So the first month has been slow, but we have made a start!
So far I have painted 118 models!
Paint my Sisters of Battle to 2000 Points – 0%
So far I have got painted the following
- Cannoness
- Battle Sister Squad x 10
- Arco-Flagellants x 3
- Repentia Superior
- Sisters Repentia x 4
- Seraphim Squad x 5
- Penitent Engine x 2
Which gives me a total of 495 points right now.
So I am looking to put together another 1500 points roughly.
In the pile of potential, I have currently got:-
- Battle Sisters x 10
- Taddeus the Purifier
- Rettibutors x 5
- Palatine
- Dialogus
- Imagifier
- Celestine the Living Saint
- Gemaine Superia x 2
So that’s a good start on expanding them.
Imperium will be at some ping be giving me another 10 Battle Sisters, 5 Seraphim, a Canoness, 3 Argo-Flagellants, a Repentia Superior, 4 Sister Repentia, and a Penitent Engine.
So mostly what I already have, whether that comes all this year, we have to see.
Paint Both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhall – 0%
I intend to start in this in March.
Paint 2000 points worth of Orruk Warclans for Age of Sigmar – 7%
I have painted up the armies general, a Megaboss, who will head up the Ironjawz element of the army.
I intend to write up a list in February.
Paint the Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 5.5% Complete
I have painted the armies Warlord Uriel Ventris.
I am starting this army by painting a 500pt Combat Patrol which will be as follows.
+ HQ + Uriel Ventris + Troops + Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle . 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades . Intercessor Sergeant + Elites + Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Heavy flamer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon + Fast Attack + Suppressor Squad . 2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades . Suppressor Sergeant
Other Resolutions
- Paint Two Gangs For Carnivale
- Paint The Warhound Titan
Current Project
I am currently working on some True Sons, a Chaos Space Marines Warband using the Premium Pack that was sent to me though Warhammer 40,000 Imperium.
So what’s coming up next?
- Chaos Space Marines x 13
- T’au Pathfinders x 10
- Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
- Snottlings Blood Bowl Team
- Soulblight Gravelords Mortis Engine
- Orruk Brutes x 6
- Ork Kommandos Team x 12
- Corpse Grinder Cult x 15
- Necron Technomancer
- Ultramarines Intercessor Squad x 5
- Mood:- Ok
- Caffeinated Beverages Consumed:- 3
- In My Ears:- Karma the Knife – Angelica Garcia
- Tabletop Game Last Played:- The Horus Heresy
- Video Game Last Played:- Forza Horizon 5
- Book Last Read:– Witches Unleased – Carrie Harris
- Movie/TV Show Last Viewed:- The Wheel of Time
- Current State of Projects:- True Sons details started