Build & Paint a 2000 Points Army of Drukhari – 18.5% Complete
I added the Reavers and Helions to the army this month, which almost competes the Wyches detachment for now.
Just a Raider to go and that’s almost finished!
The next detachment will be a Kabal, and for that I have bought the Combat Patrol!
Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Genestealer Cultists – o% Complete
No progress here 🙁
Build & Paint a 500 Points Combat Patrol of Tyranids – 38% Complete
This is still on pause until Leviathan comes out, but I have bought some 28mm bases as I think my Guants will need them.
Bring my Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 50% Complete
This month I added the Assault Intercessors to the army!
This means I still need to add
- Repulsor
- Bladeguard Ancient
- Bladeguard Veterans x 3
- Outriders x 3
The Repulsor is next getting painted for this list!
Bring my Orruk Warclans to 2000 Points – 53.05
I added some Manskewer Boltboyz to this list this month, two units of them, and I purchased a Beastskewer Killbow.
I need to make a proper list for this and at the minute this is gonna be it!
+ Leader +
Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof
Orruk Megaboss
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman
Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot
+ Battleline +
Gutrippaz: 10 Gutrippaz, Musician, Standard Bearer, Wicked Hakka
Gutrippaz: 10 Gutrippaz, Wicked Stikka
Gutrippaz: 10 Gutrippaz, Wicked Stikka
Hobgrot Slittaz: 10 Hobgrot Slittaz, Musician, Standard Bearer
Hobgrot Slittaz: 10 Hobgrot Slittaz, Musician, Standard Bearer
Orruk Brutes: 5 Brutes, Boss Choppa, Gore-choppa, Jagged Gore-hacka
+ Other +
Man-skewer Boltboyz: 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
Man-skewer Boltboyz: 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
Man-skewer Boltboyz: 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
Orruk Gore-Gruntas: 3 Gore-Gruntas, Pig-iron Choppa
+ Artillery +
Beast-skewer Killbow
Beast-skewer Killbow
Build & Paint two Gangs for Carnivale
The Guild are now build they are getting painted this month.
Need to buy some more bases before I can build the Rashaar!
Get My Weight to Under 100kg & Sustain it Below That
I am currently 115kg so gone a little backwards
Publish One Battle Report a Month
My aim to get caught up in April was spoiled by April being super busy!
Stream Twice a Week
Failed due to a busy April
Complete my 2023 VideoGameGeek Video Game Challenge
None finished yet, but I hope this is the month I get some added to the complete list!
Read 40 Books – 25% Complete
Currently at a total of 10 books read!
Get Edge of Empire Running Like a Well Oiled Machine
Yeah this is going well, no real issues here
A Bimonthly RPG Night With the Polycule
Every time I mention it, the subject is changed so it ain’t happening