Tag: Celestial Vindicators Page 1 of 2

Its Been A Tough Month

Its been a tough few weeks, we have had a death in the family and some other stuff that’s caused some challenges

I have been feeling my depression quite deep and its really doing a number on my life, I am really finding it very hard to even leave the house.

I know I need to try harder, so I am going to try and have a better month in April now that the worst is behind us, I mean that is all I can do right, just keep going and try to be better.

I had a particularly bad instance of doing my normal rushing ahead last week, and it hurt some of my friends, so I need to watch myself and keep an eye on my tendency to just rush ahead and not stop to check things are sound.

I am organising a Heresy event as part of my getting back on top of things, and tickets sold out right away, gonna try and have my Zone Mortalis table finished by then so I can set it up and try and convince someone to come play on it with me whilst I EO.

I finally finished sorting out all the metadata on the Audio Book Shelf server, and oh my word, that was a lot of stuff to deal with!

I still have to sort out the authors and series, but we will get there!

I am currently uploading my BBC Doctor Who audio books, which is a sizable pile, still need to buy The Church on Ruby Road by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson, which is the latest release, might spend my next Audible token on it!

What I Am Modelling

Its been a bit of a weird period of time, but I have painted up two squads of Vigilors for my Celestial Vindicators.

After that I painted a Nexus Syphon and Domicile Shell for my new Age of Sigmar terrain box

Then I painted some 40K stuff, starting with a Dark Angels Primaris Librarian,

Followed by the same model for the Ultramarines

Then some Hellblasters, also for the Ultramarines.

Plus Chief Librarian Tigurius of the Ultramarines

Then I painted up the Legate Marshal for my new Solar Auxilia force

And finally a unit of Bloodletters of Khorne which finishes up the Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol

And right at the end of the month, so they count towards the resolutions, I painted two units of Gitz Stabbas

And a couple of units of Loonsmasha Fanatics

So whats next for me to paint!

  1. Homonculus
  2. Celestine
  3. Death Company x 10, Chaplain x 2 & Rhino
  4. Wulfen x 5
  5. Seraphim x 5
  6. Royal Beastflayers
  7. Sisters Repentia x 4
  8. Dark Angels Aggressors x 3
  9. Hobgrot Slittaz x 10
  10. Drycha Hamadreth

What I Am Reading

I listened to The Wormery by Stephen Cole and Paul Magrs, which was a lot of fun, and I then moved on to Scherzo by Robert Shearman which was kinda trippy and fairly interesting given that there were only two cast members.

I also listened to Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge by Gary Kloster which was pretty good, but I kinda expected the bad guy to turn out to be a Fallen, but it wasn’t and that was still cool. It actually humanised the Dark Angels quite a bit.

What Video Games I Am Playing

Finished up with Yakuza 0, and I have to admit, the story was phenomenal, really good.

I started playing through Spider-Man: Miles Morales

And I finished it as well!

And I am currently playing through a bit of Helldivers II

What I Am Creating

I did an unboxing video for the Solar Auxilia Battlegroup.

Its shite, cause I fucked up my audio levels

Also the next episode of Edge of Empire was published too!

Oh and this too!

What I Am Spending

I used some saved up Steam credit to buy some games in the sale, some that I have been wanting to get for a while, just waiting for the price to fall

So I picked up, Star Wars: Battlefront II, FlatOut, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, Flatout and Helldivers.

I also sold my old iPhone 12 and was able to afford to buy the Solar Auxilia Battlegroup as a result, which you would have seen the unboxing for video earlier.

Really happy with this and its going to make me a nice allied force!

I also bought a few games, first was the Plaion: The Hits Bundle that netted me:-

Plus I bought Helldivers II!

Battling Fatigue

The chest is feeling better, I am coughing less and I am able to climb stairs without needing my inhaler halfway up.

But the fatigue is another thing, I think I have spent more of the last couple of weeks in bed asleep, than awake, and its pretty annoying.

It having a marked effect on my memory as I am forgetting so much, and I have become a real burden on Megan and especially Lindsay as she has family stuff going on right now.

Hopefully I can push though it, and I will try as much as I can, that’s all I can do right.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week with a Nexus Syphon for my Age of Sigmar terrain box

And then a couple of bases of Ripper Swarms for the Tyranids

Then two units of Stabbas for the Gloomspite Gitz

And a Knight-Judicator for my Celestial Vindicators

After that it was 20 Termagants for the Tyranids

Then I painted a trio of Ork Warbikers!

I am currently working on Khagra’s Ravagers for Underworlds

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So what’s next?

  1. Khagra’s Ravagers
  2. Dark Angels Intercessors x 5
  3. Imperial Fists Heavy Bolter Heavy Support Squad x 10
  4. Spite Revenants x 10
  5. Penitent Engine
  6. Vigilors x 10
  7. Nexus Syphon
  8. Chief Librarian Tigurius & Ultramarines Primaris Librarian
  9. Homunculus
  10. Bloodletters of Khorne x 10

What I Am Reading

I finished The Talon of Horus by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, which was really, really good!

I then listened to Flip-Flop by Jonathan Morris, which was quite unique, but a lot of fun. And then I moved on to Omega by Nev Fountain, which was ok, not amazing, but not terrible.

I am now listening to Creed: Ashes of Cadia by Jude Reid which is quite good so far, and absolutely makes me want to collect a Cadian army!

And I am still reading The End and the Death: Volume III by Dan Abnett, which is a very compelling book, but a big read, especially when I have fatigue issues!

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

A couple of games of the 40k league, but the third one I was due to play today, I utterly forgot about cause of the aforementioned issues, utterly unfair on my opponent and I feel like such a dickhead for it.

What Video Games I Am Playing

a bit more of Yakuza 0, its a weird game, but I am loving the story.

I also returned to the Halo Infinite campaign, the last time I had fired it up until last Thursday was the day Mary passed away, so I guess that explains why I didn’t pick it up again, especially as we moved house shortly afterwards.

What I Am Creating

I published the next battle report of Combat Patrol, this episode features the Drukhari taking on the Vangaurd Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter!

What I Am Backing

Nowt new, but I realised I forgot to pay for shipping on the Firefly: The Game – 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition project, so we got that done, and I cannot imagine we will get it until later on in the year and not in the main wave!

What I Am Spending

A few video games were bought

I picked up a copy of Stormbringer with a Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig.

I also bought some Deathwing Terminators for the Dark Angels army that I am NOT building!!!

And a sponsor sorted me out with a set of the Boarding Actions terrain.

Media Server Transition

The Raspberry Pi I have been running my server on for the last 2 years has basically become insufficient to handle what I am asking it to do, getting a few failures and slowdowns.

So Paul has lent me Mary’s old HP All-In-One PC so we can transition the server to an X64 system until my plan to build a dedicated server that can also do transcoding can be realised.

The transfer went well, well 69 audiobooks somehow got lost, but I had local backups, so restoration of them was easy enough.

At first I was quite worried as it turned out the system was struggling to run AudioBookShelf as well, but it just took a bit of time for the new installs to verify the files and rebuild some of the metadata.

The machine only has 8GB of memory, 2GB which has been pinched by the integrated GPU, but alas it only has a single SODIMM slot, so when I upgrade the RAM it will have to be a replacement of the existing SODIMM.

So far it’s running pretty well, I am away in Brighton right now and watching a movie that’s streaming from my studio!

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by finishing Illuminor Szeras for my Necrons, which completes the army for now.

Might do a whole army over view at some point!

After that came a trio of Gondola Poles for Carnevale.

Then a Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant that I got with Stormbringer.

And a Stormstrike Charriot for my Celestial Vindicators.

Followed by the Tzaangors for Warhammer Quest, getting close to finishing Silver Tower!

After that it was a Ultramarines Ballistus Dreadnought!

Then a Terminator Captain for my Blood Ravens.

Alongside a Terminator Squad

And finally a Phobos Lieutenant for the Ultramarines, armed with a Combi-Weapon

So whats up next week?

  1. Elathain’s Soulraid
  2. Ultramarines Sternguard Veterans x 5, Victrix Honour Guard x 4 & Champion
  3. Strike Team x 10
  4. Termagants with Spine Fists x 20
  5. Mandrakes x 5
  6. Imperial Fists Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons x 10
  7. Gardus Steel Soul
  8. Blood Angels Infiltrators x 10
  9. Blood Ravens Balistus Dreadnought
  10. Ork Boyz x 10

What I Am Reading

I listened to Shadow of the Eighth by Justin D. Hill, always love a bit of Mika Lesk!

I also listened to …ish by Philip Pascoe which was ok, but not amazing.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

I got a game of Horus Heresy at Hartlepool Gamers last week, but I returned to my losing ways!

And my rats lost another Blood Bowl game too!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more Assassins Creed Revelations which have been uploaded to YouTube on BigGeordieGeek Plays.

Played a bit of Boltgun too!

And I started playing Driver: Parallel Lines on the Steam Deck

What I Am Creating

Did another TikTok, this time on basing!

@biggeordiegeek Basic Grassy Base How I do my super basic Games Workshop style grassy base! #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #WarhammerBases #Base #Basing #WarhammerBasing ♬ original sound biggeordiegeek

What I am Spending

Not much, my order of Minka Lesk x 2 and a Sisters of Battle Rhino finally arrived!

I did buy a Humble Bundle, the Spaced Out Bundle, that got me

I also bought a couple of other mini bundles

Flying the ‘Verse

The other weekend we had our friend Iain, a fellow games demonstrator, down from Scotland to play Firefly: The Game, which is one of our favourite board games!

So we took the whole day had snacks planned out and we laid out our Whole Damn ‘Verse Mat, and set up all the contact and supply decks and just played a very basic game, in which the aim was to raise $12,000!

We love this game so much, we actually have pretty much everything made for it that’s not a cosmetic upgrade, so we were playing with the Card Pack, Pirates & Bounty Hunters, Breakin’ Atmo, Blue Sun and Kalidasa. The only expansion we didn’t use was Crime & Punishment cause we wanted an easy bit of misbehavin’.

For ships, Iain took the Artful Dodger, Lindsay captained Jetwash, Megan sailed on the Emeralda and I was lugging around the S.S. Walden from Pirates & Bounty Hunters.

So there were some interesting differences in our tactics, I went for slow and steady with lots of space for cargo and passengers, Iain went for speed and more crew space, Lindsay wanted a fast ship with some tricks and Megan opted for a ship that could carry people who didn’t want any Alliance entanglements.

We had a great time and played for a good number of hours, but in the end, of course Megan won, me and Iain were quite close with just $200 between us, and Lindsay ended up with no meney!

One more turn and I would have won 🙁

It was a great day and I really want to get the game out again for some solo play sometime.

What I Am Modelling

I started out by painting my Dwarf Fleet for Kings of War Armada.

Followed by The Guild for Carnivale

And then I moved onto the Ultramarines Repulsor.


Then it was a pair of Invader ATVs for my Blood Ravens.

And then the Annihilation Barge for the Necrons.

Along with the Overlord!

After that I painted up Xandire’s Truthseekers from Stormbringer.

Alongside a Stormstrike Chariot.

I am now working on the remaining scenery for the Imperium table

So what’s up next

  1. Kairic Acolytes x 18
  2. Hedkrakka’s Mob
  3. Skaven Deathrunners x 2
  4. Catacomb Command Barge
  5. Swampcalla Shaman x 3 & Pot Grot x 2
  6. Ultramarines Outriders x 3
  7. The Rashaar
  8. Gutrippas x 10
  9. Kabalite Warriors x 10 & Archon
  10. Beast-Skewer Killbow

What I Am Reading

I finished up In the Coils of the Labyrinth by David Annadale and expect a review shortly.

I am now fully dedicating myself to Necropolis by Dan Abnett.

I am listened to Blood of Asaheim by Chris Wraight, which was ok, but you can tell it was some of Chris’s early work.

I have now started on The Lion: Son of the Forest by Mike Brooks as an audiobook.

What Tabletop Games I Am Playing

When we had Iain over, as well as playing Firefly: The Game, we also played Firefly: Misbehavin’

We also played Firefly Fluxx, a few games of Just One and a game of Say Anything too!

And guess what, I didn’t win a single game all weekend!

I got to play a game of Warhammer 40K last night against some Eldar, and or course I lost!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Managed to finish the main game for Control: Ultimate Edition, which you can see on YouTube now!

I will be playing the rest of the side missions and the DLC in ad hoc streams over the next few weeks.

What I Am Creating

The latest Edge of Empire episode was published, and you can listen to it as an audio as usual, but now as a YouTube video as well!

And I made a vertical video thing on TikTok!

@biggeordiegeek Simple Light Leather Painting! #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #Painting #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingLeather #MiniturePainting ♬ original sound – biggeordiegeek

The Assassin’s Creed II videos have now moved to BigGeordieGeek Plays now, so have been removed from my main YouTube channel.

And whilst I was at it, I uploaded the original game as well, so there is no more Assassin’s Creed left on the main YouTube channel!

What I Am Backing

My TTCombat Paints & Washes pledge arrived, which was a pair of paints to try out and a new painting mat.

What I Am Buying

I bought the Capcom Hero Collection at the £8 level and got myself:-

I also bought the Retro Rampage Bundle from Fanatical, which got me:-

I also grabbed the Bioware Mega Collection from the EA Steam sale, which got me:-

And I grabbed myself some objective tokens for my Drukhari!

London Calling

This will be a short one, I am in London spending the weekend showing people how to play Shatterpoint and Legion.

We woke on Monday to find the leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition outside, which was weird!

But my sleep has been all over the shop so I expect this weekend to be difficult.

Some Studio Remodel Plans

Ok the controller holders look pants, mostly cause I put them up so badly, so they are gonna come down next month and I am replacing them with some pegboards from IKEA so the controllers can be mounted and look great.

At the moment the controllers I want displayed are:-

  • PC Engine
  • Stadia
  • CD32
  • GameCube
  • Xbox 360 (Gonna replace this with a Xenon when that comes out in the summer)
  • Switch Pro
  • SNES
  • NES
  • Wavebird
  • Xbox Duke
  • Saturn
  • Tribute 64
  • Neo Geo CD
  • Dualshock 3
  • PlayStation Controller
  • Mega Drive
  • Mega Drive 6 Button
  • Steam Controller
  • Xbox Core
  • DualSense

Plus I think I have found a cheap NVIDIA Shield Controller, and I hope to have this in my hands by late next week, meaning all I want beyond that is a Luna controller. Actually I am not sure on that, it looks cool, but it doesn’t seem to have even the same interestingness as the Stadia controller.

I’d also like to display one of my SN30 as well if I can, that’s currently away in a drawer, its place having been taken by the Steam Controller.

I am thinking of getting two black Skâdis boards and mounting them one on top of the other above my desk, which should get me enough space to store the controllers, and hopefully eventually my Switch JoyCons and Wiimotes.

Plus I am gonna get a nice braided pair of USB A-C and USB A-Micro B cables to hang up there for use with the controllers when I want to use normally wireless controllers (I prefer to use controllers in wired mode for the lowest latency possible)

I am going to mount a RGB strip around the border of the whole thing to make it really gamery!

That said, its more expensive, but there are the Uppspel boards which whilst £10 more expensive, do look quite a bit cooler with that ROG branding. Either way the Uppsepel accessory kits will be getting used for some stuff as they are compatible with the Skâdis boards, and the magnetic strip would absolutely have some uses.

Thinking the straps might be a good way to store/display the Steam Deck when I get it.

Also I am hoping my Govee prize will come soon which could add some more coolness.

And finally, I am considering a clock, I know I have one on the PC, but I think I want a physical one, oh and a couple more fake plants.

What I Am Modelling

I started out by painting the second Firestrike Servo Turret for the Space Wolves.

After this I painted a pair of Lokhust Heavy Destroyers for my Necrons.

A bit of scenery followed with a set of Thermic Plasma Conduits that I got from Imperium to add to the house scenery box.

Then a Praetor Prime for the Strormcast Eternals.

Followed by a Knight-Arcanium for that army.

And finally some Reavers for my Drukhari.

So what will be up to paint once I am, back from London!

  1. Ultramarines Assault Intercessors x 10
  2. Man-Skewer Bolt-Boyz x 6
  3. Necron Triarch Stalkers x 3 & Triarch Praetorians x 5
  4. Kairic Acolytes x 18
  5. Drukhari Helions x 10
  6. Imagifier
  7. The Guild x 8
  8. Ultramarines Repulsor
  9. Hedkrakka’s Madmob
  10. Skaven Deathrunners x 2

What I Am Reading

I finished Echoes of Eternity as an audiobook, and yeah, what a story, really blows my mind away!

I listened to The Eye of the Scorpion by Iain McLaughlin, which was fairly good, would have been great if it had been made into a TV serial, but alas. Anyway that brought me 2 years into the Monthly Adventures series!

I then listened to Colditz by Steve Lyons, which as well as being an interesting story of growth for Ace, is also the Doctor Who debut of David Tennant, in a villainous role, which in my opinion is just as insidious as his portrayal of The Purple Man!

Then I moved on to Primeval by Lance Parkin, a bit of a sequel/prequel to the first Nyssa story, The Keeper of Traken. Very good story and I loved how it expanded on that story and established a deeper understanding of the culture and history of Traken.

After that it was The One Doctor by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman, which was an awful lot of fun, Christoper Biggins really made that a fun listen!

After that it was Invaders from Mars by Mark Gattiss, which was very good, especially with Simon Pegg camping it up as the gangster!

I finally finished processing my Big Finish Doctor Who audio stuff on to the audio book server, and oh wow that was a slog that has taken over six months to get sorted!

Mind you its a complete collection dating back 25 years, so yeah its a lot of stuff to sort out, would be easier if the software could scrape data from Big Finish, but sadly it can’t so I have to enter the data in manually!

What Video Games I Am Playing

Played a bit more of The Witcher 3, have transitioned to using the Steam Controller, just to really give it a go.

But alas the game still has major crashing issues, and I get maybe an hour and then it crashes to the desktop 🙁

I tried to play Control on stream on Tuesday night only for OBS to keep crashing so I gave up, edited what videos I had together, and then uploaded them.

I have now transferred the gameplay videos for Horizon Zero Dawn over to the Big Geordie Geek Plays channel, so you can find them there, if you want mind-numbingly bad game play videos!

What I Am Spending

I bought Vampire Survivors, it looked alright for a few quid and well, it did win the BAFTA, the bundle I got also came with its expansion, Legacy of the Moonspell.

I also bought a few bits of DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, the Wheel Tuning Pack, Heavy Cargo Pack, Special Transports, Vive la France!, Beyond the Baltic Sea and the High Power Cargo Pack.

For a £1.46 I bought a LucasArts Adventure Pack, which came with The Dig, Loom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, all classics from my childhood!

And cause it was super cheap, and I really fancy playing it again after having last done so on the Sega Saturn, I bought Resident Evil HD which came with Resident Evil 0 HD.

My Humble Choice also came out this week for April, and that got me:-

Happy New Year

Ok well 2023 is here and I am really hoping it it’s not gonna be the massive bag of dicks that 2020, 2021 and 2022 were, I really want this to be a better year.

I have planned out some resolutions and ideas I want to carry out, which you can see here.

For New Years Eve I spent a couple of hours at Paul’s, but the damn cold/flu has still kicked my arse and I am struggling with spending time out of the house for far too long.

So I returned home and played some The Witcher 3.

New Years Day we went to Megan’s parents and had a roast dinner, but the ill left me barely conscious for most of it.

A Less Ideal Bit

Sadly our street saw a murder this week, and a fella was purposefully run over, we ended up stuck in the house for two days unable to leave as the whole street was a crime scene.

It’s left us all a bit shaken, I mean it’s the last thing you expect, but it is what it is.

What I Am Modelling

I started off by painting the Lord Veritant for the Stormcast Eternals, need to sort out a list for the AoS Weekender for them.

After which I painted the Contemptor Dreadnought, for my Imperial Fists.

I then painted up a pair of apothecaries for the Imperial Fists too!

I then painted up Sigismund to lead my Imperial Fists in the great battles of the Horus Heresy.

And finally I finished up the Land Raider Spartan for the Imperial Fists!

I am currently preparing to work on a squad of Ultramarines Intercessors for my 2023 Resolution army.

So what’s coming up next week?

  1. Ultramarines Intercessors x 8
  2. Silver Tower Heroes
  3. Blood Angels Repulsor
  4. Templar Brethren x 10
  5. Hobgrot Slittaz x 20
  6. Kâhl & Einhyr Champion
  7. The Crimson Court
  8. Ultramarines Lieutenants x 8
  9. Battle Sisters Squad x 10
  10. UCM Vancouvers x 3

What I Am Reading

I published a review for The Siege of X-41 by Tristan Palmgren which you can read here.

And a review of Stars and Stripes by Sean Grisby and Stewart Hotson which you can read here.

I read Age of the Undead by C. L. Werner and that’s was alright, a review will come next week.

I have since started on The Veiled Masters by Tom Pratt and i have read one chapter thus

I did listen to the audio book of Hostile Takeover by David Liss and it was okay, it was fine just not up to the standards of the Aconyte novels.

What Video Games I Am Playing

New Years Eve I started my new play through of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition with the next-gen update.

So far I have logged 4.9 hours.

What I Am Winning

I won a copy of the model railway game, Blocks Tracks Trains, which looks fairly cool.

I won a copy of The Jumping Cookie on PlayStation, so that was cool!

I also won a copy of Wobbledogs on Steam, which is cool.

I also won a copy of The Whisperer, which looks like a cool game.

A copy of Theatre of War was also won!

And for Xbox I won a copy of Silenced: The House.

What I Am Spending

I bought a little tool kit for electronics, specifically for the Nintendo Switch Triwing bit.

Megans stocking had a new shell for a Joycon, in her favourite colour, purple!

So this means in the house we will have a Joycon in the favourite colours of myself (green), Lindsay (pink), Paul (blue) and now Megan!

I also picked up some Command Strips to help me mount a few things on the wall, specifically an extension lead for Megan’s dressing table so she can easily use her hair straightens and hair dryer.

Plus it means at long last we can mount her Hue Light Strip, all 3 meters of it.

On Friday, from a yet to be announced sponsor, a new webcam, the Elgato Facecam, which really has elevated my setup above and beyond what the Logitech C920 did!

Really happy with this bit of kit, it required a bit of work on my set up, but damn it looks good now in OBS

Bad Sleep

Recently, I am so buggered up with Insomnia.

I am following the advice the doctor gave me, so no being in bed unless it’s for sleep, staying up until I am actually tired, no caffeine after 4pm (I am actually quite bad at that one) e and getting up at a set time etc.

The biggest issue I am having is that I love reading in bed, it’s my safe space to read and it’s where I feel most comfortable reading, so my reading has plunged to a record low.

But I am struggling to be asleep before 4am and it’s making my days awful, even when I am so tired I just can’t get to sleep.

I don’t want to end up on sleeping tablets, so I am doing my best to avoid that, but something has to give.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by painting two units of Stromcast Eternals Judicators armed with Skybolt Bows.

This actually completes all the Stormcast Eternals I have right now, other than Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, and the Celestant Prime should also be delivered and day now.

I then painted some Orks, specifically five Nobz, a Painboy, Warboss, Gorzag Gitatompa and Nikkit.

After that I painted an infantry squad for the Death Korps of Krieg.

And whilst painting those, I also knocked out the Spindle Drones and Guardian Drones for Blackstone Fortress, which actually completes the original games and the Ascension expansion.

So what’s coming up next week then?

  1. Mechanicum Mavis Macrotek Enginseer & Servo-Automata x 4 (Once I find it)
  2. Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank x 2
  3. Grand Army of the Republic Phase 1 Clone Troopers x 22
  4. Ork Shockjump Dragsta
  5. Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear & The Celestant Prime
  6. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  7. Necron Skorpekh Destroyers x 6 & Canoptek Plasmacytes x 2
  8. Flesh-Eater Courts Abhorrent Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist
  9. Blackstone Fortress The Archivist
  10. Adeptus Custodes Wardens x 5

What I Am Reading

I finished The Dark Avengers: Patriot List by David Guymer, the review for which you can read here.

I have now started on the Zombiecide novel, Last Resort by Josh Reynolds and should have a review if this amazing book out by Thursday.

What Video Games Am I Playing

I did my play through of the 8-Bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog, and posted that up on YouTube.

Decided to continue with doing a retro play through and I am currently playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Master System using Retroarch.

Started that late Monday night, with very frequent saves. I had intended to play a level a night but due to a shitty sleep cycle, I only got a chance ti play again on Friday night.

I also started streaming again, and had a very early morning Bioshock Infinite stream on Thursday, which was uploaded to YouTube on Friday.

I have got the old PC that used to belong to Geoff set up to run some old games via emulation, it is however a lot lot older than we thought it was and the GPU is not the GTX 750 that Geoff was told it was, but rather a GT210, which is significantly worse.

I have also played a little bit of Back 4 Blood, which has been rather enjoyable, and I am continuing to play Halo Reach.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

Sadly none, but I am playing Adeptus Titanicus tonight with Graham for an Intro game!

What Am I Creating

As in a previous section I posted the video of my 8-Bit Sonic the Hedgehog play through and the sequels play through.

In regards to the YouTube stuff, I made it to 75 subscribers on Monday, which is amazing cause I was on like 30 something a few months ago, and at time of writing, I am now at 88 subscribers which is mind blowing!

I am not trying to become some kind of popular content creator, I just feel like there is stuff I want to do for my own enjoyment. I have zero interest in appeasing the algorithm, I just want to make content that I personally want to see myself.

So my current focus is on the battle reports in the casual narrative style, and retro video game playthroughs. And any Twitch video game playthroughs will get added to that as well.

What I Am Backing

Sadly Munchkin Mayhem was cancelled, so right now I am not backing anything.

What I Am Cooking

Not a good week, other than beans on toast, nowt.

What I Am Spending

I feel like I am finally in a place where I can restore this section of the blog, but I may not share any hauls quite as frequently.

This week was subdued in terms of spending initially, I bought myself the Play Pink Bundle on Humble Bundle, I had most of what’s in the bundle, but what I didn’t have saved me plenty of money still.

And Steam Codes for most other stuff is being given to friends, who don’t have them.

I also bought a couple of video games in addition to the bundle.

I bought Far Cry 6, well I got it dirt cheap from a friend who works at Ubisoft. I also grabbed Alan Wake Remastered with a voucher for the Epic Games Store and the Premium Add-Ons Bundle for Forza Horizon 5.

I also kinda spent some money on a Raspberry Pi kit, I am enjoying old games and I want to add a emulation machine in the den, that’s easily transported around. Along with a USB Bluetooth dongle so I can link the DualShock 3 Controllers to it.

The Zone Mortalis Board

This post has been very delayed due to being unwell, nowt serious, just really feeling under the weather and an inability to keep any food down.

As I will mention in the Modelling section I have finished my Zone Mortalis board, well in its 2×2 configuration at least.

Really happy with how it’s turned out, it I have actually painted way more than needed so plenty of stuff to help expand it to 3×3 and perhaps even 4×4.

Next up, I think I want a Charadon box to add some big furnaces to block line of sight, and add a bit more variety and probably some more Munitorium Armoured Containers.

I also have somewhere a Repressor unbuilt that I will be building and painting up in Enforcers colours to be parked up to show that the brutal security forces of the Hive have been deployed into the area.

What I Am Modelling

I started off by finishing the Galvanic Servohaulers for my Zone Mortalis board.

I then painted the Praetors, Anhiliators, Knight-Vexillor, Knight Arcanium and Lord Imperitant from Dominion for my Celestial Vindicators alongside a Vindictor from the Getting Started magazine.

I also got the first delivery of Imperium so I painted the three Warriors that came with issue 2.

This was followed by finishing off the Zone Mortalis Terrain (for now) by painting the barriers, cranes and pipes.

I then painted up my Agamatus Jetbikes for the Legio Custodes.

And finally a pair of Remora Stealth Drones for Aeronautica Imperialis.

  1. Blackstone Fortress Cultists x 16
  2. Blitzkrieg German HQ x 4 & MG34 MMG Team
  3. Death Guard Fire Raptor
  4. Necron Canoptek Wraiths x 6, Hexmark Destroyer & Warriors x 3
  5. Magos Macrotek Enginseer & Servo-Automata x 4
  6. Flesh-Eater Courts Crypt Flayers x 3, Crypt Haunter Courtier & Crypt Infernal Courtier
  7. Death Guard Lord of Virulence, Blackstone Fortress Plague Marines x 3 & Poxwalkers x 6
  8. Skitarii Marshall
  9. Thousand Sons Terminators x 5 & Ahriman
  10. Blackstone Fortress Negavolt Cultists x 6 and Rogue Psykers x 3

What I Am Reading

I published my review of Outlaw: Relentless by Tristan Palgreen, which you can read here.

I also read In the Shadow of Deimos by Jane Killick and will release a review this week.

I am now reading Dark Avengers: Patriot List by David Guymer.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

Not a sausage 🙁

What Video Games Am I Playing

Not a great deal, just bits and bobs.

I completed Halo 2: Anniversary which was a lot of fun and really beautiful to behold.

Played a bit of Forza Horizon 4 and State of Decay 2.

What I Am Creating

Nowt this week, but a few things are on the production queue.

What I Am Backing

I did get an email about Car Wars giving me a chance to update my shipping address so that can’t be long in coming!

Also we are backing Rawr! Velociraptor! by The Doubleclicks, not for the plushy, sadly shipping to the UK makes that impractical, but we have gone in for the digital version of their Greatest Hits album.

What I Am Cooking

Not a thing sadly

A Week of Nowt

This week has been well a lot of nowt.

I got a fair few things painted, but not much else, I wanted to play some more Bioshock Infinite but the plans to do that fell apart.

I must do better next week.

In the meantime, I also must stop arguing with poorly educated idiots who love to spread nonsense about the Covid vaccine.

I mean trust me, no one wants Covid, but the fact that people don’t get the concept of herd immunity achieved through vaccination just astounds me.

And then you get comments like this…

What I Am Modelling

I started off by finishing the two units of Vindictors from Dominion.

And then I moved onto the Volkite weaponry for my Adeptus Titanicus titans, so lots of opportunity to shout CHOOOOOOM!!!

Then I finished off the scenery from Mortal Realms by winging the Gryph-Hound Statues.

After that I started on Kurdoss Valentian and Lady Olynder. I got Kurdoss finished first.

Quickly followed by Lady Olynder.

And this completes my Nighthaunt, apart from a Black Coach and the limited edition Guardian of Souls, I have everything for the army that they make.

I might in the future add the Black Coach but I am not entirely sure when this will be.

I also painted up a Knight Castellan for my House Taranis Imperial Knights.

I did a lot of it on Stream Friday night and then finished most of the rest on Saturday morning.

I am a big fan of Imperial Knights, but I need to add a few more to my force, got a Warden in the box, but want another Crusader, some Helverins and then perhaps some Cerastus Knights.

I am currently working on the Triarch Praetorians and the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsmen, Commissar and Ogryn.

So what’s coming up next week then?

  1. Zone Mortalis Terrain
  2. Legio Custodes Pallas Grav-Attack x 2
  3. Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsmen x 21, Commissar and Ogryn
  4. Stormcast Eternals Praetors x 3, Knight-Vexillor & Vindictor
  5. Flesh-Eater Courts Crypt Ghouls x 20 & Crypt
  6. Legio Custodes Agamatus Jetbike x 3
  7. Mechanicum Secutarii Hoplites x 10 & Termite
  8. Necron Triarch Praetorians x 5
  9. Stormcast Eternals Annihilators x3, Lord Imperatant & Gryph Hound
  10. Blitzkrieg German HQ & MG34 MMG Team

What I Am Reading

I finished The Serpent and the Dead by Anna Stephens, and I loved it, will have a full review up in a few days.

I listened to Tomb of the Necron by Cavan Scott, the last of the current series of Warped Galaxies books for Warhammer Adventures.

It was very enjoyable and I hope they pick up the series again and give us further adventures of the trio and their allies.

What Video Games Am I Playing

Played a little Forza Horizon 4, a bit of Halo 2 Anniversary.

Tried out The Evil Within, but I didn’t really enjoy it.

I did try out XCloud gaming, playing some Forza Horizon 4 on my iPhone over a 5G signal whilst visiting my sister in law.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

On Sunday we had a game of Deep Space Nine Fluxx which I won, which is a very rare thing!

What I Am Creating

I managed to get the next episode of Edge of Empire published, just need to record another one!

What Am I Backing

I completed the pledge managers for Orlog and The Isle of Cats: Don’t Forget The Kittens.

And I am currently backing Avatar Legends at the Otter-Penguin level, considered going up to Polar Bear Dog, but the girls aren’t joining in, so I can’t justify the extra $25

What I Am Cooking

Yet another week of noting.

Cooking Fat

Moving on from yesterday post about my being down and depressed, how about something a bit more positive for today!

So here is Cookie and Megan, Cookie was my Nana’s cat, but since she had to move into sheltered accommodation, Cookie now lives with us, he used to live with us about 10 years ago, but my Nana kind of stole him off us. 

So we already have 3 cats, Sweep Misty and Jenny, when Cookie came to live we use, we were told he had been done, this was it turned out, a lie. Cookie went on to have kittens with both Sweep and Misty, who are mother and daughter, one of those kittens was Maggie who is also currently living with us. Jenny is Mistys kitten from a few years later, so we have 5 related cats living with is right now.

Cookie and Megan have grown so close that we can’t separate them, at night Cookie sleeps wrapped around Megan’s head and he spends as much time as he can with her. Maggie however doesn’t like other cats too much so we are currently searching, without much luck thus-far for a new home for her, but Cookie won’t be going anywhere due to his bond with Megan.

One little tidbit about Cookie, his real name is Cooking Fat, my idiot uncle was his first owner and called him that, you just swap the first letters around, needless to say he just gets Cookie, or sometine Mr. Fat!

Anyway if anyone fancies a black 10 year old female cat who likes the outside a lot and is a bit of hard work, let me know!

What I am Modelling

At the moment I am modelling mostly Age of Sigmar models from the Storm of Sigmar set, I finished the Blood Warriors up and have moved onto the Liberators whom I am doing as Celestial Vindicators cause I love the colour scheme, not sure if I will stick with it for my final Stormcast colour scheme but this far I like it.

I am also working on some initial Word Bearers and you can see here on my painting table a Legion Champion/ Veteran, kitbashed from the Legion Champion kit, Wors Bearers heads and plastic MKIV Marines. Not pictured is a jump pack Chaplin I am working on.

What I am Reading

Books are still proving a chore for me at the moment and I am still working my way through Angels of Caliban from my Librarium membership in June. So far the book is quite good, I am halfway through it now, but I am finding the change in Zahariels motivation from the previous two Dark Angels books in the serious to be a bit hard to swallow.

I know it’s not serious Sci-Fi and just glorified bolter porn, but I do quite enjoy the Horus Heresy novels, probably because I enjoy the game so much, but it feels like the last vestige of action Sci-Fi novels that hasn’t been polluted by Vox Day and his awful followers.

Audiobook wise I just finished the Outcast Dead and Wolf Hunt. The first one is just a mess of continuity errors and a plot that makes little sense at times, in fact at one point when asked their motivation, one of the main characters replies “Just Because”. 

It’s a shame as it could have offered some interesting insights into the life for ordinary citizens of the Imperium and the political ongoings in the Imperial House and with the Astra Telepathica, but instead we got this mess, but it does have a Samurai Witch Hunter which is kinda cool. Too many characters without any real development time for them, a final fight that just leaves you feeling empty because characters are there and then suddenly not there, and a real anti-climax.

Wolf Hunt is a lot better and sets up a later novel a little bit as well, which is cool and I will eventually pick up that plot strand in time. It really should have been part of the Outcast Dead as it resolves the huge continuity error and ties up all the loose ends, but I suppose a short story to tie it all up is better than noting.

What I am Playing

I meant to have a game of Forbidden Island with Megan today, but my head has been hurting something rotten and it’s really hot, so I ended up having a three hour nap instead. Was a bit disappointed in that to be honest as its been a while since I have played a game.

I am also playing some Pokemon Go, I just reached Level 20 yesterday. It’s a hard game to play when you are stuck in the sticks, my village has just one Pokestop and it’s a bit of a walk away for me, so I frequently run out of Pokeballs to catch all those Weedles and Rattatas

What I am Backing

At the moment on Kickstarter I am backing Cognition #1 Mirror, Mirror. It’s a comic written by the amazingly talented Ken Reynolds, an old school friend of mine and illustrated by Sam Bentley. I backed the Issue #0 and quite enjoyed these steampunk stories of a steam powered robot with a human soul and a demoniacally possessed mouse from Victorian England.

Go ahead and give it a look, plenty of the pledge levels allow you to get issue #0 as well and the artwork is sublime.

What I am Spending

Not much this month, I have been a bit short on money having overspent in Cardiff when the good folks at Firestorm Games had a price too good to ignore for a deal with both Deathwatch Overkill, Death Masque and the Deathwatch Data Cards!

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