Author: michael Page 17 of 58

Warhammer Adventures – Some Thoughts

I have been trying to write this for a couple of weeks now and I haven’t been entirely sure how to get the right tone.

But I wanted to summarise my thoughts on the now competed Warhammer Adventures series, Warped Galaxies and Realm Quest.

I have purchased all of the volumes as ePubs and some for my nephews physically, as well as purchasing them as audio books from Audible.

To be honest I was sceptical, I thought they might be Warhammer adjacent, and perhaps a bit daft.

But to my surprise, they were very much within the universes with little compromise, for example in Attack of the Necrons, we see a character utterly disintegrated by a Necron Gauss weapon.

We see Nurglings tear apart a Forge World and spread disease and pestilence, the despair caused by an army of Nighthaunt, the warpstone crazed behaviour of Skaven.

All the things that make Warhammer, well Warhammer are right here, including the grimdark.

In fact the only area I would really criticise as being out of step with the franchises, so that in the AoS books, they refer to Sigmar as simply a King, rather than as the God-King, but I suppose this was done to appease American parents, who will ban books at the drop of a hat.

The characters are all interesting, the 40K ones are ok, although I found Zelia a little too naive for the universe, but her companions are much closer to their archetypes.

The AoS characters are also good, but it does feel like there are perhaps a few too many and some of them get lost and ignored quite a lot.

The audio books are excellently narrated, David Tennent fits the books so well and does a great Grot voice.

Billie Piper is also a great narrator for the AoS books and her Skaven voice is wonderful, her replacement Helen McAlpine is also good, but doesn’t seem as approachable I guess is the right word as Billie Piper.

In conclusion I really would recommend this book for your kids, and you know what, if you want to paint and have something on in the background, these are perfect and easy to follow along with.

I hope more will come in time.

What I Am Modelling

I spent the bulk of the week working on the Chaos Space Marines that came with Imperium Premium Pack 1.

So that’s a squad of 10 Chaos Space Marines, 2 Greater Possessed and a Sorcerer to lead them.

I finished the Chaos Space Marine Squad first.

Followed by the Sorcerer.

And finally the Greater Possessed.

I then started work on the Noctolith Crown which is also going to be used in the Battle Report that these guys will see service in.

I also painted the Flayed Ones for my Necrons

After that I painted up a Technomancer for the Necrons.

I then finished up the Munitorium Armoured Container from Imperium.

I am now working on a Charnel Throne for my Flesh-Eater Courts.

So what’s on the plan for next week then?

  1. T’au Parhfinders x 10
  2. Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  3. Snottlings Blood Bowl Team
  4. Mortis Engine
  5. Orruk Brutes x 6
  6. Ork Kommandos Team x 12
  7. Corpse Grinder Cult x 15
  8. Ultramarines Intercessor Squad x 5
  9. Blood Bowl Referees x 2
  10. T’au Crisis Suit Team x 3

What I Am Reading

I failed to pickup any books this week.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

I played Horus Heresy tonight against Anthony, we just payed a very causal kill everything Mission and I won 6-5.

What Video Games Am I Playing

I finished playing Assassins Creed last night and the final video will go online tonight, in the meantime here is the penultimate video!

I have had a little play on Far Cry 2, a bit of Halo Infinite and I finished What Remains of Edith Finch, but not played that many games really.

I am also playing through a bit of Doom 64 now.

What I Am Creating

We published the first episode of the year of Edge of Empire.

The next two Imperium Battle Reports got published too.

What I Am Spending

I bought a couple of movies this week, specifically Bayonetta: Bloody Fate, Eddie the Eagle and Paprika.

I also finally purchased the Far Cry 6 Season Pass given that it was on sale, which came with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

And the Charnel Throne I ordered last month finally arrived, after being out of stock for a while.

I also bought a Nintendo Switch, although I genuinely cannot remember buying this!

I also bought Revenge of the Sith on 4K Blu Ray too.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium – Issue 12 Battle Report

The 12th part of the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Battle Report Series.

In this episode, a Captain and Overlord go head to head with some accompanying warriors!

Who will prevail in this battle between the sinister Necrons and the noble warriors of the Imperium of Mankind.

You can buy your own Task Lamp here

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium – Issue 11 Battle Report

The 11th part of the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Battle Report Series.

In this episode, we a Librarian in Phobos Armour attempt to destroy a swarm of Necron Scarabs and a Royal Warden!

Who will prevail in this battle between the sinister Necrons and the noble warriors of the Imperium of Mankind.

You can buy your own Task Lamp here

You can support what I do by doing any of the following:-

Resolutions Update – January 22

So the first month has been slow, but we have made a start!

So far I have painted 118 models!

Paint my Sisters of Battle to 2000 Points – 0%

So far I have got painted the following

  • Cannoness
  • Battle Sister Squad x 10
  • Arco-Flagellants x 3
  • Repentia Superior
  • Sisters Repentia x 4
  • Seraphim Squad x 5
  • Penitent Engine x 2

Which gives me a total of 495 points right now.

So I am looking to put together another 1500 points roughly.

In the pile of potential, I have currently got:-

  • Battle Sisters x 10
  • Taddeus the Purifier
  • Rettibutors x 5
  • Palatine
  • Dialogus
  • Imagifier
  • Celestine the Living Saint
  • Gemaine Superia x 2

So that’s a good start on expanding them.

Imperium will be at some ping be giving me another 10 Battle Sisters, 5 Seraphim, a Canoness, 3 Argo-Flagellants, a Repentia Superior, 4 Sister Repentia, and a Penitent Engine.

So mostly what I already have, whether that comes all this year, we have to see.

Paint Both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhall – 0%

I intend to start in this in March.

Paint 2000 points worth of Orruk Warclans for Age of Sigmar – 7%

I have painted up the armies general, a Megaboss, who will head up the Ironjawz element of the army.

I intend to write up a list in February.

Paint the Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 5.5% Complete

I have painted the armies Warlord Uriel Ventris.

I am starting this army by painting a 500pt Combat Patrol which will be as follows.

+ HQ +

Uriel Ventris

+ Troops +

Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant

+ Elites +

Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Heavy flamer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Fast Attack +

Suppressor Squad
. 2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Suppressor Sergeant

Other Resolutions

  • Paint Two Gangs For Carnivale
  • Paint The Warhound Titan

Current Project

I am currently working on some True Sons, a Chaos Space Marines Warband using the Premium Pack that was sent to me though Warhammer 40,000 Imperium.

So what’s coming up next?

  1. Chaos Space Marines x 13
  2. T’au Pathfinders x 10
  3. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  4. Snottlings Blood Bowl Team
  5. Soulblight Gravelords Mortis Engine
  6. Orruk Brutes x 6
  7. Ork Kommandos Team x 12
  8. Corpse Grinder Cult x 15
  9. Necron Technomancer
  10. Ultramarines Intercessor Squad x 5

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium – Issue 10 Battle Report

The much delayed 10th part of the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Battle Report Series.

In this episode, we a trio of Assault Intercessors attempt to prevent two squads of Necron Warriors reaching their objective! Who will prevail in this battle between the sinister Necrons and the noble warriors of the Imperium of Mankind.

You can buy your own Task Lamp here!

You can support what I do by doing any of the following:-

The Cult of the Spider Queen

I have been provided with an advance copy of the new Arkham Horror book The Cult of the Spider Queen written by S.A. Sidor, published by Aconyte Books, so here is the honest review I promised in exchange for the book.

So here is an important disclaimer which is always important to put out there first. I have a casual work contact with Asmodee to demonstrate board games for them in stores and at conventions. Asmodee being the parent company of Aconyte the publisher.

I am going to try my best to not let that cloud my judgement in this review, but I accept that subconsciously it might.

Also I won’t lie, I have looked at other reviews to see what others think, so there may be some influences from them in this book review. If I am going to quote them, I will attribute them. But if I forget to, or something is highly influenced by them, and you think I ought to attribute someone, let me know so that I can.

What is Arkham Horror

Anyway that put to one side, let’s look at this book, by first looking at the game Arkham Horror which is a cooperative game, originally designed by Richard Launius, and is now in its third edition which was released in 2019.

It’s published by Fantasy Flight Games, a subsidiary of Asmodee, and is set in 1926 in the town of Arkham, Massachusetts. Each player takes on the role of an investigator, who are working to stop the Ancient Ones, eldritch horrors which lurk in the void beyond space and time.

It’s a 1-6 player game and you work together to gather clues and defeat the evil of the Ancient Ones and save the world.

As I said I haven’t actually played Arkham Horror but I do own its spin off Elder Sign the cooperative dice game.

The Story

Like the rest of the Arkham Horror novels, its set in the 1920s, and this novel sees a side character from Sidors previous Arkham Horror novel, The Last Ritual, head off an adventure to the Amazon after a silent movie star turned documentary director who has been missing for a year.

It starts off with the reporter receiving a mysterious film reel in the mail, with a simple note: “Maude Brion is very much alive!”, and sets him off on a journey of deception to fund an expedition to the Amazon in search of the missing starlet, gold, and the mysterious Spider Queen.

As the group he puts together makes their way up the Amazon river, nightmares start to become real and they begin to realise that this is a journey that they might never come back from.


Oh wow, where do I start, this book is thus far the best of Aconytes Arkham Horror offerings, despite mostly not being set in Arkham at all.

The setting is just dripping with little details that really blend the Lovecraftian Horror and the Jazz Age together in such a way that its almost impossible not to visualise it in your mind.

For example, Iris just excludes glamour and sophistication, even with her descent into madness, I imagine a Gal Gadot type of appearance for her, and Ursula is a kickarse gal who won’t be confined by the gender norms of the era.

The description of the monsters and horrors brought forth by the fools tampering with the passages between worlds, make your skin crawl and this novel see the introduction of more Cthulhu mythos aspects than any of the other novels thus far, with the Men of Leng playing an interesting role.

The writing style is wonderful, descriptive and flowing, and manages to blend the styles of Lovecraft, 1920s pulp novels and modern storytelling.

The atmosphere that’s built up plays off fantastically and whilst the conclusion feels deflated (because the characters are, not the story itself, but that connection to them is very real), it leaves open the door for other stories exploring some of the characters.

Aconyte have really hit the ground running and I have been reviewing their books since they started, I am a little behind, but their stuff now makes up the majority of my reading, and this takes the quality level up again.

5 out of 5 stars, no question

Also I won’t lie, I have looked at other reviews to see what others think, so there may be some influences from them in this book review. If I am going to quote them, I will attribute them. But if I forget to, or something is highly influenced by them, and you think I ought to attribute someone, let me know so that I can.

You can buy the eBook now and the paperback gets a release on the 17th March

My Nana

My beloved nana, a woman who has been so influential in my life passed away after a long illness last week.

Its left me in a bit of a state even though it was long expected.

She was always there for her grandchildren and anything we could have done for her was never enough.

She lead an interesting life, from her time as an evacuee, an army career, beating the crap out of terrorists (I wish I was joking about that one), time as a social worker and bringing up five children on her own after my grandfather abandoned her.

She was a tough geordie battleaxe and whilst not a perfect woman, she was always there for me when I needed her.

Her funeral is next month and I am just trying to get through until then, but the grief over losing her is kinda hard to deal with.

Nana, I will miss you, and I will make sure to make my tea the way you taught me!

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by painting the Vertus Praetors and a Captain on a Dawneagle Jetbike for my Custodes.

And these mark the last models overall for my Custodes in both 30k and 40k, I currently have no more to paint at all 🙁

After that it was on to some Ork Flashgitz, which were a lot of fun to paint!

I then moved on to paint a unit of Skitarii Rangers for my Adeptus Mechanicus army, which gives me two squads of them overall.

I then painted up some Primaris Space Wolves, a pair of Battle Leaders, a Rune Priest and some Aggressors.

I am now working on some Assault Intercessors for my Blood Ravens.

So what’s coming up next week then?

  1. Blood Ravens Assault Intercessors x 5
  2. Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian Ruststalkers x 5
  3. T’au Pathfinder’s x 10
  4. Death Korps of Krieg Kill Team
  5. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  6. Orruk Megaboss
  7. Necron Flayed Ones x 5
  8. Snottlings Blood Bowl Team
  9. Imperial Navy Thunderbolts x 2 & Marauder Bomber x 2
  10. Soulblight Gravelords Mortis Engine

What I Am Reading

I finished The Rebels of Vanaheim and you can click that link to go to my review.

I also finished Cult of the Spider Queen (Review coming soon) and am now working on Witches Unleased.

What Video Games Am I Playing

I have been playing a bit of Forza Horizon 5.

I started Assassins Creed with a 5 hour stream, and managed to eliminate two of the targets!

You can watch it in YouTube here!

And on Saturday morning, quite early I had an impromptu session cause I missed Thursday with being grief stricken still.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

I had a game of Horus Heresy with Graham, and I scored my third win against him ever, by two points, one of which was Slay The Warlord.

Was a very fun game, I suspect that the Death Guard are my favourite Heresy army overall, I just like their grittiness!

What Am I Creating

Well I returned to video game streaming and managed to stream 5 hours of Assassins Creed which you can see above.

I have started a new YouTube series, Wargamer News, you can see the pilot here, and will start regular episodes from this week.

What I Am Backing

Gloomier arrived!

Although the Griefcase was missing the dividers, I contacted Atlas Games and they say that they are in the post!

What I Am Spending

I bought myself the PC Building Simulator Humble Bundle, cause it’s a fun game!

I also picked up a new light box after mine died just before Christmas

And I got a paint restock from Element Games, along with dice and cards for my Nurgle Blood Bowl team!

The Rebels of Vanaheim

I have been provided with an advance copy of the new Legends of Asgard book The Rebels of Vanaheim by Richard Lee Byers, published by Aconyte Books, so here is the honest review I promised in exchange for the book.

So here is an important disclaimer which is always important to put out there first. I have a casual work contact with Asmodee to demonstrate board games for them in stores and at conventions. Asmodee being the parent company of Aconyte the publisher.

I am going to try my best to not let that cloud my judgement in this review, but I accept that subconsciously it might.

Also I won’t lie, I have looked at other reviews to see what others think, so there may be some influences from them in this book review. If I am going to quote them, I will attribute them. But if I forget to, or something is highly influenced by them, and you think I ought to attribute someone, let me know so that I can.

What is Marvel

Look at this point I would bore you with a bit of background to the game/universe, but lets not, you all know the Marvel Universe, if you don’t have you been living under a rock!

The Legends of Asgard novels specially focus on the Norse mythology influenced Asgard with characters like Thor, Odin and Loki.

The Story

This story focuses on Heimdall and Uschi, a captain of the Valkyries that we met in Richards previous book, The Head of Mirmir, and they are going on a lovely holiday to their home realm of Vanaheim, a sister realm of Asgard run by god of the harvest Frey.

But in amongst some family drama, they come up against a curse of shape shifting draugr. But when a family member falls under the curse, there is a race against time to deal with the zombie menace, but the crisis of the undead is just one aspect of a greater conspiracy.

The story is frankly, excellent, and the best thing is, that if it didn’t have Marvel on the cover, you could have easily thought that this was a fantasy novel set in the world of the Nordic gods.

There is a mystery running throughout the story linked to the miraculous draugr rune swords provided to the Vanir from the forges of the dwarves.


Like his last book, this is presented as a fable told to a young girl to help her navigate a life problem, which I think is really good as it helps set it up as a tale from Asgards past.

Its a highly enjoyable read, I devoured it in two sittings and just really loved the story, as I said, its strength is how much it draws on Norse myths and swirls it round with the existing Marvel lore.

In the hands of a less skilled author, it could be meh, but Richard has taken this and turned it into a fantastic tale that I just could not put down.

5 out of 5 stars!

You can buy the eBook now and the paperback gets a release on the 17th March

Back to Streaming

I started streaming again on a regular basis from Monday, it was rather fun.

I painted a unit of Necron Warriors and did some work on the Caestus Assaukt Ram.

The plan is that Mondays will be my painting night and Thursdays will be video games.

But this week I will be streaming on Wednesday as the mother-in-law is taking me out for dinner!

What I Am Modelling

Decided to try and knock out the Endless Spells and get them done.

First up was the Purple Sun of Shyish and the Malevolent Maelstrom.

The Chronomantic Cogs followed next.

And then the suffocating Gravetide.

Finally the last three spells all got finished together, those being the Geminids of Uhl-Gysh, Ravenak’s Gbashing Jaws and the Aethervoid Pendulum.

I got the Flesh Hounds and thier big bow Karanak out of the way next. Had Karanak and half the Flesh Hounds since they were released, and got the second half of the Flesh Hounds with Mortal Realms.

After that I then got the Droidekas done for the Confederacy of Independent Systems Droid army.

And General Grievous followed shortly afterwards.

I also painted the barriers for Star Wars Legion as well.

I then started work on a Caestus Assaukt Ram for my Death Guard Heresy Army, which I finished tonight.

I also painted up a unit of Necron Warriors on Stream on Monday, got them all painted fine and they will be joining my ever growing legion of the ancient scythe of the Sautekh Dynasty.

So what’s coming up next week then?

  1. Legio Custodes Vertus Praetors x 3 & Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike
  2. Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii Rangers x 10
  3. Ork Flash Gitz x 5
  4. Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian Ruststalkers x 5
  5. T’au Empire Pathfinders x 10
  6. Death Korps of Krieg Kill Team x 10
  7. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  8. Orruk Megaboss
  9. Space Wolves Primaris Battle Leader x 2, Primaris Librarian & Primaris Aggressors x 3
  10. Necron Flayed Ones x 5

What I Am Reading

Now quite finished Warhawk, but I am getting there with it.

I did listen to the last two audiobooks in the Warhammer Adventures Realm Quest series, Fortress of Ghosts and Battle for the Soulspring.

I think I will put together a few thoughts about these in a separate article later in the week.

But there were a lot of fun.

What Video Games Am I Playing

I got BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2 finished, it was an interesting ending, but I am not sure it’s one I was 100% enamoured with.

I have also completed Donut County, which is a very very relaxing game.

I have played a bit more Far Cry 2, which is fun but at the same time highly frustrating.

I will be starting Assassins Creed at long last this Wednesday on Twitch!

I have a planned list of games I will be playing on Twitch and here is the current list of 5 games in the queue.

  1. Assassins Creed
  2. Horizon Zero Dawn
  3. Assassins Creed – The Ezio Collection
  4. Control Ultimate
  5. Assassins Creed III

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

Not much but I did play a game of Carcassonne: Winter Edition with the girls and Mary & Paul.

What I Am Creating

I uploaded my playthrough of BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2, which is further up in this article.

I also made a concept video for a new show I am planing on running.

The feedback on it is encouraging so a pilot is going out this coming Sunday.

What Am I Spending

I did grab a couple of cables to allow me to plug my headset into my PC.

It’s quite far away from my seat, so I needed a long extension.

Lindsay has been quietly seething when I am in the room and watching YouTube when she is working, so I am under orders to now use headphones during the day.

I grabbed a few bits from Element Games including a Noctilith Crown.

I also bought myself the Specialists DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Gladius.

  • Mood:- Rough
  • Caffeinated Beverages Consumed:- 5
  • In My Ears:- Knights of Cydonia Muse
  • Tabletop Game Last Played:- Carcassonne: Winter Edition
  • Video Game Last Played:- Forza Horizon 5
  • Book Last Read:- Warhawk
  • Movie/TV Show Last Viewed:- Another Life
  • Current State of Projects:- Vertus Praetors and Riders have got their first base coat on and that’s been washed.

The Gates of Thelgrim

I have been provided with an advance copy of the new Descent: Journeys in the Dark book The Doom of Fallowhearth by Robbie MacNiven, published by Aconyte Books, so here is the honest review I promised in exchange for the book.

So here is an important disclaimer which is always important to put out there first. I have a casual work contact with Asmodee to demonstrate board games for them in stores and at conventions. Asmodee being the parent company of Aconyte the publisher.

Secondly I am a friend of Robbie’s on Facebook, and whilst we aren’t best buds, we do interact with each other on occasion and I consider him a class person.

I am going to try my best to not let these things cloud my judgement in this review, but I accept that subconsciously it might.

What’s is Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Simply put Descent: Journeys in the Dark is good old fashioned dungeon crawler whose linage goes all the way back to Heroquest.

Based very much on the Doom board game published by Fantasy Flight Games, you can see influences from across the gaming hobby, with bits from Space Hulk and Lord of the Rings being identifiable.

It’s set in the world of Terrinoth, a setting shared with Runewars, Runeage and a few other games and RPGs published by Fantasty Flight Games.

It’s a high fantasy universe and you will recognise many of the tropes and races seen in other similar fantasy style settings. It’s not particularly unique, but it is fairly well developed and interesting.

Descent is the dungeon crawler game in that universe, with one player being the evil overlord of the dungeon and the others taking in the tiles of the hero’s.

For a dungeon crawler, let’s be honest it’s one of the best out there, and the only reason it’s not in my collection is that Lindsay and Megan aren’t as enthusiastic about high fantasy as I am!

The Story

Like Robbie’s previous Descent novel, this is comfortable and familiar feeling whilst at the same time being interesting and exciting, which is a hard trick to pull off.

The great Dunwarr city of Thelgrim has closed its gates to all, something which is unusual and has stranded refugees fleeing the wars overtaking Terrinoth.

A mysterious patron hires three adventurers to travel to great city under the mountain and figure out what is going on. Raythen a thief and a drunkard son of the city is reluctant to go back, and the Runewitch Astarra and her polar opposite the Deep Elf called Shiver can barely stand to be in the same room as each other, but the rewards on offer to each of them, convinces them to put aside their concerns and figure out what the crack!

But there is more to this quest than they first realise, not only do they have to deal with each other but they find themselves dragged into the politics of the city and its various factions, but must also confront a growing threat beneath the city itself.

The Story

This book is very good and is an extremely engaging read, I read this and it felt like being in the middle of a Heroquest game or an RPG adventure.

The character development was something that stood out for me, the protagonists weren’t simple archetypes but were fully fleshed out personalities with plenty of backstory that’s revealed as the plot advances.

The relationship between Shiver and Astarra was a particular joy, this oil and water pair start off having an extremely antagonistic relationship, but this gradually thaws throughout the book and in the end they form a very strong bond that is extremely satisfying to see.

There are some fantasy clichés in the story, but these are less of a crutch and rather feel like they are there to make sure the story is assessable to as wide an audience as possible.

The dialogue is snappy, the banter is genuinely quite funny and absolutely what you would hear at most RPG tables, the world building is excellent and the descriptive writing is first rate, in fact the last part is so good, that in a section with a bit of body horror, I genuinely found myself feeling a bit sick.

I would very strongly recommend this book to any fantasy fan because it hits all the right notes, and is a great standalone book with little dependency on any previous knowledge of the franchise.

4.5 out of 5 stars.

You can buy the eBook now and the paperback gets a release on the 17th February.

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