 53.05

I added some Manskewer Boltboyz to this list this month, two units of them, and I purchased a Beastskewer Killbow.

I need to make a proper list for this and at the minute this is gonna be it!

+ Leader +

Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof

Orruk Megaboss

Orruk Weirdnob Shaman

Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot

+ Battleline +

Gutrippaz: 10 Gutrippaz, Musician, Standard Bearer, Wicked Hakka

Gutrippaz: 10 Gutrippaz, Wicked Stikka

Gutrippaz: 10 Gutrippaz, Wicked Stikka

Hobgrot Slittaz: 10 Hobgrot Slittaz, Musician, Standard Bearer

Hobgrot Slittaz: 10 Hobgrot Slittaz, Musician, Standard Bearer

Orruk Brutes: 5 Brutes, Boss Choppa, Gore-choppa, Jagged Gore-hacka

+ Other +

Man-skewer Boltboyz: 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz

Man-skewer Boltboyz: 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz

Man-skewer Boltboyz: 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz

Orruk Gore-Gruntas: 3 Gore-Gruntas, Pig-iron Choppa

+ Artillery +

Beast-skewer Killbow

Beast-skewer Killbow

Build & Paint two Gangs for Carnivale

The Guild are now build they are getting painted this month.

Need to buy some more bases before I can build the Rashaar!

Get My Weight to Under 100kg & Sustain it Below That

I am currently 115kg so gone a little backwards

Publish One Battle Report a Month

My aim to get caught up in April was spoiled by April being super busy!

Stream Twice a Week

Failed due to a busy April

Complete my 2023 VideoGameGeek Video Game Challenge

None finished yet, but I hope this is the month I get some added to the complete list!

Read 40 Books – 25% Complete

Currently at a total of 10 books read!

Get Edge of Empire Running Like a Well Oiled Machine

Yeah this is going well, no real issues here

A Bimonthly RPG Night With the Polycule

Every time I mention it, the subject is changed so it ain’t happening

Abi’s Wedding (and Pauls too I Suppose!)

Last weekend we went to my beautiful sister-in-laws wedding to my brother Paul.

It was a wonderful day and much joy was had.

The ceremony was lovely and the food was divine, and my nibblings were all little terrors!

It was held at Kersy Mill, near Haverhill in Suffolk and the surroundings were really nice, the building was a converted mill and was pretty nice.

It was just a really awesome day all round to be frank.

On the Sunday we popped into Ipswich, had dinner at Prezzo and saw Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, but we missed the last 5-10 minutes as there was a fire alarm and the cinema was evacuated.

The long stairs out of the cinema left be too exhausted to return to the screen, so we kinda gave up and went back to my parents, curse my lack of spoons!

Film was awesome though!

What I Am Modelling

I started out with the Necron Triarch Stalkers

Followed by some Triarch Praetorians

After that I painted up my Helions for the Drukhari, two units of them!

So what’s coming up next?

  1. Kairic Acolytes x 18
  2. Imagifier
  3. The Guild x 8
  4. Ultramarines Repulsor
  5. Hedkrakka’s Madmob
  6. Drukhari Raider
  7. Skaven Deathrunners x 2
  8. Blood Ravens Invader ATV x 2
  9. Necron Catacomb Command Barge
  10. Swampcalla Shaman x 2 & Pot Grot

What I Am Reading

I finished Squirrel Girl: Universe and you can see my review here.

I have now started on David Annadale’s, In the Coils of the Labyrinth which is so far pretty good.

Still listening to Lukas the Trickster by Josh Reynolds, about 4 hours into that now.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I had a game of Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 at Warhammer World, which was won by Lindsay!

And on Wednesday my DnD group met and Graham tried to knock someone out, by throwing a knife in their neck and rolling a nat 20!

What Video Games I Am Playing

More Witcher 3 is being played, currently working on side missions and Witcher Contracts to level up!

And my playthrough of Control: Ultimate Edition has seen me upload the videos from the week

What I Am Backing

I backed the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Monster Seeds project by Steve Jackson Games, I would have loved to be able to back it at the physical level, but alas they are no longer doing any physical rewards for people outside of the US, which is sad.

What I Am Winning

I won a copy of The Curator by Owen King, so that’s going on the TBR pile.

What I Am Spending

I did add a small package of Star Wars games to my collection with a little bundle, those being:

I also got a PS5 controller charger, the PS5 is gonna move downstairs so we need an easier way to charge the two DualSense controllers that are moving with it.

I won a £25 voucher for Amazon from a KFC competition so I used that to buy a £15 PlayStation voucher to get Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores, and some LED lights for the pegboard I am planning on buying next week. Still awaiting delivery of the LEDS.

I ordered the Abhorant Ghoul King with Crown of Delusion from Warhammer Middlesbrough on Boxing Day (or the day after) and he finally arrived, and of course he is now built and ready to paint!

London Calling

This will be a short one, I am in London spending the weekend showing people how to play Shatterpoint and Legion.

We woke on Monday to find the leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition outside, which was weird!

But my sleep has been all over the shop so I expect this weekend to be difficult.

Some Studio Remodel Plans

Ok the controller holders look pants, mostly cause I put them up so badly, so they are gonna come down next month and I am replacing them with some pegboards from IKEA so the controllers can be mounted and look great.

At the moment the controllers I want displayed are:-

  • PC Engine
  • Stadia
  • CD32
  • GameCube
  • Xbox 360 (Gonna replace this with a Xenon when that comes out in the summer)
  • Switch Pro
  • SNES
  • NES
  • Wavebird
  • Xbox Duke
  • Saturn
  • Tribute 64
  • Neo Geo CD
  • Dualshock 3
  • PlayStation Controller
  • Mega Drive
  • Mega Drive 6 Button
  • Steam Controller
  • Xbox Core
  • DualSense

Plus I think I have found a cheap NVIDIA Shield Controller, and I hope to have this in my hands by late next week, meaning all I want beyond that is a Luna controller. Actually I am not sure on that, it looks cool, but it doesn’t seem to have even the same interestingness as the Stadia controller.

I’d also like to display one of my SN30 as well if I can, that’s currently away in a drawer, its place having been taken by the Steam Controller.

I am thinking of getting two black Skâdis boards and mounting them one on top of the other above my desk, which should get me enough space to store the controllers, and hopefully eventually my Switch JoyCons and Wiimotes.

Plus I am gonna get a nice braided pair of USB A-C and USB A-Micro B cables to hang up there for use with the controllers when I want to use normally wireless controllers (I prefer to use controllers in wired mode for the lowest latency possible)

I am going to mount a RGB strip around the border of the whole thing to make it really gamery!

That said, its more expensive, but there are the Uppspel boards which whilst £10 more expensive, do look quite a bit cooler with that ROG branding. Either way the Uppsepel accessory kits will be getting used for some stuff as they are compatible with the Skâdis boards, and the magnetic strip would absolutely have some uses.

Thinking the straps might be a good way to store/display the Steam Deck when I get it.

Also I am hoping my Govee prize will come soon which could add some more coolness.

And finally, I am considering a clock, I know I have one on the PC, but I think I want a physical one, oh and a couple more fake plants.

What I Am Modelling

I started out by painting the second Firestrike Servo Turret for the Space Wolves.

After this I painted a pair of Lokhust Heavy Destroyers for my Necrons.

A bit of scenery followed with a set of Thermic Plasma Conduits that I got from Imperium to add to the house scenery box.

Then a Praetor Prime for the Strormcast Eternals.

Followed by a Knight-Arcanium for that army.

And finally some Reavers for my Drukhari.

So what will be up to paint once I am, back from London!

  1. Ultramarines Assault Intercessors x 10
  2. Man-Skewer Bolt-Boyz x 6
  3. Necron Triarch Stalkers x 3 & Triarch Praetorians x 5
  4. Kairic Acolytes x 18
  5. Drukhari Helions x 10
  6. Imagifier
  7. The Guild x 8
  8. Ultramarines Repulsor
  9. Hedkrakka’s Madmob
  10. Skaven Deathrunners x 2

What I Am Reading

I finished Echoes of Eternity as an audiobook, and yeah, what a story, really blows my mind away!

I listened to The Eye of the Scorpion by Iain McLaughlin, which was fairly good, would have been great if it had been made into a TV serial, but alas. Anyway that brought me 2 years into the Monthly Adventures series!

I then listened to Colditz by Steve Lyons, which as well as being an interesting story of growth for Ace, is also the Doctor Who debut of David Tennant, in a villainous role, which in my opinion is just as insidious as his portrayal of The Purple Man!

Then I moved on to Primeval by Lance Parkin, a bit of a sequel/prequel to the first Nyssa story, The Keeper of Traken. Very good story and I loved how it expanded on that story and established a deeper understanding of the culture and history of Traken.

After that it was The One Doctor by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman, which was an awful lot of fun, Christoper Biggins really made that a fun listen!

After that it was Invaders from Mars by Mark Gattiss, which was very good, especially with Simon Pegg camping it up as the gangster!

I finally finished processing my Big Finish Doctor Who audio stuff on to the audio book server, and oh wow that was a slog that has taken over six months to get sorted!

Mind you its a complete collection dating back 25 years, so yeah its a lot of stuff to sort out, would be easier if the software could scrape data from Big Finish, but sadly it can’t so I have to enter the data in manually!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more of The Witcher 3, have transitioned to using the Steam Controller, just to really give it a go.

But alas the game still has major crashing issues, and I get maybe an hour and then it crashes to the desktop 🙁

I tried to play Control on stream on Tuesday night only for OBS to keep crashing so I gave up, edited what videos I had together, and then uploaded them.

I have now transferred the gameplay videos for Horizon Zero Dawn over to the Big Geordie Geek Plays channel, so you can find them there, if you want mind-numbingly bad game play videos!

What I Am Spending

I bought Vampire Survivors, it looked alright for a few quid and well, it did win the BAFTA, the bundle I got also came with its expansion, Legacy of the Moonspell.

I also bought a few bits of DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, the Wheel Tuning Pack, Heavy Cargo Pack, Special Transports, Vive la France!, Beyond the Baltic Sea and the High Power Cargo Pack.

For a £1.46 I bought a LucasArts Adventure Pack, which came with The Dig, Loom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, all classics from my childhood!

And cause it was super cheap, and I really fancy playing it again after having last done so on the Sega Saturn, I bought Resident Evil HD which came with Resident Evil 0 HD.

My Humble Choice also came out this week for April, and that got me:-

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