Tag: Orruk Warclans

Christmas Next Weekend

Well, Christmas is almost with us, and this year we are doing a quiet one.

With the loss of Mary, having loved house and money being tight due to stupidly high energy bills, it’s going to be a lot more restrained.

The girls are just getting a book and a donation to a local cat rescue, and I expect the same in return.

The biggest thing I think I have been involved in really is three Secret Santas, one for my game demonstrator friends, which was capped at £5, another for Board Game Geek, which was £35 and a third for Video Game Geek which was £15.

I got my GDN Santee a poster of retro game controllers through the years, my BGG one got a Back to the Future dice game, and my VGG target got Horizon Zero Dawn and Nickelodeon All Star Brawl.

I have gotten my BGG gift which was a copy of Arkham Horror, as I posted the other week, but have yet to hear back about the other two yet.

Hoping I will be feeling good, the past few weeks I have had a horrid cold that just won’t bugger off.

What I Am Modelling

I painted 13 Kruleboyz Gutrippas this week, my first real attempt to get some Kruleboyz done for my Orruk Warclans army.

I then did a quick bit of work on my Sectors for Dropfleet Commander, super simple, but they do the job.

After that I started on some T’au Empire Crisis Suits and a Commander.

So what’s coming up next for me on the painting table?

  1. T’au Crisis Suit Team x 3 & Commander
  2. Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnought
  3. Ultramarine Intercessors x 5
  4. Silver Tower Heroes
  5. Blood Angels Repulsor
  6. Templar Brethren x 10
  7. Hobgrot Slitaz x 20
  8. Leagues of Votann Kâhl and Einhyr Champion
  9. The Crimson Court
  10. Ultramarines Lieutenants x 8

What I Am Reading

I finished listening to The Extinction Key by Greg Keyes and it was okay, but the Aconyte stuff is far better.

Speaking of Aconyte books, I just finished Shadow Avengers by Carrie Harris and will have a review up tomorrow.

What I Am Backing

We got our delivery of the Avatar Legends RPG, but the books corners are all damaged as a result of very poor packing and sending it with Evri.

I have reported the issues and hopefully will get a replacement set of books in the new year.

What I Am Cooking

I did manage to cook something for the first time in forever, a batch of my Kansas City BBQ Rocket Sauce, which has been distilled into bottles to give away as Christmas presents to friends and family.

What I Am Winning

I won a coupe of games from Wicked Uncle from a competition on Rachel Bustin’s website, a copy of This or That and a Glow in the Dark Push-n-Pop toy.

These are going into a box of things I have won, to be given next Christmas as presents to friends and family.

What I Am Spending

I grabbed a copy or Arena Mortis for Direchasm to add to my Underworlds collection.

I also bought a pack of UCM Destroyers for Dropfleet Commander, which I plan to build as Vancouver’s I think, the Launch capacity could be rather helpful.

As I mentioned last week, it seemed like the DisplayPort cable for my PC was buggered, so I ordered a new one, after the HDMI cable worked no problem.

And well it fixed the issue, so that’s great.

Another serious issue we have had in the house is Wi-Fi coverage, so we bit the bullet and invested in a mesh Wi-Fi system, the heating system is dependent on Wi-Fi and it just so happens that the boiler is in the part of the house with the weakest Wi-Fi.

So we bought this TP-Link Deco S7 system to replace to replace the Wi-Fi network on the Virgin Media provided router which is to be perfectly honest, pretty dreadful.

And yeah it seems to be fixed now and working wonderfully, it also helped that Virgin Media finally replaced the faulty router we have had to put up with for so long, and combined this has made a huge difference.

Resolutions Update – April 2022

I had a bit of a weird month, some periods of little getting done whilst making a big stride at other times.

So this month I brought my yearly tally of models to 341.

This includes the Warhound which only counts as 1!

Paint my Sisters of Battle to 2000 Points – 0%

No progress I am afraid.

Paint Both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhall – 0%

No painting progress, but the heroes are now built for Silver Tower and primed.

Paint 2000 points worth of Orruk Warclans for Age of Sigmar – 19.5%

I got a Weirdnob Shaman painted this month

Paint the Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 25% Complete

No further progress this month I am afraid 🙁

Paint The Warhound Titan – Complete

I got the Warhound painted at long last so that’s off the list, it was supposed to be fine last year, but it’s finally done now!

Other Resolutions

  • Paint Two Gangs For Carnivale

Completed Resolutions

  • Paint The Warhound Titan

Current Projects

  1. T’au Breacher Squad x 10
  2. Ork Terrain
  3. Ork Burna Boyz
  4. Sicarian Infiltrators x 5
  5. T’au Strike Team x 10
  6. Ork Nobz x 5
  7. Orruk Gutrippas x 12
  8. Blood Angels Assault Intercessors x 5
  9. Ultramarines Intercessors x 7
  10. T’au Crisis Suit Team x 3

The Week of Covid

So Covid had lasted a while in this house, me and Megan are now testing negative and Lindsay is too, but swears she sees a very faint line in her test.

The law says we didn’t have to isolate, but we chose to until we tested negative, why, because it was the right thing to do.

My first bout of the disease utterly destroyed my lungs, the second bout has messed up my sleep and left me very fatigued.

Inflicting this virus on others, just cause I fancy a pizza is unacceptable, and I did crave a pizza all week.

We have to be responsible, I know most of us have been sensible and gotten vaccinated, but many have not done so, some of those because they medically cannot.

I think that from this point forward we all should be more responsible for health and keeping others well. So when you feel a bit crummy and under the weather, reach for a face mask and wear it when out, because it’s not just Covid that can kill, but things like the flu as well.

What I Am Modelling

Started the week by painting the Weirdnob Shaman for my Orruk Warclans.

He is painted in such a way to bridge the two parts of the army, the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, with aspects and textures from both.

I then painted a pair of Medusa Guns for my Death Korps of Krieg.

And this was followed by the crew for the guns!

At this point I painted the ruined Factorums I got with my Forbidden Planet order.

Then I started work on some Blood Warriors for my Blades of Khorne army. Which have reached the stage of getting washed.

So what next to hit the painting table, note the T’au are on hold as my new Redgrass wet palette is hopefully coming soon.

  1. T’au Breacher Squad x 10
  2. Ork Terrain
  3. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors
  4. Ork Burna Boyz
  5. Sicaran Infiltrators
  6. T’au Strike Team x 10
  7. Ork Nobz x 5
  8. Orruk Gutrippas x 12
  9. Blood Angels Assault Intercessors x 5
  10. Ultramarines Intercessors x 7

What Video Games I Am Playing

Put an hour in on Far Cry 3 and I made the noob mistake of not saving the game, and well it crashed!

I got a couple of hours in on Horizon Zero Dawn on Thursday which you can view here.


I got an updated controller family photo done, although considering I have now added a couple more, its already out of date!

I am currently watching a few auctions of some Stadia controllers on eBay, whilst it’s not exactly a controller that is particularly associated with any game, I am reliably told that at least two publishers use this when developing some AAA games, which has me curious as to see if those games actually feel better with a Stadia controller.

I also managed to finally get Neo Geo games running in Retroarch, which I am super happy about!

What I Am Creating

I published the latest episode of Edge of Empire on Wednesday.

On Wednesday night I published the 25th Imperium Battle Report.

On Saturday I filmed and published the issue 26 battle report.

The Wednesday report is also in the can and ready to publish too.

What I Am Spending

I bought myself a new controller, you know for the emulation joy, this time it’s a Neo-Geo controller, well not the amazing joystick from the AES console but the one from the Neo Geo CD, which is still a great controller.

Of course cause it’s a USB-C controller I had to grab some USB-C female to USB-A male adaptors, which is fine, I guess it’s probably something I should have lying around for future use as USB-C becomes more prevalent.

I also grabbed a couple of USB-A to USB-C cables to make sure I could plug in my Elite controllers charging dock permanently and still have one spare to charge the mouse when needed.

And finally, finally, my Hyperkin Duke arrived, I ordered this months ago and it’s taken this long for it to come!

So happy to have this as it’s a controller I remember very fondly!

And I did buy Lindsay a new keyboard, simply because the sound of her current keyboard, something that her work got that costs according to Amazon £7.99!

The sound just hurts the ears and she goes through keyboard so quickly because she just wears down the print on the keys in a few months, so I also grabbed her some pink double shot PBT pudding keycaps.

So here is the final look!

And I also grabbed a keyboard cleaning kit cause mine is in desperate need of a good clean, plus I needed a keycap puller for Lindsay’s one.

Oh and I won an auction on eBay for a Stadia controller and it’s only cost me £7!

I also got asked to do some game play testing for which the publisher wants me to use a DualSense alongside the Xbox controller, so they sent me one today.

Resolutions Update – March 2022

I failed to make an update for February, but this is because I lost my nana and I wasn’t exactly in a very good place.

Anyway let’s see how I have done in the last two months, and I brought my painted models up to 290.

Paint my Sisters of Battle to 2000 Points – 0%

No progress I am afraid.

Paint Both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhall – 0%

No progress here either!

Paint 2000 points worth of Orruk Warclans for Age of Sigmar – 15%

I got a unit of Ironjawz Brutes painted this month!

Paint the Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 25% Complete

The first 500 points are painted, we now have a combat patrol led by Uriel Ventris, and consisting of an Intercessor Squad, Redemptor Dreadnought and a Suppressor Squad.

The next 500pts will be made up of an Assault Intercessor Squad, Bladeguard Veteran Squad, Eliminator Squad and Eradicator Squad.

I also plan to buy an Invader ATV for them as well.

This should give me the following list.

+ HQ +

Uriel Ventris

+ Troops +

Assault Intercessor Squad
. 4x Assault Intercessor: 4x Astartes Chainsword, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol
. Assault Intercessor Sgt: Astartes Chainsword, Plasma pistol

Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant

+ Elites +

Bladeguard Veteran Squad
. 2x Bladeguard Veteran: 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Master-crafted power sword, 2x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant: Heavy Bolt Pistol

Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Heavy flamer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Fast Attack +

Invader ATV Squad
. Invader ATV: Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Suppressor Squad
. 2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Suppressor Sergeant

+ Heavy Support +

Eliminator Squad: Bolt sniper rifle
. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle
. 2x Eliminators: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Camo cloak, 2x Frag & Krak grenades

Eradicator Squad: Melta rifle
. 2x Eradicator: 2x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt

Other Resolutions

  • Paint Two Gangs For Carnivale
  • Paint The Warhound Titan

Current Projects

I have just started work on the Corpse Grinder Cult gang fro Necromunda and Fafnir Rann for an Imperial Fists project.

My curren painting queue is thus:-

  1. Corpse Grinder Cult x 15
  2. Blood Angels Primaris Lieutenant, Assault Intercessors x 8 & Librarian in Phobos Armour
  3. Orruk Weirdnob Shaman
  4. Death Korps of Krieg Medusa x 2
  5. T’au Breacher Team x 10
  6. Fafnir Rann
  7. Ork Terrain
  8. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  9. Ork Burna Boyz
  10. Sicaran Infiltrators x 5

Thinking of October

October is on my mind a lot, why, because I turn 40, I will officially be old.

And I want to commemorate the occasion, it I can decide what to do. I have a few ideas, but I can’t decide on what to do.

I first considered a LAN party, but I suspect that won’t work cause my house ain’t that big downstairs.

Then I considered hiring a hall and just having some games of Warhammer, but then Lindsay and Megan wouldn’t take part.

Or just throwing another geeks disco as I did for my 30th.

This requires planning and I am just not sure what to do, I really want to do something fun to mark it with my friends.

If Battle Bunker were still around I would have hired that out, but alas right now it’s not.

Maybe I should enquire at the community centre next door to my house.

What I Am Modelling

I started the week by painting a squad of Orruk Brutes alongside Bawla and Burk.

The main give brutes got finished first on Friday night.

And then I finished Bawla & Burke on Saturday.

After that I turned my attention to two sets of STC Ryza-Patten Ruins I had lying about, these are needed for Company of Legends.

I have two tables of terrain which are mostly Sector Mechanicum, and they lack line of sight blocking terrain. So adding a set of STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins to each of them, along with a Haemotrope Reactor each will, I hope, resolve this.

I painted them in a very simple scheme, just kinda assumed the Mechanicum painted everything red and went from there.

I then painted a Soulblight Gravelords Mortis Engine which I got with Mortal Realms.

I also managed at long last to get the air brush out and get the base coats on the T’au I have outstanding, a few Blood Angels and Fafnir Rann.

I am currently working on some floor tiles for Zone Mortalis.

So what am I working on for next week?

  1. T’au Pathfinders & Darkstrider
  2. Ork Kommandos Kill Team x 12
  3. Corpse Grinder Cult x 15
  4. Ultramarines Intercessor Squad x 5
  5. Blood Bowl Referees x 2
  6. T’au Crisis Suit Team x 3
  7. Blood Angels Assault Intercessors x 8, Primaris Lieutenant & Librarian in Phobos Armour
  8. Skitarii Rangers x 10
  9. Orruk Weirdnob Shaman
  10. Death Korps of Krieg Medusa x 2

What Video Games Am I Playing

I uploaded my ad hoc Tuesday stream of Horizon Zero Dawn.


Mostly I have been concentrating of Far Cry 2 in an effort to finish it, which I managed on Saturday evening.

And I finished Unpacking on Saturday night as well.

I started on Far Cry 3 on Saturday night and I have to say, it’s a marked improvement on its predecessor.

What Tabletop Games Am I Playing

Not a sausage 🙁

What I Am Creating

The next battle report for Imperium has been published, this is for issue 16.

Issue 17 and 18 have both been filmed and edited and await their publication date on Wednesday and Saturday respectively.

What I Am Backing

No live projects, but the dividers for the Griefcase from Gloomier arrived at last!

What I Am Spending

I bought myself an Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 with my Microsoft Rewards points!

I exchanged my points for £140 worth of Microsoft vouchers and put another £4.99 towards it.

And it arrived on Wednesday!

To fit it’s charging dock on my desk, I had to sacrifice my original Stream Deck, there was just no longer any room on the desk.

So I have now payed it forward and sent it to my friend Jessica.

A more practical purchase for me and Megan was a new mattress, we got it from Nectar as we had a 45% off voucher, but after signing up to their website, I have been sent a silly number of vouchers for 45% so I highly doubt anyone pays that price.

On the recommendation of RandomFrankP on his Cool Tech Under $50 I grabbed this Tripod/Selfie stick to use with my ZV1 for better vlogging ability, cause holding it at arms length is crap.

I also got a couple of cheap RGB Zigbee bulbs for the kitchen, as this is where I film my battle reports, I need a better white light and these fit the bill perfectly.

This means the existing smart bulbs there are moving to the downstairs loo and the en-suite to await the motion sensors becoming available for Hue again.

I also picked up some floor tiles for Zone Mortalis and a few paints this week.

Resolutions Update – January 22

So the first month has been slow, but we have made a start!

So far I have painted 118 models!

Paint my Sisters of Battle to 2000 Points – 0%

So far I have got painted the following

  • Cannoness
  • Battle Sister Squad x 10
  • Arco-Flagellants x 3
  • Repentia Superior
  • Sisters Repentia x 4
  • Seraphim Squad x 5
  • Penitent Engine x 2

Which gives me a total of 495 points right now.

So I am looking to put together another 1500 points roughly.

In the pile of potential, I have currently got:-

  • Battle Sisters x 10
  • Taddeus the Purifier
  • Rettibutors x 5
  • Palatine
  • Dialogus
  • Imagifier
  • Celestine the Living Saint
  • Gemaine Superia x 2

So that’s a good start on expanding them.

Imperium will be at some ping be giving me another 10 Battle Sisters, 5 Seraphim, a Canoness, 3 Argo-Flagellants, a Repentia Superior, 4 Sister Repentia, and a Penitent Engine.

So mostly what I already have, whether that comes all this year, we have to see.

Paint Both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhall – 0%

I intend to start in this in March.

Paint 2000 points worth of Orruk Warclans for Age of Sigmar – 7%

I have painted up the armies general, a Megaboss, who will head up the Ironjawz element of the army.

I intend to write up a list in February.

Paint the Primaris Ultramarines to 2000 Points – 5.5% Complete

I have painted the armies Warlord Uriel Ventris.

I am starting this army by painting a 500pt Combat Patrol which will be as follows.

+ HQ +

Uriel Ventris

+ Troops +

Intercessor Squad: Bolt rifle
. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Intercessor Sergeant

+ Elites +

Redemptor Dreadnought: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Heavy flamer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon

+ Fast Attack +

Suppressor Squad
. 2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Suppressor Sergeant

Other Resolutions

  • Paint Two Gangs For Carnivale
  • Paint The Warhound Titan

Current Project

I am currently working on some True Sons, a Chaos Space Marines Warband using the Premium Pack that was sent to me though Warhammer 40,000 Imperium.

So what’s coming up next?

  1. Chaos Space Marines x 13
  2. T’au Pathfinders x 10
  3. Blades of Khorne Blood Warriors x 10
  4. Snottlings Blood Bowl Team
  5. Soulblight Gravelords Mortis Engine
  6. Orruk Brutes x 6
  7. Ork Kommandos Team x 12
  8. Corpse Grinder Cult x 15
  9. Necron Technomancer
  10. Ultramarines Intercessor Squad x 5

Starting Orruk Warclans with Mortal Realms

Many of you in the next few days will be getting your premium kit with the Orruk Warclans for Mortal Realms and as such, may be thinking, can I start an army of these.

So just like with the last two packs for Flesh Eater Courts and Sylvaneth I will take a look at how to expand this pack into 1000pts and 2000pts as cost effectively as possible.

So let’s start by looking at what you get in the pack.

  • Megaboss
  • Weirdnob Shaman
  • Brutes

Now plugging that into Battlescribe, that gives you a total points of 390, so the lowest number of points in these packs so far!

Now for this I am going to do my best to keep you to the Ironjawz, which does limit the available units quite a bit.

So where to start with these to get them to 1000 points, well I would look at the Battletome first which identifies that from what we have and I think we are going to aim for an Ironfist, for which we need 3-5 Brutes, Ardboys or Gore-Gruntas. So we need to make a purchase, and the first one I would make is, Start Collecting Ironjawz, which gives you 10 Ardboys, 3 Gore-Gruntas and a Warchanter.

This will bring you to 910 points, not including the Warchanter, so I would then purchase a single Command Point and leave it at that.

So one purchase, gets you right up to 1000 points, and gives you the below list, ignore the weapon choices and go with what you prefer.

+ Leader +

Orruk Megaboss

Orruk Weirdnob Shaman

+ Battalion +

Battalion: Ironfist
. Orruk Ardboys: 2x 5 Ardboys, Standard Bearer (Orruk), Waaagh! Drummer
. Orruk Brutes: 5 Brutes, Boss Choppa, Pair of Brute Choppas
. Orruk Gore-Gruntas: 3 Gore-Gruntas, Pig-iron Choppa

+ Command Points +

Purchased Command Points: 1 Command Point

Now to get you to 2000 points, I think this is a nice opportunity to purchase one of the nicest kits in the whole Age of Sigmar range, the Megaboss on Maw-Krusha!

Now I am gonna suggest another Warscroll Battalion, the Weirdfist, so we are gonna buy some other stuff too. Now lets add a unit of Brutes to the Ironfist, and move the Ardboys to the Weirdfist along with the Weirdnob Shaman.

To complete this, we need to buy a box of Ardboys and another box of Brutes and this brings you to 1970 points.

Giving us this list, again ignore the weapon choices and go with what you prefer.

+ Leader +

Megaboss on Maw-krusha: Boss Choppa and Rip-toof Fist

Orruk Megaboss

+ Battalion +

Battalion: Ironfist
. Orruk Brutes: 5 Brutes, Boss Choppa, Pair of Brute Choppas
. Orruk Brutes: 5 Brutes, Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha, Pair of Brute Choppas
. Orruk Gore-Gruntas: 3 Gore-Gruntas, Pig-iron Choppa

Battalion: Weirdfist
. Orruk Ardboys: 2x 5 Ardboys, Standard Bearer (Orruk), Waaagh! Drummer
. Orruk Ardboys: 2x 5 Ardboys, Standard Bearer (Orruk), Waaagh! Drummer
. Orruk Brutes: 5 Brutes, Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha, Pair of Brute Choppas
. Orruk Weirdnob Shaman

I am not gonna pretend I am a tactical genius here, this list is probably very sub-optimal, but it’s what I would do personally because I think this is a nice route to 2000 points. And if purchased from Element Games, this will cost you a grand total of £191.51.

You are also left with a Warchanter, and 5 Ardboys to do something else with should you wish.

In terms of painting, I would point you towards the tutorial on YouTube by Duncan Rhodes when he was at Warhammer TV for Ironskulls Boyz and the more recent video by Nick for Mogrok’s Krushas

So let me know what you think of my ideas, and if you are gonna give them a try out, let me know how it goes!

Just a quick note, if you do follow the links to Element Games and buy something from them, a little bit of a commission is made for Edge of Empire which helps keep the podcast running.

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